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GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl Geographic Information- what is it?

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Presentation on theme: "GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl Geographic Information- what is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl Geographic Information- what is it?

2 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl Geographic Information: location - where something is attribute - what is at a place

3 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl location - where something is geographical co-ordinates standard rectangular co-ordinates (UTM or MTM) street addresses postal codes census areas landmarks

4 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl where are particular features found? where have changes occurred over a given time period? where do certain conditions apply? After Heywood et al. An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (2002) location - where something is

5 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl soil type language elevation temperature average income attribute - what is at a place

6 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl what features are found at particular locations? what are their characteristics - qualities or magnitudes? what geographical patterns exist? attribute - what is at a place

7 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl Geographic Information Systems A Geographic Information System is a special purpose Information System where the information is geographic information: what (attribute) is where (location) on the Earth’s surface.

8 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl Components of a GIS A GIS is a set of tools: 1. a database 2. co-ordinate or map data 3. a functional linking of 1. and 2.

9 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl GIS functionality consists of tools such as: display edit/transform measure combine and sets of operations such as: query and analysis building of models/maps

10 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl ActivityApplication Socio-economic/Health governmentLocal government Transportation planning Service planning Urban management Defence agenciesTarget site identification CommerceMarket share analysis and business Retail site location UtilitiesNetwork management Service provision EnvironmentalLandfill site selection managementPollution monitoring Natural hazard assessment Resource management Environmental impact assessment Application areas for GIS Heywood et al. Table 1.1

11 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl Example: soil erosion analysis Problem: 1. farmers need to know where their land is vulnerable to erosion so that they can use effective conservation measures and 2. government agencies need information to administer grants and subsidies and to set aside vulnerable land for the protection of the environment

12 GEOG 2007A An Introduction to Geographic Information SystemsFall, 2004 C. Earl sample data needed: drainage wetlands soils elevation slope land cover land ownership zoning agricultural operations these variables are the factors in soil erosion and can be combined using a GIS for analysis

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