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Principles of Systematic Course Design Trevor Gibbs.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Systematic Course Design Trevor Gibbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Systematic Course Design Trevor Gibbs

2 Teaching -- One –way -- Passive -- Teacher-centred -- Teacher-led

3 “ I will decide what the students need to know !” Teacher-centred

4 Learning -- Two-way -- Active -- Student-centred -- Student-led

5 What is it the students need to know ? How can we involve them in the learning process ?

6 Traditional forward planning of a Course: Traditional forward planning of a Course: Where will this road take us ? Where will this road take us ?

7 “ If you are not sure where you are going, you will either not get there or you will end up somewhere else and not even know it !! ”

8 Outcomes-basedEducation

9 Outcomes-based Education: The emphasis is on the product: What sort of Doctor / Professional do we want to produce ? What are the component parts of that Professional ? How do we develop them ?

10 --- through a Curriculum “ A curriculum is a set of objectives, contents and methods held together by a process to produce a product ”

11 WHAT will they learn ? WHEN will they learn ? HOW will they learn ? WHERE will they learn ? WHY are they learning ? HOW do we know they have learned ? WHO organises the activities? etc



14 . Teaching methodsOutcomes Assessment methods Learning opportunities

15 . Anatomy Clinical skills / Clinical learning Staff developmentStudent mentoring

16 “ To produce a confident and competent Foundation Doctor, able to deliver high quality healthcare in the National Health Service system of the UK ”

17 “ All graduating students must be able to effectively manage common conditions seen as a Foundation Doctor / 1st Year Intern ”

18 “ To manage the common respiratory conditions referred from the Community ”

19 “ To interpret a chest X-ray and correlate with the clinical findings of a patient with respiratory symptoms ”

20 “ To describe the anatomical markings of a normal chest X-ray ”

21 Time Subjects /Topics

22 Time Subjects /Topics The Spiral Curriculum

23 Time Subjects /Topics Vertical integration physiology pharmacology therapeutics clinical

24 Time Subjects /Topics Horizontal integration anatomy histology physiology biochemistry

25 Time Subjects /Topics Real-life learning in real- life environment with purpose = Contextual Learning

26 Domains of Learning: Cognitive Psychomotor Affective / attitudinal Hierarchies of Learning: recall understand apply analyse synthesise evaluate imitate manipulation develop precision articulate become expert achieve mastery receive respond / understand value / evaluate organise adopt behaviour in everyday actions


28 In your groups: From one terminal objective ( competency ) – All students will be able to:- a)Effectively manage hypertension in patients of all age groups b)Provide quality contraceptive advice to patients of either sex and of all ages c)Effectively manage patients with diabetes mellitus d)Rationally prescribe for patients with common respiratory infections

29 In your groups: a)Build up a series of learning objectives to reach that competency b)Consider at which point in the curriculum they will be achieved c)Review the possible methods of learning students could use

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