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ACTAR MEETING Daresbury 12-13/06/06. EVENT GENERATOR The angular distribution has been obtained from TWOFNR (DWBA-calculation) 77 Ni(d,p) 78 N i  = 115.

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Presentation on theme: "ACTAR MEETING Daresbury 12-13/06/06. EVENT GENERATOR The angular distribution has been obtained from TWOFNR (DWBA-calculation) 77 Ni(d,p) 78 N i  = 115."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACTAR MEETING Daresbury 12-13/06/06

2 EVENT GENERATOR The angular distribution has been obtained from TWOFNR (DWBA-calculation) 77 Ni(d,p) 78 N i  = 115 Probability of an event occurring in the theta interval from 0 and 180 degrees r=Random number (0,1) If r=0.8->  =122 degrees

3 EVENT GENERATOR I=9/2 Chapel-Hill Beccetti-Greenles *Non-locality: Ingoing=0.54 Outgoing=0.85 *Local Energy Aproximation (LEA)


5 KINEMATICS theta_ proton energy_ proton theta_ 78 Ni energy_ 78 Ni phi angles chosen randomly from an isotropic distributions between 0-360 GEANT4 creates 2 vertex : momemtum_x=sin(theta)*cos(phi) momentum_y=sin(theta)*sin(phi) momentum_z=cos(theta)

6 EVENT GENERATOR OUTPUT event-generator

7 EVENT GENERATOR OUTPUT event-generator : angular range View from the beam polar coordinates

8 EVENT GENERATOR OUTPUT event-generator : angular range View from the beam

9 EVENT GENERATOR OUTPUT event-generator : Energy-angle correlations weighted by the cross-section  =115 E=15MeV  =0.4 E=9MeV/u

10 OUTPUT SIMULATIONS 77 Ni(d,p) 78 N i Geometry: -BOX (50x50x50 cm) -P=1 atm -isobutane C4H10 -Square Pads -Pad size=5mm -100x100 Pads -Drift = 2.9 cm/microsecond -Diffusion = 0.0001 cm/microsecond

11 OUTPUT SIMULATIONS 77 Ni(d,p) 78 N i Analysis has not performed yet.

12 END Daresbury 12-13/06/06



15 EVENT GENERATOR The density distribution is described by the equation; Probability of an event occurring in the interval from 0 to z’ Formally, invert the function: z=G(P(z)) Computing: r=Random number (0,1) If r=0.7-> z=0.15

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