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Combinational Logic and Verilog

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Presentation on theme: "Combinational Logic and Verilog"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combinational Logic and Verilog

2 Programmable Array Logic

3 Example of PAL. GAL16V8C

4 PALs Figure 6-26. PAL16L8 SOP Multi-level Flip-flops 10 Inputs
8 Inputs/output Figure PAL16L8

5 Figure 6-28. General CPLD architecture
Complex PLD

6 4*3 PLA in CMOS logic

7 EEPLDs AND plane of EEPLD using floating-gate MOS transistors
Non-floating gate AND plane of EEPLD using floating-gate MOS transistors

8 Decoders

9 General Structure of a Decoder circuit

10 Example 1: Truth table for a 2-to-4 binary decoder.
Example of a decoder circuit enable

11 2-to-4 decoder inside enable

12 Verilog for 2-to-4 decoder
Structural type of description in Verilog

13 Example 2: Position encoding for a 3-bit mechanical encoding disk

14 Example 2 continued: Using a 3-to-8 decoder to decode a Gray code.

15 Example 3: 74x138 3-to-8 decoder

16 Example 3: 74x138 3-to-8 decoder

17 Example 3 cont: 74X138 3-to-8 decoder

18 Verilog code for 3-to-8 decoder

19 Verilog for 3-to-8 decoder
Y_L[0] Y_L[1] Y_L[2] Y_L[3] Y_L[4] Y_L[5] Y_L[7] A[2] A[1] A[0]

20 74X138 Decoder: Active level handling

21 74x138 like decoder with Active level handling

22 Active high 3-to-8 decoder

23 Behavioral Verilog for 3-to-8 decoder

24 Example 3 cont: 74x138 3-to-8 decoder
Default signal names

25 Example 3 cont: Symbols for 74x138
Incorrect because of double negations

26 Example 3 cont: 5-to-32 decoder from 74X138 chips
Chip select goes to input G2B Global enable goes to inputs G1 and G2A

27 Example 3 cont: 4-to-16 decoder using 74X138

28 Example 3 cont: 74x138 decoder using GAL
74x138 decoder can be built in single GAL 16V8 chip

29 Figure 6-41. 74x138-like decoder

30 Example: Customized decoder function

31 Customized decoder circuit Using 74X138

32 Seven Segment Display and Decoder

33 Seven Segment Display

34 Seven Segment Decoder

35 Encoders We already used encoders to design control logic for data path blocks

36 Encoders 2n requests

37 Priority Encoders

38 Encoders Number n of prioritized request Any subset if 2n requests

39 Encoders

40 8-input Priority Encoder

41 15-input Priority Encoder in PLD
outputs inputs

42 Priority Encoder – handle 32 requests

43 8-input Priority Encoder

44 Three state Buffers

45 Various three-state buffers

46 Use of three-state buffers
Eight sources sharing a three-state party line

47 Timing diagram for the three-state party line

48 74x541 Octal three-state buffer

49 Three-State buffers in microprocessors

50 74x541 as a microprocessor input port.

51 Verilog module for a 74x540-like 8-bit three-state driver

52 74x245 octal three-state transceiver

53 Verilog module for a 74x245-like 8-bit transceiver

54 Bidirectional buses and transceiver operation

55 Bus selection codes for a four-way bus transceiver

56 PLD inputs and outputs for a four-way, 2-bit bus transceiver

57 Verilog module for a four-way, 2-bit bus transceiver

58 Multiplexers

59 Multiplexer structure

60 74x151 8-input, 1-bit mux

61 74x151 8-input, 1-bit mux

62 Combining 74x151s to make a 32-to-1 multiplexer
Decoding and enabling

63 74x157 2-input 4-bit mux

64 GAL16V8 used as a 74x157 multiplexer
2 inputs, each 4 bits

65 Buffers to handle large fanout

66 A mux driving a bus and a demux receiving the bus

67 Decoders as demultiplexers

68 3-to-8 binary decoder as a demultiplexer

69 GALs as multiplexers

70 Function table for a SPECIALIZED 4-input, 18-bit mux.

71 Behavioral Verilog for a specialized 4-input 18-bit mux

72 Dataflow Verilog for a 4-input, 8-bit mux

73 Behavioral Verilog for a 4-input, 8-bit mux.

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