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Absolutism Jeopardy!! SpainFranceEnglandRussiaAustria + Prussia ? 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Absolutism Jeopardy!! SpainFranceEnglandRussiaAustria + Prussia ? 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Absolutism Jeopardy!! SpainFranceEnglandRussiaAustria + Prussia ? 10 20 30 40 50

2 1.Philip II, his son 2.Ferdinand, his brother

3 Mary Tudor

4 The Duke of Alba

5 Sea Dogs

6  Bad storm  Fixed Guns  Merchant ships do not equal warships  Mix and Match ammunition

7  French Protestant

8  Control of Religion- Evokes Edict of Nantes, crushes Huguenots  In charge of the:  Military: Enlarged his army from 70,000 to 200,000  Political Affairs- Versailles  Economic Affairs-Colbert  Being in control of all of these areas deprived the nobility of influence

9  Henry IV (of Navarre)  Granted the Huguenots religious toleration and let them fortify their own towns and cities

10  Catherine de’Medici

11  One King, One Law, One Religion (faith)

12  named the King of England as the head of the Church of England  Henry VIII

13  When a group of nobles invited James II’s daughter, Mary and her husband William to rule England. They kick James II out and become the head of England.

14  Oliver Cromwell  Cromwell dismissed all members of Parliament who disagreed with him

15  When Charles I dismissed Parliament and ruled without consulting them for 11 years

16 Nine Days Queen Lady Jane Killed by Mary Tudor

17  Bringing elements of Western culture to a country that’s lagging in modernization

18  Ivan the Terrible

19  Promoted officials based on service instead of their social status  Expanded Navy, built hundreds of ships  Brought the Church under state control  Brought westernization to Russia  Built St. Petersburg

20  Peter III  Overthrown by Catherine and military/noblilty

21  Convinced his wife, Anastasia was murdered  Killed most of his advisors and their supporters  Killed his son  Created a private police force  Ordered the execution of thousands of people because he thought they may want to break away from Russia

22  A. Never

23  Head of the Holy Roman Empire

24  Ended the Thirty Years’ War

25  Fredrick the Great of Prussia

26  Maria Theresa

27  Answers will vary



30  Kate Middleton

31  Louis XIV  Philip II

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