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Smoking and Diet HAS 3150. Introduction Video Kids and Smoking.

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Presentation on theme: "Smoking and Diet HAS 3150. Introduction Video Kids and Smoking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoking and Diet HAS 3150

2 Introduction Video


4 Kids and Smoking

5 Smoking Deaths

6 Diseases Cardiovascular disease Lung cancer Pulmonary disease Other cancers Diseases among infants Burns

7 Biomedical Basis Nicotine Tar Arsenic Benzene

8 History of smoking Pipes, cigars, chewing (spitting) tobacco Cigarette rolling machines Mass marketing Lung cancer Surgeon General Women and smoking

9 Congress Tobacco growers Warning labels Clean air acts

10 Prices and Taxes Federal and State Tax Teenagers Tax increases

11 Legal Trouble Video…




15 Prevention Levels of prevention –Primary –Secondary –Tertiary Structures of prevention –Aimed at host –Aimed at agent –Aimed at environment

16 Fill in the blanks… The host –Stop smoking … behavior The agent –Cigarettes/tobacco The environment –Reward for not smoking

17 Body Fat Exercise

18 Body Mass Index

19 Why body fat? Better measure of fitness Better idea of your health risk Prevents you from being misclassified Lets you know the composition of your weight loss Can help you identify fad diets

20 Why Keep Track It can help you maintain It helps you make important health-related decisions. It can be motivational! It's an excellent way to check to see if you are achieving your goals. It's now easy to do.

21 Body Fat Quiz There are two types of body fat: essential fat and storage fat. There is a health range of body fat and it is the same for men and women. Thirty percent body fat is healthy for women.

22 Body Fat Quiz (cont) If your body fat goes above the healthy range, you are at increased risk for developing certain diseases. It doesn’t matter whether you carry your fat around your waist or your hips or thigh. Fat is fat!

23 Body Fat Quiz (cont) The more lean body mass (muscle) you have, the easier it is to maintain your weight. Strength (“resistance”) training can help you increase your lean body mass. Aiming to lower your percent body fat is always better.

24 Body Fat Quiz (cont) When you lose weight, you lose both lean mass and fat. To lose weight, it doesn’t matter what kind of method you use as long as your weight goes down.

25 What is body fat? One of the basic components The other components include muscle, water, bone and your organs Body fat can be divided into two categories: Essential fat and storage fat.

26 Healthy Range… AgeFemaleMale 18-3921-32%8-19% 40-5923-33%11-21% 60-7924-35%13-24%

27 Healthy Range… Can body fat percent be too high? Increases the risk of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and certain cancers. When located around the abdomen, increases the risk even further of developing the above conditions.

28 Healthy Range… Can body fat percent be too low? Is linked to problems with normal, healthy functioning in both men and women. Can lead to problems with reproduction in women.

29 Lean body mass… Lean body mass is commonly used to describe the muscles in your arms, legs, back, neck and abdomen. But actually it also includes your heart muscle, and the tissues of your other internal organs as well as water, and bone. This is the part of your body you want to preserve or expand.

30 Lean body mass Increase using resistance training Gain weight Lose weight

31 Best method to lose… Maintain hydration Lose more storage fat Lose little lean body mass Balanced eating Physical activity

32 Measurement tools Bioelectrical impedance Body Mass Index Dual energy x-ray absorptionmetry Girth measurements Near infrared interactance Skinfold measurements Underwater weighing

33 “All About Me”

34 Questions… What level of prevention is this discussion and exercise? –Primary, secondary, or tertiary When might it be secondary or tertiary

35 Prevention of heart disease… The host______________ The environment______________ The agent______________ Fill in the blanks… ? ? ?

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