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Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20081 Online Teaching Evaluations Project Overview Presented By: Lisa Emery October 22, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20081 Online Teaching Evaluations Project Overview Presented By: Lisa Emery October 22, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20081 Online Teaching Evaluations Project Overview Presented By: Lisa Emery October 22, 2008

2 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20082 Teaching Evaluations are online! All official TQ evaluations will be taken online for Fall 2008. Paper evaluations will not be produced.

3 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20083 What Will Staff Need To Order Evaluations? Users will need the role SR EVALUATION ORDER USER, along with the appropriate academic org secondary security. This role will give them access to view questions, templates, order pages for their department, and all reports.

4 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20084 What Will Staff Need To View Reports? If you have staff who do not order evaluations, but need access to view the evaluation reports, they will need the role SR EVALUATION REPORT USER This role will only give them access to view summary and comment reports.

5 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20085 What About Instructors? Instructors will have access automatically granted. It will take up to 24 hours after their first evaluation has been ordered, but once they have the role, they will have immediate access to evaluations. Primary instructors will be able to add questions to the evaluation. Other instructors will have access to view the questions. All instructors will have access to their own reports after evaluations are completed.

6 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20086 Process Overview ■ E&E sets standard evaluation periods each term ■ Departments order evaluations ■ Instructors can view evaluations (and optionally add questions) ■ Students take evaluations ■ Reports available to departments and instructors (after grades are submitted)

7 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20087 Departmental Ordering – M-Pathways Online Evaluations – New Process– TQ Goes Online

8 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20088 Faculty View/Add Questions – Faculty Center

9 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 20089 Evaluation Dashboard – Ctools

10 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 200810 Student Evaluation – Ctools

11 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 200811 Reports – M-Pathways & Faculty Center

12 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 200812 * Note that Med, Dent, & BA have their own systems Evaluation Orders As Of 10/17/08

13 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 200813 Upcoming Communications to Campus ■ Faculty Email sent to departments last week with instructions for viewing/adding questions Presentation explaining the process ■ Students Email reminders with link to evaluations Media blitz: Daily ads, bus signs, posters, display monitors Requests from faculty

14 Online Teaching Evaluations – Fall 200814 Q & A

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