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The Liberal Arts and Engineering CE 479 Architectural Engineering Fall 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "The Liberal Arts and Engineering CE 479 Architectural Engineering Fall 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Liberal Arts and Engineering CE 479 Architectural Engineering Fall 2005

2 “Engineering,” According to Purdue About Us Welcome to the College of Engineering at Purdue! Since its founding in 1869, Purdue has built a reputation for educating outstanding engineers — people who create technological products and processes that make the world a better place. Today, Purdue Engineering is renowned as one of the largest and most respected engineering schools in the world. Our graduate and undergraduate programs consistently rank high among our national peers in surveys conducted by U.S. News & World Report. rank high U.S. News & World Report

3 “ The Liberal Arts, ” According to Purdue WELCOME TO LIBERAL ARTS. The central mission of the College of Liberal Arts is to educate every individual to live more knowledgeably, responsibly, and humanely. In all disciplines, we apply the lessons of the past to the present, and often those of one culture to another. Our role extends beyond our own students to embrace the entire University community, fostering the development of analytical minds as we prepare students for a lifetime of self-teaching and learning.

4 “ Civil Engineering, ” According to You This will be up to you to determine and talk about on Friday.

5 “Literature,” According to Renowned Experts Early 20th-century poet Ezra Pound defined it as “news that stays news.” Famed literary theorist Jonathan Culler flippantly remarked that “literature is like weed.”

6 Little Room for Overlap within Literature, Given the Nature of Literature 1)Literature foregrounds language. 2)Literature integrates language. 3)Literature includes fiction and imaginative skills. 4)Literature involves aesthetic objects. 5)Literature is inter-textual and self-reflexive. Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory. New York: Oxford UP, 1997.

7 Much Room for Overlap within (Literary) Theory 1)Theory is interdisciplinary. 2)Theory is analytical and speculative. 3)Theory is a critique of commons sense, of concepts taken as natural. 4)Theory is reflexive, thinking about thinking, enquiry into the categories we use in making sense of things, in literature and in other discursive practices. Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory. New York: Oxford UP, 1997.

8 DuRocher’s Analysis of Milton’s Pandemonium in Paradise Lost, I Okay, first you tell me what you understood, did not understand, liked or disliked about his chapter.

9 DuRocher’s Analysis of Milton’s Pandemonium in Paradise Lost, II DuRocher 80, 81, 92, 93.

10 “learn how thir greatest Monuments of Fame, / And Strength and Art are easily outdone / By Spirits reprobate” (PL 695-97, quoted in DuRocher 93) Okay, now time for some pictures.

11 The Temple of Dagon The Tower of Babel Jesus’ birthplace

12 The Twin Towers in New York before and on September 11, 2001.

13 September 20, 2005. Workers repair a section of the levee at the 17th Street Canal, which breached and caused flooding.

14 Heavilon Hall Recreational Center

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