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Databases on ISTORE: AME for parallel RDBMSs Noah Treuhaft.

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Presentation on theme: "Databases on ISTORE: AME for parallel RDBMSs Noah Treuhaft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Databases on ISTORE: AME for parallel RDBMSs Noah Treuhaft

2 Parallel DBs on clusters Mature products from many vendors: IBM, Informix, Oracle, Tandem, Teradata Own the largest DB installations And still, lots of large, multimillion $ SMPs

3 Overview This presentation is about what we can do to improve the availability, maintainability, and evolutionary growth (AME) of large- scale DBs on ISTORE.

4 Outline State of the art and then our plans for –Availability –Maintainability –Evolutionary Growth

5 Availability: state of the art Tandem NonStop SQL on Himalaya servers Everything replicated for failover –DB objects –Processes –Processors Great uptime

6 The availability spectrum Availability as the range between “working perfectly” and “not working” Includes shades of “working, but degraded” Example: disk errors before failure

7 System view Degraded components affect the larger system: performance faults Keep system performance up even as components lag “Performance availability” through “performance redundancy”

8 Graduated Declustering Replication for performance redundancy in read- mostly workloads To Client0 Before SlowdownAfter Slowdown 01122330 Client0 B Client1 B Client2 B Client3 B Server0 B Server1 B Server2 B Server3 B To Client0 From Server3 B/2 01122330 Client0 7B/8 Client1 7B/8 Client2 7B/8 Client3 7B/8 Server0 B Server1 B/2 Server2 B Server3 B From Server3 B/2 3B/8 5B/8 B/4 5B/83B/8 B/2

9 Read Performance: One Slow Disk

10 Eddy (River) Dataflow query processing with a flexible query plan. SELECT * FROM a, b, c WHERE a.x=b.x AND b.y = c.y x y ab c ab c xy

11 Maintainability: state of the art Tandem & Teradata Tandem has cluster-special HW Both have renowned management tools

12 Managing storage Simplify with RAID/virtual disks/logical volumes and give up layout control Or maintain control and face the hardship of managing 1000s of disks.

13 Profile-derived feedback for storage management Profile a workload (trace SQL statements) Identify hot tables & partitions using statistics Feedback from optimizer on proposed reorganizations

14 Evolutionary growth: state of the art DBA makes the most of –nodes with faster CPUs & more memory –bigger and faster disks

15 Evolutionary growth Layout tool incorporates disks of any size GD & Eddy make slower HW look like a performance fault

16 The truly large scale Experience shows that large I/O-bound clusters have performance faults Parallel DBs are scalable, but have limits Addressed by GD & Eddy

17 Closing remarks There are improvements to be made to parallel DBs Ideas that improve AME: –GD –Eddy –Profile-derived feedback for storage management

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