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Crop Models for Decision Support

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1 Crop Models for Decision Support
James W. Jones University of Florida November 7, 2000 Crop Models in Research and Practice: A Symposium Honoring Professor Joe T. Ritchie American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting Minneapolis, MN

2 Crop Models for Decision Support
Some Success Stories Research and Technology Transfer (DSSAT) Australian Applications using APSIM Soybean Industry-Led Applications in the USA Farmer-Led Applications in Argentina Sugarcane Industry Model Uses in South Africa Others… Characteristics for Success Challenges Trends

3 Research & Technology Transfer
USAID Project, (IBSNAT) DSSAT, Field-Scale DSS Biophysical Models (Crop, Soil, Weather), 17 Crops Risk Analysis (Biophysical and Economic) Data Entry and Manipulation Tools Utilities (graphics, data entry, management,…) Crop Rotation Analyzer GIS Spatial Analysis Products GIS-DSSAT Linkage for Region Impact Assessment GIS Precision Agriculture Analyzer Targeted for use by Researchers

4 Research & Technology Transfer: Process
Network of research users testing and applying models Network of developers contributing models, analysis tools, utilities, & data Minimum data set defined Standard formats, protocols for use, exchange Packagers, maintainers, distributors Trainers DSSAT - Developed by IBSNAT Project of USAID,

5 DSSAT v3.5 screen showing DATA, MODELS and
ANALYSES sections. Data must be entered for weather, soil, and management before performing analyses.

6 DSSAT Applications Climate Change Effects on Crop Production
Optimize Management using Climate Predictions Interdisciplinary Research, Understand Interactions Diagnose Yield Gaps, Actual vs. Potential Optimize Irrigation Management Greenhouse Climate Control Quantify Pest Damage Effects on Production Yield Forecasting Precision Farming Land Use Planning, Linked with GIS This list is only a small sample of many different ways that researchers around the world are using crop models.

7 Impacts Adopted by ~ 1500 researchers in 90 countries
Impacts of climate change; used in > 8 national & international projects worldwide Hundreds of applications independent of developers Spawned teams on every continent, still active Validated systems approach for technology transfer Still in use

8 Agricultural Production
Systems Simulator

9 Crop, pasture and tree modules
Currently available Maize Wheat Barley Sorghum Sugarcane Sunflower Canola Chickpea Mungbean, Cowpea, Soybean Peanut Stylo pasture Lucerne Cotton (OzCot)* Native pasture (GRASP) Hemp Under development Lentil / faba beans* GRAZPLAN* Lupin* FOREST # * by arrangement with CSIRO Plant Industry @ in association with ICRISAT # In association with CSIRO L&W From Brian Keating, 2000

10 APSIM Applications Exploring what if questions:
“Discussion Support System” Exploring what if questions: Which crop to sow? When to sow? How much N to apply? Which variety to sow? What density? Analysis of different starting conditions and seasonal forecasts From Brian Keating, 2000

11 Private Sector: United Soybean Board
Goals Evaluate potential for practical, on-farm uses of soybean model for decision support Create a sustainable process for soybean production technology transfer, tailored to specific fields for optimizing profits Integrate new research results into the system, enhancing its capabilities in ways important to farmers Researchers in eight states

12 Early Experience Overly ambitious
Under estimated time, complexities of process Conflicting objectives in design Changing computer technologies Changing model Failure of a first prototype “… Can researchers really do this?”, But... Input from farmers, industry provided guidance for success

13 What We Did Packaged soybean model with data on soils, weather access to provide information for: production planning (planting, weed control, variety, planting date, irrigation, profitability) in-season decisions (irrigation, re-plant, yield forecast) Worked with farmers, farmer advisors, industry to refine design and test Independent evaluation by researchers in a number of states, and by industry Demonstrated value of approach for integrating new research aimed at specific problems identified by farmers

14 PCYield Simple, targeted, graphical user interface
CROPGRO-Soybean simulation model Field-specific data management Internet access to weather data Production risk indicators In-season yield projections Compare varieties, planting dates, re-plant decisions Irrigation timing, yield impacts With these considerations in mind, PCYield was designed with support from the United Soybean Board (USB). It supports a targeted range of decisions but also has an extremely simple user interface. Even so, the software incorporates the key elements of more complex decision support systems, including (1) the CROPGRO-Soybean model, (2) field-specific data management, (3) Internet access to real-time weather data, and (4) production risk indicators

15 All Needed Data Available
When the update is finished, the main screen returns. As you can see, the entry in the upper corner now reflects the most recent data available. To generate a yield forecast, we now only need to press the compute button. To place what follows in context, you should note that we have set the inputs to simulate dryland production.

16 Targeting Research to Fill Gaps: Ability to analyze commercial varieties
Develop and test methods for estimating genetic coefficients of new varieties as they are released, using yield trial data

17 Weather and soil data were obtained for each location in Georgia where the trial was conducted and for each year (5 locations and 7 years). Coefficients for the crop model were estimated using the variety trial data. Thsi slide shows that the model can correctly capture much of the yield variations among locations as well as the genotype by environment interaction described earlier (that Hutcheson yielded better under high yielding conditions whereas Bryan yielded better under most lower yielding environments). These and other results have confirmed that the soybean model can accurately simulate yields in locations where weather data are accurately provided, soil characteristics are known with good confidence, and variety characteristics are accurate. This provides confidence in its use in research and applications to many of the issues of interest to commercial agriculture.

18 Targeting Research to Fill Gaps: Precision Agriculture
The Problem: Yield varies considerably in many fields Spatially varying inputs and management may increase profits and reduce environmental risks However: Quantifying what caused yield variability in a specific field is not easy How does one determine how to vary management across a field to optimize profit and meet other goals?

19 A. Irmak et al., 2000 Keiper Field, Iowa

20 Working with Industry for Adoption
A. Ferreyra et al., 2000 Riffey Field, Illinois

21 Characteristics of Successful Efforts
Address issues of interest to targeted users (farmers, researchers, policy makers) Target users are clearly identified Direct involvement of users, intermediaries (input, service suppliers; extension, researchers) Interdisciplinary teams Easy access, use (usually by intermediaries, not farmers or policy makers themselves) Availability of necessary input data Open process for evaluation, discussion, design, use Model credibility, process to assess credibility

22 Challenges It is much more difficult than originally thought, even if models were perfect Models do not include many factors important for decision support It is difficult to include other factors, mainly due to difficulty of measuring inputs needed for those factors Are our current institutions adequate? Complexity of upgrading models Intellectual property rights Public – private sector cooperation Documentation, maintenance

23 Trends Industry interest, capabilities
Increasing capabilities for measuring inputs Modular model design, software engineering Balanced models with more components Flexible designs for tailoring model to specific needs Increasing student interest, contributions to components Long term investments in process More cooperation in model development, evaluation Internet tools

24 Thank You


26 Predicted Results Information on yields and maturity dates for each scenario. The best, worst and average results for the 10 simulated seasons are shown. These results show that, having planted an MG4-Early cultivar in this field two weeks earlier than normal, the grower can expect, on average, about a 3% yield advantage relative to planting an MG4 on May 1. However, because this run was done so early in the season, the range from best to worst is quite broad. As the season progresses, the range narrows. This display gives the producer an idea of the uncertainty he or she is currently facing. This enables users to interpret average results in light of their own risk preferences. The buttons along the bottom are used to generate detailed time series of growth and rainfall.

27 Predicted growth: (1) Average of 10 years, (2) This year

28 Causes of Yield Variability Develop Prescriptions Risk Assessment
Genetics Weather Yield Soil type Images Pests Elevation Drainage Fertility Causes of Yield Variability Develop Prescriptions Risk Assessment Economics Crop Models & Precision Farming

29 A. Irmak et al., 2000 Keiper Field, Iowa

30 ICASA International Consortium for Agricultural System Applications
Network of individuals and institutions Cooperating to facilitate development and application of systems approaches and tools To affect decisions & policies related to human interactions with natural resources

31 Implications: Need for Toolkit
Models, Analysis Tools Projective, Exploratory, Predictive Different scales, purposes Building block, modular approach Data Minimum data set, indicators Standard formats, protocols Natural resources, Socioeconomic Purposes Assessment Management, Decision Aids Conflict Resolution Wide distribution, easy access International effort, ICASA, CG Centers, etc.

32 This slide shows observed soybean yields taken from public soybean yield trials in Georgia plotted against site average yields (for 5 locations and 7 years). It shows that soybean yield varied from about 1200 kg/ha for the worst environment (year and location) to about 3400 kg/ha for the best environment. The graph also shows that the Hutcheson variety yielded highest under good environments whereas Bryan variety yielded best under most lower yielding environments. Weather and soil data were obtained for each location in Georgia where the trial was conducted and for each year (5 locations and 7 years). Coefficients for the crop model were estimated using the variety trial data. The next slide shows that the model can correctly capture much of the yield variations among locations as well as the genotype by environment interaction described above (that Hutcheson yielded better under high yielding conditions whereas Bryan yielded better under most lower yielding environments). See next slide.

33 Model-Based DSS Tools Many are never accepted, used - Why? Process (failure to include users from the start) Ownership (N.I.H. principle) Impractical data requirements Wrong problem or inadequate scope Cost vs. benefit Naïve developers Naïve funding agencies

34 APSIM - Plug-in / Pull-out modularity
Manager Report Soil pH SoilN Erosion Surface Residue ENGINE Crop C Crop B Maize Cowpea Soil P Arbitrator SWIM or Soilwat From Brian Keating, 2000

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