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Exercise Prescription Performance Fitness. Periodization Plan for different “periods” of competition Training cycles –Macrocycle – entire year (for example)

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Presentation on theme: "Exercise Prescription Performance Fitness. Periodization Plan for different “periods” of competition Training cycles –Macrocycle – entire year (for example)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercise Prescription Performance Fitness

2 Periodization Plan for different “periods” of competition Training cycles –Macrocycle – entire year (for example) –Mesocycle – specific focus on physiologic system –Microcycle – smaller cycles with more specific training elements

3 Mesocycles 1. Base phase (pre-season training) Focus –Aerobic conditioning (longer duration) –Strength Physiologic goals –VO 2 max Mitochondrial growth Stroke volume increase –Connective tissue strength

4 Base Phase Frequency – daily* Intensity – 50 -70% HRR (VO 2 R)* Time – ever increasing

5 Base Phase Endurance Training Manipulation –LSD – long slow distance –Long work periods (intervals) –Short rest periods (intervals)

6 Base Phase Endurance Training Manipulation –Example: Running 45 minutes @ 60% HRR –Example: Swimming 2,000 yards Swimmer capable of 1:10 pace/100 yd: –1 x 2000 yd. holding 1:15 pace per 100 (= 5 sec rest between 100s) –4 x 500 yd. w/ 10 sec rest between 500s –4 x {5 x 100 @ 1:15} 15 sec rest between sets of 100s –40 x 50 @ 40 sec (requires pace of 35 sec/100 to rest 5 sec between)

7 Mesocycles 2. Build Phase (early season training) Focus –Aerobic conditioning –Strength –Tolerance Physiologic goals –Aerobic % of VO 2 max increase (lactate threshold) –LA shuttling/removal improvement –More FT muscle fiber recruitment

8 Build Phase Frequency – 1 - 3 x per week Intensity – 70 – 85 % Time – varies to simulate event and develop psychological tolerance to discomfort

9 Build Phase Tolerance Training Manipulation –Moderately high intensity (just above OBLA) –Moderate duration – 1 min to 10 min –Recovery intervals ¼ to ¾ work duration

10 Build Phase Tolerance Training Manipulation –Example: Running 4 x 1000 meters w/ 400 meter jog between 10 x 400 meters w/ 200 meter jog between 20 x 200 meters w/ 100 meter jog between Fartlek (“Speedplay”): varied “on” and “off” Cut-downs: 3, 2, 1’s –3 min on, 2 min off –2 min on, 2 min off –1 min on, 1 min off – immediate repeat

11 Mesocycles 3. Speed Phase Focus –Speed (turnover) –Recovery –Skill at top speed (example: flip turns) –B or C event competitions Physiologic goals –Greater FT muscle fiber recruitment –Event simulation

12 Speed Phase Frequency -1 – 2 x per week Intensity – 90 % - supra-maximal Time – short duration (< 1:00)

13 Speed Phase Speed Training Manipulation –Very high intensity –Short duration –~ Complete recovery –Recovery intervals = 2 x to 10 x work interval

14 Speed Phase Speed Training Manipulation –Example: Running 10 x 100 meter w/ 5:00 recovery (jog & walk) 10 x 50 meter w/ 4:00 recovery (jog & walk) –Example: Swimming 10 x 50 @ 3:00 10 x 25 @ 2:00 “Broken” 200 by 50’s w/ 1:00 rest between

15 Mesocycles 4. Competition Phase Focus –Competition –A events –Maintaining top speed Physiologic goals –Maintaining FT recruitment –Recovery

16 Competition Phase Frequency – daily training – weekly comp. Intensity – training mimics races Time – short duration

17 Competition Phase Competition Training Manipulation –Taper Reduced volume Maintained intensity –Competition is highest intensity –Skill component refinement (ex: swim turns)

18 Mesocycles 5. Postseason (active rest) Focus –Psychological recovery –Physiological recovery –Not losing all fitness Physiologic goals –Maintaining some conditioning

19 Postseason Postseason Training Manipulation –Frequency – every other day –Intensity – 50% or lower –Time – 30 – 60 min

20 Postseason Postseason Training Manipulation –Alternate conditioning activities –“Team Building/Maintenance” activities –Example: Any sport Frisbee football

21 Questions?

22 End

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