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A-Mazers Team Members Isaiah Grigos Chris Hart Erick Rua Eddie Miner.

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Presentation on theme: "A-Mazers Team Members Isaiah Grigos Chris Hart Erick Rua Eddie Miner."— Presentation transcript:

1 A-Mazers Team Members Isaiah Grigos Chris Hart Erick Rua Eddie Miner

2 Strategy  Follow Left Wall at all times – Except if it hits the top wall – If the left turn is a dead end – If it is directly next to the finish

3 Mapping  Setup 5X7 matrix of zeroes  As Robot moves, it changes its current room to a 5  If it enters a room a second time, it subtracts 1 from the rooms current value  If it enters a dead end room,where it can’;t go left, straight or right, the room is set to -5

4 Returning  The robot recognizes the end when it enters the room 1,7  It then turns around and enters the room with the highest number, if it is able to enter that room.  The robot stops once it enters the room 5,1

5 Orientation  East = 0  North = 1  West = 2  South = 3  -As robot turns, it adds 1 or  subtracts 1 to represent its new direction  -ie. Robot starts off facing north , so its orientation is 1 – If it turns left, add 1 to the – orientation, which makes it equal to 2,which is west

6 Conclusion  It always completes the maze in relatively few moves  It always returns to the start using the shortest route  Program works well with the majority of mazes

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