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NAT Network Address Translation. NAT Links cisco.shtml cisco.shtml.

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Presentation on theme: "NAT Network Address Translation. NAT Links cisco.shtml cisco.shtml."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAT Network Address Translation

2 NAT Links cisco.shtml cisco.shtml

3 Why? 32-bit addresses Not all available (private, reserved, multicast, network/broadcast addresses, etc… ) Larger addresses (IPv6) will take time Private addressing

4 Topology

5 NAT Modes Classic: Private to Public IP translation Overload: Multiple private to single public using different ports

6 Classic One to one correspondence between a private and a public IP address is established Router keeps track of these in a table and translates back returning traffic

7 Overload All private addresses are translated into the same public address but different port numbers are used. Table this time also contains the ports

8 Additional Reasons to use NAT Security: end IP addresses are not available => only connections initiated by inside are possible Exception: Static NAT (for servers) Administration: migrating networks and multi-homes configurations are made easier

9 Multi-homed example

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