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Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 1 Product Decisions Chapter 7 قرار.

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1 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 1 Product Decisions Chapter 7 قرار

2 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 2 PRODUCT DECISIONS What is a product? Product mix decisions Product line decisions Brand decisions Brand-strategy decisions Brand equity Packaging and labeling

3 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 3 Product “ is anything أي شيء that can be offered العرض to a market to satisfy a need or a want ”. [ Products may be – Physical goods, services الخدمات, experiences, Events الأحداث, persons, places مكان, properties الملكية, organizations, information and ideas فكرة ]

4 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 4 Product levels المستوى : [customer value hierarchy] “ Each level adds more customer value صالح ” Level 1 : Core الأساسية benefit [Ex: Hotel فندق, Rest and sleep] 2 : Basic الأساسية product [bed, bath room, towels etc.,] 3 : Expected المتوقع product [ clean bed, fresh towels, working lamps etc.,] 4 : Augmented زيادة product 5 : Potential المحتملة product [all possible augmentation and transformation] “Today’s competition essentially takes place at the augmentation level”

5 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 5 Product classifications تصنيف : [ on the basis of characteristics like durability متانة, tangibility ملموسية and use ] Durability and Tangibility : Non durable goods غير المعمرة Durable goods Services الخدمات [ intangible غير الملموسة ]

6 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 8 - 6 Consumer goods classification: [ classification on the basis of shopping habits ] Convenience goods [purchased frequently, immediately, with minimum efforts] Shopping goods [compares on suitability, quality, price & style. Ex: Furniture, appliances] Specialty goods [unique characteristics, brand identification, special purchasing efforts – Ex: computer ] Unsought goods [not normally thought of for purchase – [Ex: funeral دفن services, Marriage services]

7 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 7 Social المجتمع marketing – – is defined as the use of commercial marketing concepts and tools in programs برامج designed to influence التأثير individuals’ behavior to improve تحسين their well-being الرفاه and that of society.

8 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 8 Product Mix: The set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers.

9 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 9 Product Lines: A group of products that are closely related ذات صلة because they perform the same function وظيفة Example: Unilever – Shampoos, Washing powder etc., Coke & Pepsi – soft drinks

10 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 10 Product-Mix Decisions

11 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 11 Product Line Decisions Product Line Length طول [long or short] [product line can be lengthened in two ways] - Line Stretching تمتد –Down market Stretch [lower price line] –Up market Stretch [ into higher ends of the market] –Two Way Stretch Line Filling تعبئة (A Just Noticeable Difference)

12 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 12  Line Modernization تحديث  Line Featuring [featuring a few items from time to time]  Line Pruning

13 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 13 Brand Decisions Branding: A name, term مصطلح, sign قم, symbol رمز, or design تصميم, or combination of them intended to identify تهدف إلى تحديد the goods or services of one seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

14 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 14 Brand Decisions – Convey six levels of meaning – Attributes السمة [expensive, Well built …] – Benefits [durability, fuel efficient …] – Values القيم [high performance, safety …] – Culture [German – organized, efficient, high quality] – Personality [no nonsense boss, reigning lion …] – User [55 year old top executive]

15 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 15 Brand Name Strategies / Decision – Individual Brand Names – Blanket Family Name for All Products  SONY, Almarai – Separate Family Names for All Products  MATSUSHITA – Company Trade Name with Individual Product Names  Yeo’s Soya Bean Drink, Yeo’s Chrysantemum Tea Drink

16 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 16 Line Extensions : introducing additional item in same category & same brand name Brand Extensions : Same brand name to launch a product in a new category Multi brands : Additional brands in the same category New Brands : New brand in new category Co brands: two or more brands coming together and making an offer Brand Strategies [ cont …]

17 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 17 Brand equity The asset (or liability) value of a brand that adds (or deducts) value in a marketplace Elements: – Brand awareness – Perceived quality – Brand loyalty – Brand associations – Other proprietary brand assets

18 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 18 Challenges in Branding decisions : To brand or not to brand Brand sponsor decision – Manufacturer’s Brands Vs Store Brands

19 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 19 Packaging The activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product Importance of packaging: – Self-service – Consumer affluence – Company and brand image – Innovation opportunity – Protecting intellectual property rights

20 Marketing Management Dr. K Elan 20 Labeling A subset of packaging Functions:  Identification  Grading  Description  Promote end

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