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Adaptive Information Integration Subbarao Kambhampati Thanks to Zaiqing Nie, Ullas Nambiar & Thomas Hernandez Talk at USC/Information Sciences Institute; November 5 th 2004.
Yochan Research Group Plan-Yochan Automated Planning –Temporal planning Multi-objective optimization Partial satisfaction planning –Conditional/Conformant/Stoch- astic planning Heuristics using labeled planning graphs –OR approaches to planning –Applications to Autonomic computing, Web service composition, Workflows Db-Yochan Information Integration –Adaptive Information Integration Learning source profiles Learning user interests –Applications to Bio-informatics Anthropological sources –Service and Sensor Integration
Executor Query planner Multi-objective Anytime Handle services, Sensors (streams) Source Catalog Ontologies; statistics Learned Statistics Annotated Plan Replanning Requests Utility Metric Query Answers Probing Queries Source Calls Monitor Updating Statistics Services Webpages Structured data Sensors (streaming Data) Our focus: Query Processing
Adaptive Information Integration Query processing in information integration needs to be adaptive to: –Source characteristics How is the data spread among the sources? –User needs Multi-objective queries (tradeoff coverage for cost) Imprecise queries To be adaptive we need, profiles (meta-data) about sources as well as users –Challenge: Profiles are not going to be provided.. Autonomous sources may not export meta-data about data spread! Lay users may not be able to articulate the source of their imprecision! Need approaches that gather (learn) the meta-data they need
Three contributions to Adaptive Information Integration BibFinder /Statminer –Learns and uses source coverage and overlap statistics to support multi-objective query processing [VLDB 2003; ICDE 2004; TKDE 2005] COSCO –Adapts the Coverage/Overlap statistics to text collection selection –Supports imprecise queries by automatically learning approximate structural relations among data tuples [WebDB 2004; WWW 2004] Although we focus on avoiding retrieval of duplicates, Coverage/Overlap statistics can also be used to look for duplicates
Adaptive Integration of Heterogeneous Power Point Slides Different template “schemas” Different Font Styles Naïve “concatenation” approaches don’t work!
Part I: BibFinder BibFinder: A popular CS bibliographic mediator –Integrating 8 online sources: DBLP, ACM DL, ACM Guide, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Network Bibliography, CSB, CiteSeer –More than 58000 real user queries collected Mediated schema relation in BibFinder: paper(title, author, conference/journal, year) Primary key: title+author+year Focus on Selection queries Q(title, author, year) :- paper(title, author, conference/journal, year), conference=SIGMOD
Background & Motivation Sources are incomplete and partially overlapping Calling every possible source is inefficient and impolite Need coverage and overlap statistics to figure out what sources are most relevant for every possible query! We introduce a frequency-based approach for mining these statistics
Challenges We introduce StatMiner –A threshold based hierarchical mining approach –Store statistics w.r.t. query classes –Keep more accurate statistics for more frequently asked queries –Handling the efficiency and accuracy tradeoffs by adjusting the thresholds Challenges of gathering coverage and overlap statistics –It’s impractical to assume that the sources will export such statistics, because the sources are autonomous. –It’s impractical to learn and store all the statistics for every query. Necessitate different statistics, is the number possible queries, is the number of sources Impractical to assume knowledge of entire query population a priori
Query List & Raw Statistics Given the query list, we can compute the raw statistics for each query: P(S1..Sk|q)
AV Hierarchies and Query Classes
StatMiner Raw Stats
Using Coverage and Overlap Statistics to Rank Sources
BibFinder/StatMiner Evaluation Experimental setup with BibFinder: Mediator relation: Paper(title,author,conference/jo urnal,year) 25000 real user queries are used. Among them 4500 queries are randomly chosen as test queries. AV Hierarchies for all of the four attributes are learned automatically. 8000 distinct values in author, 1200 frequent asked keywords itemsets in title, 600 distinct values in conference/journal, and 95 distinct values in year.
Learned Conference Hierarchy
Plan Precision Here we observe the average precision of the top-2 source plans The plans using our learned statistics have high precision compared to random select, and it decreases very slowly as we change the minfreq and minoverlap threshold. Fraction of true top-K sources called
Number of Distinct Results Here we observe the average number of distinct results of top-2 source plans. Our methods gets on average 50 distinct answers, while random search gets only about 30 answers.
Plan Precision on Controlled Sources We observer the plan precision of top-5 source plans (totally 25 simulated sources). Using greedy select do produce better plans. See Section 3.8 and Section 3.9 for detailed information
Towards Multi-Objective Query Optimization (Or What good is a high coverage source that is off-line?) Sources vary significantly in terms of their response times –The response time depends both on the source itself, as well as the query that is asked of it Specifically, what fields are bound in the selection query can make a difference Hard enough to get a high coverage or a low response time plan. But now we have to combine them… Challenges: 1.How do we gather response time statistics 2.How do we define an optimal plan in the context of both coverage/overlap and response time requirements? Response times of BibFinder Tuples
Response time can depend on the query type Range queries on yearEffect of binding author field --Response times can also depend on the time of the day, and the day of the week [Raschid et. al. 2002].
Multi-objective Query optimization Need to optimize queries jointly for both high coverage and low response time –Staged optimization won’t quite work. An idea: Make the source selection be dependent on both (residual)coverage and response time [CIKM, 2001] Some possible utility functions we experimented with:
Results on BibFinder
Part II: Text Collection Selection with,,,,,,,,,,
10/21/2004Arizona State University Results 1. …… 2. …… 3. …….. NYT FT Collection Selection Query Execution Results Merging CNNWPWSJ Collections: 1.FT 2.CNN “bank mergers” Overlap between collections News meta-searcher, bibliography search engine, etc. Objectives: Retrieve variety of results Avoid collections with irrelevant or redundant results Selecting among overlapping collections Existing work (e.g. CORI) assumes collections are disjoint!
10/21/2004Arizona State University The Approach “COllection Selection with Coverage and Overlap Statistics” Queries are keyword sets; Query classes are frequent keyword subsets
10/21/2004Arizona State University Challenge: Defining & Computing Overlap Collection overlap may be non-symmetric, or “directional”. (A) Document overlap may be non-transitive. (B) A. B. Collection C 1 1. Result A 2. Result B 3. Result C 4. Result D 5. Result E 6. Result F 7. Result G Collection C 2 1. Result V 2. Result W 3. Result X 4. Result Y 5. Result Z Collection C 1 1. Result A 2. Result B 3. Result C 4. Result D 5. Result E 6. Result F 7. Result G Collection C 2 1. Result V 2. Result W 3. Result X 4. Result Y 5. Result Z Collection C 3 1. Result I 2. Result J 3. Result K 4. Result L 5. Result M
10/21/2004Arizona State University Gathering Overlap Statistics Solution: Consider query result set of a particular collection as a single bag of words: Approximate overlap as the intersection between the result set bags: Approximate overlap between 3+ collections using only pairwise overlaps
10/21/2004Arizona State University Controlling Statistics Objectives: Limit the number of statistics stored Improve the chances of having statistics for new queries Solution: Identify frequent item sets among queries (Apriori algorithm) Store statistics only with respect to these frequent item sets
10/21/2004Arizona State University The Online Component Map the query to frequent item sets Determine collection order for query Compute statistics for the query using mapped item sets Purpose: determine collection order for user query 1. Map query to stored item sets 2. Compute statistics for query 3. Determine collection order
10/21/2004Arizona State University Creating the Collection Test Bed 6 real collections were probed: ACM Digital Library, Compendex, CSB, etc. Documents: authors + title + year + conference + abstract top-20 documents from each collection 9 artificial collections were created: 6 were proper subsets of each of the 6 real collections 2 were unions of two subset collections from above 1 was the union of 15% of each real collection 15 overlapping, searchable collections
10/21/2004Arizona State University Training our System Training set: 90% of the query list Gathering statistics for training queries: Probing of the 15 collections Identifying frequent item sets: Support threshold used: 0.05% (i.e. 9 queries) 681 frequent item sets found Computing statistics for item sets: Statistics fit in a 1.28MB file Sample entry: network,neural 22 MIX15 0.11855 CI,SC 747 AG 0.07742 AD 0.01893 SC,MIX15 801.13636 …
10/21/2004Arizona State University Performance Evaluation Measuring number of new and duplicate results: Duplicate result: has cosine similarity > 0.95 with at least one retrieved result New result: has no duplicate Oracular approach: Knows which collection has most new results Retrieves large portion of new results early
10/21/2004Arizona State University Comparison with other approaches
10/21/2004Arizona State University Comparison of COSCO against CORI resultsdupnewcumulative CORI: constant rate of change, as many new results as duplicates, more total results retrieved early COSCO: globally descending trend of new results, sharp difference between # of new and duplicates, fewer total results first CORICOSCO
10/21/2004Arizona State University Summary of Experimental Results COSCO… displays Oracular-like behavior. consistently outperforms CORI. retrieves up to 30% more results than CORI when test queries reflect training queries. can map at least 50% of queries to some item sets, even in worst-case training queries. is a step towards Oracular-like performance, but still some room for improvement
Part III: Answer Imprecise Queries with [WebDB, 2004; WWW, 2004]
Why Imprecise Queries ? Want a ‘sedan’ priced around $7000 A Feasible Query Make =“Toyota”, Model=“Camry”, Price ≤ $7000 What about the price of a Honda Accord? Is there a Camry for $7100? Solution: Support Imprecise Queries ……… 1998$6500CamryToyota 2000$6700 Camry Toyota 2001$7000CamryToyota 1999$7000Camry Toyota
Dichotomy in Query Processing Databases User knows what she wants User query completely expresses the need Answers exactly matching query constraints IR Systems User has an idea of what she wants User query captures the need to some degree Answers ranked by degree of relevance
Existing Approaches Similarity search over Vector space Data must be stored as vectors of text WHIRL, W. Cohen, 1998 Enhanced database model Add ‘similar-to’ operator to SQL. Distances provided by an expert/system designer VAGUE, A. Motro, 1998 Support similarity search and query refinement over abstract data types Binderberger et al, 2003 User guidance Users provide information about objects required and their possible neighborhood Proximity Search, Goldman et al, 1998 Limitations: 1.User/expert must provide similarity measures 2.New operators to use distance measures 3.Not applicable over autonomous databases Our Objectives: 1.Minimal user input 2.Database internals not affected 3.Domain-independent & applicable to Web databases
AFDs based Query Relaxation
An Example Relation:- CarDB(Make, Model, Price, Year) Imprecise query Q :− CarDB(Model like “Camry”, Price like “10k”) Base query Q pr :− CarDB(Model = “Camry”, Price = “10k”) Base set A bs Make = “Toyota”, Model = “Camry”, Price = “10k”, Year = “2000” Make = “Toyota”, Model = “Camry”, Price = “10k”, Year = “2001”
Obtaining Extended Set Problem: Given base set, find tuples from database similar to tuples in base set. Solution: Consider each tuple in base set as a selection query. e.g. Make = “Toyota”, Model = “Camry”, Price = “10k”, Year = “2000” Relax each such query to obtain “similar” precise queries. e.g. Make = “Toyota”, Model = “Camry”, Price = “”, Year =“2000” Execute and determine tuples having similarity above some threshold. Challenge: Which attribute should be relaxed first ? Make ? Model ? Price ? Year ? Solution: Relax least important attribute first.
Least Important Attribute Definition: An attribute whose binding value when changed has minimal effect on values binding other attributes. Does not decide values of other attributes Value may depend on other attributes E.g. Changing/relaxing Price will usually not affect other attributes but changing Model usually affects Price Dependence between attributes useful to decide relative importance Approximate Functional Dependencies & Approximate Keys Approximate in the sense that they are obeyed by a large percentage (but not all) of tuples in the database Can use TANE, an algorithm by Huhtala et al [1999]
Attribute Ordering Given a relation R Determine the AFDs and Approximate Keys Pick key with highest support, say K best Partition attributes of R into key attributes i.e. belonging to K best non-key attributes I.e. not belonging to K best Sort the subsets using influence weights where Ai ∈ A’ ⊆ R, j ≠ i & j =1 to |Attributes(R)| Attribute relaxation order is all non-keys first then keys Multi-attribute relaxation - independence assumption Order: Price, Model, Year, Make 1- attribute: { Price, Model, Year, Make} 2-attribute: {(Price, Model), (Price, Year), (Price, Make)….. } CarDB(Make, Model, Year, Price) Key attributes: Make, Year Non-key: Model, Price
Tuple Similarity Tuples obtained after relaxation are ranked according to their similarity to the corresponding tuples in base set where Wi = normalized influence weights, ∑ Wi = 1, i = 1 to |Attributes(R)| Value Similarity Euclidean for numerical attributes e.g. Price, Year Concept Similarity for categorical e.g. Make, Model
Concept (Value) Similarity Concept: Any distinct attribute value pair. E.g. Make=Toyota Visualized as a selection query binding a single attribute Represented as a supertuple Concept Similarity: Estimated as the percentage of correlated values common to two given concepts where v1,v2 Є Aj, i ≠ j and Ai, Aj Є R Measured as the Jaccard Similarity among supertuples representing the concepts ST(Q Make=Toyota ) ModelCamry: 3, Corolla: 4,…. Year2000:6,1999:5 2001:2,…… Price5995:4, 6500:3, 4000:6 Supertuple for Concept Make=Toyota JaccardSim(A,B) =
Concept (Value) Similarity Graph Ford Chevrolet Toyota Honda Dodge Nissan BMW 0.25 0.16 0.11 0.15 0.12 0.22
Empirical Evaluation of Goal Evaluate the effectiveness of the query relaxation and concept learning Setup A database of used cars CarDB( Make, Model, Year, Price, Mileage, Location, Color) Populated using 30k tuples from Yahoo Autos Concept similarity estimated for Make, Model, Location, Color Two query relaxation algorithms RandomRelax – randomly picks attribute to relax GuidedRelax – uses relaxation order determined using approximate keys and AFDs
Evaluating the effectiveness of relaxation Test Scenario 10 randomly selected base queries from CarDB 20 tuples showing similarity > Є 0.5 < Є < 1 Weighted summation of attribute similarities Euclidean distance used for Year, Price, Mileage Concept Similarity used for Make, Model, Location, Color Limit 64 relaxed queries per base query 128 max possible – 7 attributes Efficiency measured using metric
Efficiency of Relaxation in Average 4 tuples extracted per relevant tuple for Є=0.5. Goes up to 12 tuples for Є= 0.7. Resilient to change in Є Average 8 tuples extracted per relevant tuple for Є =0.5. Increases to 120 tuples for Є=0.7. Not resilient to change in Є Guided RelaxationRandom Relaxation
Summary An approach for answering imprecise queries over Web database Mine and use AFDs to determine attribute importance Domain-independent concept similarity estimation technique Tuple similarity score as a weighted sum of attribute similarity scores Empirical evaluation shows Reasonable concept similarity models estimated Set of similar precise queries efficiently identified
Adaptive Information Integration Query processing in information integration needs to be adaptive to: –Source characteristics How is the data spread among the sources? –User needs Multi-objective queries (tradeoff coverage for cost) Imprecise queries To be adaptive we need, profiles (meta-data) about sources as well as users –Challenge: Profiles are not going to be provided.. Autonomous sources may not export meta-data about data spread! Lay users may not be able to articulate the source of their imprecision! Need approaches that gather (learn) the meta-data they need
Three contributions to Adaptive Information Integration BibFinder –Learns and uses source coverage and overlap statistics to support multi-objective query processing [VLDB 2003; ICDE 2004; TKDE 2005] COSCO –Adapts the Coverage/Overlap techniques to text collection selection –Supports imprecise queries by automatically learning approximate structural relations among data tuples [WebDB 2004; WWW 2004] Although we focus on avoiding retrieval of duplicates, Coverage/Overlap statistics can also be used to look for duplicates
Current Directions Focusing on retrieving redundant records/documents to improve information quality –Eg. Multiple view points on the same story, additional details (e.g. bibtex entry) on a bibliography record –Our coverage/overlap statistics can be used for this purpose too! Learning and exploiting other types of source statistics –“Density”—the percentage of null values in a record –“Recency”/ “Freshness”—how recent the results from a source or likely to be These statistics also may vary based on the query type –E.g. DBLP is more up-to-date for database papers than AI papers –Such statistics can be used to increase the quality of answers returned by the mediator in accessing top-K sources.
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