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Dipl.-Inform Ingo Franssen Council Decision 93/704/EC of 30 Nov 1993 on the Creation of a Community Database on Road Accidents ( CARE )

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1 Dipl.-Inform Ingo Franssen Council Decision 93/704/EC of 30 Nov 1993 on the Creation of a Community Database on Road Accidents ( CARE )

2 * Bremen Ankara

3 Introduction High figures of Road accident victims in EC 2002 in EUR-15 : 1,696 Mio. victims injured 38.770 killed by road accidents

4 Introduction - Improvements in road safety are essential --> European Road safety strategy

5 Introduction - Good information on the situation is an essential module of an European road safety strategy -- > Community Database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe - C A R E -

6 Essentials of CARE powerful data base as tool to identify and quantify road safety problems, evaluate the efficiency of road safety measures, determine the relevance of Community actions ease exchange of experience

7 Further Overview  Basics of CARE  History of CARE Council Decision 93/704/EC Phases of implementation  Working with CARE Data collection, Reports  Useful links  Conclusions

8 Basics of CARE  Member states establish statistics on road accidents resulting in death or injuries in their territories - no damage only accidents

9 Basics of CARE  high level of disaggregation - detailed data on individual accident as collected by Member states

10 Basics of CARE  Maximum flexibility, potential and new possibilities for analysing the information in the system  „Homogenisation“ of Member states datas  Confidential datas blanked

11 History of CARE  1988 - 1993 feasibility study for creation of CARE database

12 History of CARE  Council Decision 93/704/EC of 30 November 1993 on the Creation of a Community Database on Road Accidents ( CARE )

13 - death and injuries only - procedures of transferring datas - Confidential datas - dissemination of datas - Methodological + technical problems - gradually growing consistensy and comparable Council Decision 93/704/EC

14 History of CARE  1993 - 1996 pilot operation problems + positive results --> integrated information system

15 History of CARE  1996 - 1999 Harmonisation of datas for inter-national comparision and exchange of experiences set of 38 variables containing 488 common-definition values

16 History of CARE  1999 - today full operation user-friendly interface to produce detailed multi- dimension reports

17 History of CARE  2005 - today integration of new member-states  2005 – today Reorganised as part of Road safety observatory

18 CARE – Data processing  Acident: Details collected by police  Regional Offices (Police, Department for Statistics) processes datas for transfer  National Department Collects Regional data input, delivers datas annually  EU – DG Tren integrates delivered datas, Processing, gives access, reports

19 CARE data collection  Use of national statistics  38 Basic charcteristics for each entry defined  Glossary

20 Person class  Driver  Passenger  Pedestrian

21 Victim sex  male or female

22 Victim age group  0 – 9  10 – 15  16 – 17  18 – 20  21 – 24  25 - 29  30 – 39  40 – 49  50 – 59  60 – 64  65 – 74  75+

23 Area type  Inside urban area  Outside urban area

24 motorway  Yes or No

25 Junction type  Cross road  Level crossing  Not at a junction  Round about  T or Y junction

26 Weather conditions  Dry  Fog or mist  Rain  Snow/sleet/ hail  Strong wind

27 Modes of transport – vehicle group  Agricultural tractor  Bus, coach ( >8 seats)  Car or taxi  Heavy goods vehicle  Lorry < 3,5 to  Pedal cycle  Moped  Motor cycle  other

28 Month  January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

29 Day of week  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday

30 Hour  0 – 24 See also Glossary

31 CARE - Results  Quick indicators  Overview tables  Annual Safety Reports  Basic fact sheets  Studies

32 Quick indicators Percentage change to the number of injury accidents and killed 2005 to 2004 based on provisional data received 15-10-05

33 Quick indicators Accidents... based on provisional data received 15-10-05

34 Quick indicators Severity accidents evolution based on provisional data received 15-10-05

35 CARE - Road Accident statistics Statistic figures last update 17-05-2006

36 CARE – Road Accidents Statistics - Fatalities

37 Actual figures 19911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004 Belgium1.8731.6711.6601.6921.4491.3561.3641.5001.3971.4701.4861.353-- Czech Republic1.3311.5711.5241.6371.5881.5621.5971.3601.4551.4861.3341.4311.4471.382 Denmark606577559546582514489499514498431463432369 Germany11.30010.6319.9499.8149.4548.7588.5497.7927.7727.5036.9776.8426.6135.842 Estonia490287321364332213280284232204199223164170 Greece2.1122.1582.1602.2532.4122.1572.1052.1822.1162.0371.8801.6341.6051.619 Spain8.8367.8186.3755.6125.7495.4825.6045.9565.7385.7775.5175.3475.4004.749 France10.4839.9009.8659.0198.8928.5408.4458.9208.4868.0798.1627.6556.0585.530 Ireland445415431404437453473458414418412378337379 Italy8.1098.0537.1877.0917.0206.6766.7146.3136.6336.6496.6916.7366.0655.625 Cyprus103132115133118128115111113111989497117 Latvia923729670717611550525627604588517518532516 Lithuania1.173836958765672667725829748641706697709752 Luxembourg8369786570716057587670625349 Hungary2.1202.1011.6781.5621.5891.3701.3911.3711.3061.2001.2391.4291.3261.296 Malta1611146 19181741516 13 Netherlands1.2811.2531.2351.2981.3341.1801.1631.0661.0901.0829939871.028804 Austria1.5511.4031.2831.3381.2101.0271.1059631.079976958956931878 Poland7.9016.9466.3416.7446.9006.3597.3107.0806.7306.2945.5345.8275.6955.712 Portugal3.2183.0842.7012.5052.7112.7302.5212.1262.0281.8771.6701.6551.5421.294 Slovenia462493 505415389357309334313278269242274 Slovakia614677584633660616788819647628614610645603 Finland632601484480441404438400431396433415379375 Sweden745759632589572537541531580591583560529480 United Kingdom4.7534.3793.9573.8073.7653.7403.7433.5813.5643.5803.5983.5813.6583.368 TOTAL71.16066.55461.25459.57958.99755.49856.42055.15154.07352.48950.39649.73646.90043.500 CARE – Road Accidents Statistics - Fatalities

38 CARE - Road Accident statistics Detailed breakdown for each country --------> Reference year 2004, some 2003 or before last update of this paper 17-05-2006

39 CARE – Annual Safety Reports 1.Introduction 2.Overview + Major issues 3.Time Series 4.Fatalities 2003 5.Fatal accidents 6.Glossary 7.List of all tables + figurs

40 CARE – Annual Safety Reports Overview e.g. Fatality rate per million population, evolution 1994 – 2003 (EU-25)

41 CARE – Annual Safety Reports Overview e.g. Number of fatalities by area type 2003

42 CARE – Annual Safety Reports Time series – last 10 years e.g Injury accidents per ountry ( BE – IT ) 1994- 2003

43 CARE – Annual Safety Reports Fatalities 2003 e.g Number of fatalities in heavy goods vehicles and lorries < 3,5 to by age per country, 2003

44 CARE – Annual Safety Reports Fatal accidents 2003 e.g. Number of pedestrian fatalities by hour of day, EU 14, 1994 and 2003

45 CARE - Road Accident statistics Statistic figures last update 11-04-2005 (17-05-2006 )


47 CARE – basic fact sheets  Children  Car occupants  Motorcycles and mopeds  Motorways  pedestrians




51 CARE - Studies Studies

52 CARE – What‘s new 2006  July 2006 Integration in and Accss via Road Safety Observatory of the EC G Tren  June 2006 Update of the Annual Statistical Report and the Traffic Safety Basic Facts by SafetyNet.Annual Statistical ReportTraffic Safety Basic Facts  March 2006 EU member states (except BE): data until 2004 in overview tables EUR-15 member states (GR, ES, IE, NL, PT): data for 2003 in detailed tables and graphs EUR-15 member states (DK, FR, AT, FI, UK): data for 2004 in detailed tables and graphs  February 2006 Updated versions (2004 and 2005) of the road safety quick indicator on the evolution of road accidents causing injuries in the Communityroad safety quick indicator  October 2005 The overview tables "Fatalities: actual figures" and "Fatalities: rate by population" updatedFatalities: actual figuresFatalities: rate by population Updated versions (2004 and 2005) of the road safety quick indicator on the evolution of road accidents causing injuries in the Communityroad safety quick indicator  April 2005 EU member states (except BE, SK): data until 2003 in overview tables EUR-15 member states (except BE, IT): data for 2002 in detailed tables and graphs  September 2004 The overview tables "Fatalities: actual figures" and "Fatalities: rate by population" have been updatedFatalities: actual figuresFatalities: rate by population Minor corrections in the detailed breakdown for Italy and Germanydetailed breakdown

53 CARE – 2006 Datas delivered … 19911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004 BelgienxxxxxxxxxxXooo DanmarkxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Germanyoooooooooooooo GreecexxxxxxxxxxxxXo SpainxxxxxxxxxxxxXo FrancexxxxxxxxxxxxxX Irelandxxxxxxxxxxxxxo Italyxxxxxxxxoooooo Luxemburgxxxxxxxxxxxxoo Netherlandsxxxxxxxxxxxxxo Austriaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Portugalxxxxxxxxxxxxxo Suomi/Fnlandxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Swedenxxxxxxxxxxxxxx United Kingdomxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x datas delivered o datas missing ( last update 17-05-2006 )

54 Useful links  CARE  Other EC road safety observatory http:/ road_safety_observatory/care/index_en.htm

55 CARE - Conclusions -CARE data base has been developed to a useful tool for EU- 15-countries -Integration in larger Road Safety Strategy context - Homogenisation still ongoing - Include new member states

56 CARE - Conclusions -Advisable: National Reporting on Road accidents should fulfill the requirements for CARE -Data Base should be used for national and local purposes

57 CARE - Conclusions - --> More attention to better Road Safety e.g. European Road Safety Charter Legislation Infrastructure Education Campaigning …..

58 Thank You ! Dipl.-Inform Ingo Franssen Consulting in Transport Planning – Mobility Management - Regional Development Bromberger Str. 80 - D – 28237 Bremen

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