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A numerical program for steady flow through volcanic conduits Larry G. Mastin U.S. Geological Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "A numerical program for steady flow through volcanic conduits Larry G. Mastin U.S. Geological Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 a numerical program for steady flow through volcanic conduits Larry G. Mastin U.S. Geological Survey

2 Assumptions and simplifications Steady-state Vertical conduit 1-dimensional homogeneous flow Equilibrium degassing (distributed version) No heat or mass flow through conduit walls

3 Main features User-friendly, visual interface Publicly-documented, open-source code See Calculates solubility & thermodynamics using Full MELTS equations (Ghiorso & Sack, 1995) for melts Full equation of state for gas (H2O) Uses viscosity of bubbly melts formulation based on Capillary number. Fragmentation criterion based either on volume fraction gas or strain rate.

4 Weaknesses of this model (and others) Poorly characterized rheology Kinetics of degassing, crystallization Magma-host rock interaction Conduit geometry Difficulty in comparing results with observations

5 ODE for 1-D flow Option 1: specify conduit geometry, solve for pressure A=x-sectional arear=radius f=friction factor  =density M=Mach # u=velocity gravity friction geometry Mach #

6 ODE for 1D flow Option 2: Specify pressure gradient and calculate conduit geometry Pressure gradient gravity friction

7 Friction Factor Log Re 27 f.001 1 16/Re laminar turbulent viscosity

8 Viscosity Melt viscosity SiO 2 >70 wt%: Hess & Dingwell (1996) SiO 2 <70 wt%: Shaw (1972) Effect of Crystals <40%: Roscoe-Einstein (Marsh calibration) Volume fraction crystals Melt viscosity

9 Viscosity (cont’d) Effect of bubbles -1<n<1 Depending on Capillary number

10 Relationship between n and Ca Log 10 (Ca) n

11 Calculating Capillary number   =Surface tension=0.34 N/m  r=avg. bubble radius = (3v g /(4  Nv m )) 1/3, where  V g, v m are volume fractions gas and melt, respectively  N=nuclei per unit volume; log(N) =~0.2*wt%SiO 2   =avg. shear-strain rate=~4u/3D under laminar flow Conduit flow profile

12 Demo of the program

13 Ongoing & future work Kinetics of magma degassing (with M. Mangan) Calculating bubble-size distributions Improved fragmentation criterion Improved rheology of bubbly magmas Elastic coupling of fluid & host rock 2-D, transient flow (with R. Denlinger) Etc. etc.

14 Kinetics of magma degassing In collaboration with Margaret Mangan, Tom Sisson Data from Mangan & Sisson (2001)

15 Sample Results Depend significantly on fragmentation criterion (v g =.75 or strain-rate)

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