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Defining Health Narrow Lack of disease Broad Body, mind, spirit Ultimate Happiness.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining Health Narrow Lack of disease Broad Body, mind, spirit Ultimate Happiness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining Health Narrow Lack of disease Broad Body, mind, spirit Ultimate Happiness

2 Health Determinants Genetic makeup Physical environment Sociocultural environment Economic environment Lifestyle/behavior Health services

3 U.S. Values Individual autonomy Self-determination Personal privacy Justice for all Faith in technology Desire to prolong life

4 Public policies Authorized decisions that are made in the legislative, executive or judicial branches of government that are intended to direct or influence actions, behaviours or decisions of others.

5 Public Health Policies Public policies that pertain to health or influence the pursuit of health and affect groups or types of organizations. They can be in the public or private sector.

6 Forms of Health Policies Laws Rules/regulations Operational decisions Judicial decisions Macro policies

7 Categories of Health Policies Allocative Regulatory Redistributive

8 Health policies and health Health policies Determinants Health

9 Leading causes of death… Heart disease Cancer Stroke Accidents Pulmonary disease Diabetes Suicide Liver disease AIDS

10 How do these tie to the causes of death? Money People Technology Health Care System

11 Sources and uses of funds


13 $4,226 per person 14% + of GDP 45% Government 34% Employers 17% Self pay 4% Charity

14 Flow of funds Exchange theory Two-party transaction Derived demand between firms

15 Freely competitive markets Sufficient information Large numbers of buyers and sellers Sellers can enter the market Products can substitute Quantity is balanced

16 Circular flow

17 Role of Government

18 Sources Growth Third-party payors

19 Income/Ethnicity and Mortality

20 Use of funds Intensity of services Hospitals Long-term care Doctors Staff Other

21 Economic Evaluation Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) Opportunity Cost Marginal

22 Need vs. Demand



25 Expected value

26 Knee injury example (cons)

27 Knee injury example (pros)

28 Measuring benefits Health Productivity Reductions in future medical costs

29 Measuring cost Medical care and administration Follow up Time and pain Provider time

30 Efficiency Questions Technical efficiency Cost efficiency Allocative efficiency Transaction cost Dynamic efficiency

31 Value of life Jones-Lee Approach

32 Value of life Wages vs. Risk

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