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Re-conceptualizing SWAT for Variable Source Area Hydrology
Zachary Easton1*, Daniel Fuka1, Todd Walter1, Dillon Cowan2, Elliot Schneiderman3, Tammo Steenhuis1 1Dept. Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University 2School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University 3New York City Dept. Environmental Protection, Kingston, NY
Re-conceptualizing SWAT
Variable Source Area (VSA) Hydrology Curve Number and VSA hydrology Convincing SWAT it recognizes VSAs
Common Perception of Runoff
Rain Infiltration “Runoff” Infiltration Excess a.k.a. Hortonian Flow (Horton 1933, 1940)
Is Hortonian Flow Common?
New York March April May June July August September October November 1 10 100 20 30 50 40 70 60 80 90 Return Period (yr) % of Area Generating Hortonian Flow Walter et al ASCE J. Hydrol. Eng. 8:
Saturation Excess Runoff
Rain Subsurface water rises Some areas saturate to the surface
Saturation Excess Runoff
Rain Upland interflow may exfiltrate Rain on saturated areas becomes overland flow Dunne and Black Water Resour. Res. 6: Dunne and Black Water Resour. Res. 6:
Variable Source Areas Flow Path Current Water Quality Models were not Intended to Capture this Complexity General Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS)
Re-conceptualizing SWAT
Variable Source Area (VSA) Hydrology Curve Number and VSA hydrology Convincing SWAT it recognizes VSAs
USDA-NRCS Curve Number Model
“Runoff”=Pe2/(Pe+S) S=25400/CN-254 Tables link CN to land use and soil infiltration capacity
Curve Numbering VSA hydrology
P Q = Pe2/(Pe+S) Watershed Q Af DQ = AfDPe Unsaturated Saturated dQ/dPe = Af Af = f(S,Pe) Steenhuis et al ASCE Div Drain. & Irr. 121:
We know how much area is contributing…
Af = f(S,Pe) …but from where in the landscape?
Soil Topographic Index Wetness Index Classes
10 1 s8=f(S) s7=f(S) 33.10 3.52 s9=f(S) s10=f(S) s1=f(S) s6=f(S) si = local storage s2=f(S) s5=f(S) s3=f(S) Easton et al., J. Hydrol. 348: Lyon et al Hydrol. Proc. 18(15): Schneiderman et al Hydrol. Proc. 21: s4=f(S)
Re-conceptualizing SWAT
Variable Source Area (VSA) Hydrology Curve Number and VSA hydrology Convincing SWAT it recognizes VSAs
Revisit the HRU concept
Landuse Define HRUs as the coincidence of soil type and landuse Hydrological/chemical properties are defined at the HRU So runoff/P loss is the same here (lowland pasture) As here (upland pasture) Is this a good assumption? Soils HRUs
VSA concept defines HRUs as the coincidence of soil topographic index and landuse
So runoff/P loss is now not the same here (lowland pasture) As here (upland pasture) Better Assumption? STI Landuse SSURGO HRUs
Distributing CN-values
Average of Standard CNs = 73.1 distributed according to landuse/soils Average of VSA CNs = 73.1, distributed according to a wetness index Wetness Index Classes 10 1
Modify the Available Water Content
High runoff prone area = high moisture content (in general) We relate local soil water storage, e,i, to AWC with the following: ρb = soil bulk density (g cm-3) clay = soil clay content (cm3 cm-3). Wetness Class 10 Wetness Class 9 Wetness Class 2 Wetness Class 1
Test Results: Streamflow
Test Results: Runoff from Pastures
SWAT-VSA SWAT-Standard Easton et al., J. Hydrol. 348:
Test Results: Runoff SWAT-VSA SWAT-Standard
Easton et al., J. Hydrol. 348:
Test Results: Soil water
SWAT-VSA SWAT-Standard Easton et al., J. Hydrol. 348:
Test Results: Soil Water
Data curtsey of : Lyon et al Adv. Water Resour. 29(2): Lyon et al HESS. 10: Wetness Index Classes Test Results: Soil Water 10 100 m N 1 585 m 1m Cont. Water Level Loggers 600 m
SWAT-VSA Movie courtesy of Dr. Steve Lyon
Test Results: Soil water
b Index Easton et al., J. Hydrol. 348:
Test Results: Phosphorus
a r2 = 0.76 E = 0.71 b -Standard r2 = 0.68 E = 0.47
Test Results: Phosphorus
Take-home Messages Storm runoff is generated from small parts of the landscape Areas prone to saturate – e.g., toe slopes, shallow soils, topographically converging areas Variable Source Areas – they expand and contract We can predict where and when storm runoff will be generated We can improve integrated and distributed predictions by considering VSAs Implications for watershed management
Curve Numbering VSA hydrology
P Q = Pe2/(Pe+S) Af = dQ/dPe Watershed Af = 1-(S2/(Pe+S)2 Q Af where dQ is the equivalent depth of excess rainfall generated during a time period over the whole watershed area, and dPe is the incremental depth of precipitation during the same time period. Thus, by differentiating the CN eq with respect to Pe, the fractional contributing area for a storm can be written as: Af = 1-(S2/(Pe+S)2 Eq 3 According to above, runoff only occurs from areas that have a local effective available storage, e, (mm), less than Pe. Therefore, by substituting e for Pe in Eq. 3 we have a relationship for the fraction of the watershed area, As, that has a local effective soil water storage less than or equal to e for a given overall watershed storage of Se: As = 1-(S2/(σe+S)2 Eq 4 Solving for σe gives the maximum effective local soil moisture storage within any particular fraction, As, of the overall watershed area: σe=S(√(1/(1-As))-1) Eq 5 For a given storm event with precipitation P, the location of the watershed that saturates first (As = 0) has local storage e = 0, and runoff from this location will be P – Ia. Successively drier locations retain more precipitation and produce less runoff according to the moisture – area relationship of Eq. 5. The driest location that saturates during a storm defines the total contributing area (Af). As average effective soil moisture storage (Se) changes through the year, the moisture-area relationship will shift accordingly (Eq. 5); Se is constant once runoff begins. As = 1-(S2/(σe+S)2 Unsaturated Saturated σe=S(√(1/(1-As))-1 Af = f(S,Pe) Steenhuis et al ASCE Div Drain. & Irr. 121:
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