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CLEO-c Status & Prospects CLEO-c Status & Prospects David Asner University of Pittsburgh D o D o, D o K - + K-K- K+K+ ++ Beauty ’03 – 9th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Physics Program Charm measurements Precise charm absolute branching ratio measurements Leptonic decays: decay constants f D and f Ds Semileptonic decays: form factors, V cs, V cd, test unitarity Hadronic decays: normalize B physics QCD studies Precise measurements of quarkonia spectroscopy Searches for glue-rich exotic states: Glueballs and hybrids Probes for Physics beyond the Standard Model D-mixing, CP Violation, rare D decays Possible additions to Run Plan ’ spectroscopy, threshold, c threshold, R scan
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh The Cornell Electron Storage Ring E = 1.5 – 5.6 GeV 12 additional wigglers to improve transverse cooling
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CESR-c CESR: L ( (4S)) = 1.3. 10 33 cm -2 s -1 ss L (10 32 cm -2 s -1 ) 3.1 GeV2.0 3.77 GeV3.0 4.1 GeV3.6 CESR-c: One day scan of ’ : Expected machine performance: E beam ~ 1.2 MeV at J/ L ~ 1. 10 30 (~BES) E beam (nb) J/ J/
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh The CLEO-c Detector SC quad pylon Magnet iron Muon chambers Superconducting Solenoid coil Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector Barrel calorimeter Endcap calorimeter Iron polepiece SC quads Rare earth quad Drift chamber Inner tracker / Beampipe Ring Imaging Cherenkov 83% of 4 87% Kaon ID with 0.2% fake @ 0.9GeV Muon system 85% of 4 for p >1 GeV Drift chamber/ Inner tracker 93% of 4 s p /p = 0.35% @ 1 GeV dE/dx: 5.7% p @ min-Ionizing Cesium Iodide Calorimeter 93% of 4 s E /E = 2% @ 1GeV = 4% @ 100MeV Trigger - Tracks & Showers Pipelined Latency = 2.5ms Data Acquisition Event size = 25kB Thruput < 6MB/s
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh NEW - Inner Drift Chamber 6 layers 2cm < R < 12cm All stereo 300 channels Replace Silicon Vertex Detector with Inner Drift Chamber
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh (3770) Hadronic Event
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh Run Plan 2002 – 2003 Epilogue & Prologue (3770) ~3 fb -1 ( (3770) DD) 30 million DD events, 6 million tagged D decays 310 times MARK III data Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Upsilons ~1-2 fb -1 each at (1S), (2S), (3S), and ~½ fb -1 at (5S) Spectroscopy, matrix elements, ee, b, h c Last run of CLEO III @ (5S) on March 3 rd 2003 s ~ 4140 MeV ~3 fb -1 1.5 million D s D s events, 0.3 million tagged D s decays 480 times MARK III data, 130 times of BES data (3100) ~1 fb -1 1 billion J/ decays 170 times MARK III data, 20 times BES II data CLEO-cCLEO-c
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Signature (3770) events are simpler than (4S) events! (4S) event (3770) event D 0 K - + D 0 K + e - The demands of doing physics in the 3 - 5 GeV range are easily met by the existing detector BUT B factories: 400 fb -1 ~500M cc by 2005 What is the advantage of running at threshold? Charm events produced at threshold are extremely clean Large cross section, low multiplicity Pure initial state: no fragmentation Signal/Background is optimum at threshold Double tag events are pristine These events are the key to make absolute BR measurements Neutrino reconstruction is clean Quantum coherence aids D mixing & CP violation studies
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh Precision Flavor Physics Goal for the decade: High precision measurements of all CKM matrix elements & associated phases – over-constrain the “Unitary Triangles” Inconsistencies New Physics ! V ub / V ub = 17% 5% l-l- B D K BdBd V us / V us = 1% K l-l- V ud / V ud = 0.1% e-e- p n t b W l-l- D l-l- B l-l- D V cd / V cd = 7% 1.7% V tb / V tb = 29% V ts / V ts = 39% 5% V td / V td = 36% 5% V cb / V cb = 5% 3% V cs /V cs =11% 1.6% BdBd BsBs BsBs Many experiments will contribute: CLEO-c will enable precise 1 st column unitarity test & new measurements at B- Factories/Tevatron to be translated into greatly improved CKM precision CKM Matrix Current Status: Potential CLEO-c impact
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh Absolute Charm Branching Ratios Monte CarloD - tag D + K - + + Double tag technique: Almost zero background in hadronic tag modes Measure absolute B (D X) with double tags B = # of X # of D tags Decay ss L (fb -1 ) Double tags B / B (%) PDGCLEO-c D 0 K - + 3770353,0002.40.6 D + K - + + 3770360,0007.20.7 Ds Ds 414036,000251.9 CLEO-c: potential to set absolute scale for all heavy quark measurements 50 pb -1 ~1,000 events x2 improvement (stat) on D + K - + + PDG B / B
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh Comparison: B Factories & CLEO-c Monte Carlo CLEO-c Ds Ds CLEO: f Ds : D s * D s with D s M = M( ) – M( ) / GeV bkgd CLEO-c 3 fb -1 PDGB Factory 400 fb -1 Statistics limited Systematics & Background limited fDfD f Ds B(D + K ) B(D s ) B(D 0 K ) Error (%)
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh Semileptonic Decays |V CKM | 2 |f(q 2 )| 2 d /dp pp pp First time measurement of complete set of charm PS PS & PS V absolute form factor magnitudes and slopes to a few % with almost no background in one experiment Stringent test of theory! CLEO-c Monte Carlo Lattice D 0 l E miss - P miss Monte Carlo D 0 K l D 0 l Tagged Events & Low Bkg
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Impact on Semileptonic B / B 1: D 0 K - e + 2: D 0 K* - e + 3: D 0 - e + 4: D 0 - e + 5: D + K 0 e + 6: D + K* 0 e + 7: D + 0 e + 8: D + 0 e + 9: D s K 0 e + 10: D s K* 0 e + 11: D s e + CLEO-c will make significant improvements in the precision with which each absolute charm semileptonic branching ratio is known! CLEO-c PDG
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Probes of QCD Verify tools for strongly coupled theories Quantify accuracy for application to flavor physics and spectroscopy Masses, spin fine structure Leptonic widths of S-states EM transition matrix elements resonances done in fall 2001 - fall 2002 ~4 fb -1 J/ running in 2005 anticipate 1 billion J/ Uncover new forms of matter – gauge particles as constituents Glueballs G = | gg Hybrids H = | gqq The current lack of strong evidence for these states is a fundamental issue in QCD Requires detailed understanding of the ordinary hadron spectrum in the 1.5 – 2.5 GeV mass range Confinement, Relativistic corrections Wave function Tech: f B,K B K f Ds Form factors Rich calibration and testing ground for theoretical techniques apply to flavor physics Study fundamental states of the theory
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh Gluonic Matter Many Glueball sightings without confirmation CLEO-c 1 st high statistics experiment with modern 4 detector covering the 1.5 - 2.5 GeV mass range Radiative J/ decays are ideal glue factory anticipate 60 million J/ radiative decays Branching ratios of f 0 triplet from WA102 (D. Barberis et al., Phys. Lett.B 479 59 (2000)) Input for glueball - scalar mixing models (F. Close et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 21 531 (2001)) ModeCLEO-c J/ f 0 (1500): f 0 (1500) + - + - 123,000 J/ f 0 (1710): f 0 (1710) + - + - 123,000 J/ f 0 (1710): f 0 (1710) 93,000 J/ f 0 (1710): f 0 (1710) KK 250,000 J/ c c X
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Probes of New Physics Rare charm decays: D l + l` - (GIM, Helicity), Xl + l` - (GIM) Sensitivity: 10 -6 SM rate 10 -19, 10 -16 Search for New Physics DD mixing: CKM & GIM Suppressed B-factory + Fixed Target experiments exploit finite D lifetime R(t) = e -t (R Dcsd + R Dcsd y` 1/2 t + R MIX t 2 ) y` = ycos – xsin , x` = ysin + xcos R MIX = ½(x 2 +y 2 ) = ½(x` 2 + y` 2 ) CLEO-c cannot measure D lifetime: Exploit quantum coherance Sensitive to cos ~ 0.07 and (2R MIX ) 1/2 < 2% @ 95% C.L.
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Probes of New Physics Rare charm decays: D l + l` - (GIM, Helicity), Xl + l` - (GIM) Sensitivity: 10 -6 SM rate 10 -19, 10 -16 Search for New Physics DD mixing: CKM & GIM Suppressed B-factory + Fixed Target experiments exploit finite D lifetime R(t) = e -t (R Dcsd + R Dcsd y` 1/2 t + R MIX t 2 ) y` = ycos – xsin , x` = ysin + xcos R MIX = ½(x 2 +y 2 ) = ½(x` 2 + y` 2 ) CLEO-c cannot measure D lifetime: Exploit quantum coherance Sensitive to cos ~ 0.07 and (2R MIX ) 1/2 < 2% @ 95% C.L.
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Probes of New Physics CP violating asymmetries Sensitivity: A CP < 0.01 for (3770) e/ (CP), CP=K + K -,K S 0,K S Interference between amplitudes on Dalitz plots such as D K S + - may provide greater sensitivity to CPV Intermediate states include CP+: K S f 0 (600), K S f 0 (980), K S f 0 (1370) CP- : K S , K S Uncorrelated D’s: CP conservation interference between CP+ & CP- amplitudes integrates to zero Correlated D’s: CP conservation interference between CP+ & CP- amplitudes locally zero H. Muramatsu et al. [CLEO Collaboration.], Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 251802 (2002).
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Physics Impact Crucial Validation of Lattice QCD: Lattice QCD will be able to calculate with accuracies of 1 - 2%. The CLEO-c decay constant and semileptonic data will provide a “golden” & timely test. QCD & charmonium data provide additional benchmarks. World Average ~2005 (excluding CLEO-c) World Average with CLEO-c Assumes theory errors reduced by x2 Theory errors = 2%
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh CLEO-c Physics Impact Absolute charm branching fractions contribute significant errors to measurements involving b’s. CLEO-c can resolve this problem. Measuring the relative strong phase between D 0 K* + K - and D 0 K* - K + is crucial to determining angle with B K D 0, D 0 K*K. J. A. Rosner & D. A. Suprun, Phys. Rev. D68 054010 (2003). Improved knowledge of CKM elements, which is now not very good V cd V cs V cb V ub V td V ts 7%11%5%17%36%39% 1.7%1.6%3%5% PDG CLEO-c Data and LQCD B Factory/Tevatron Data & CLEO-c Lattice Validation The potential to observe new forms of matter – glueballs & hybrids – and new physics – D mixing / CP Violation / rare decays – provides a discovery component to the CLEO-c research program.
Beauty ‘03 10.15.2003 David Asner – University of Pittsburgh The CLEO-c Collaboration Carleton University Carnegie Mellon University Cornell University University of Florida George Mason University University of Illinois University of Kansas University of Minnesota Northwestern University University of Oklahoma University of Pittsburgh University of Puerto Rico Purdue University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Rochester Southern Methodist University Syracuse University University of Texas - Pan American Vanderbilt University Wayne State University The CLEO-c Collaboration
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