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Learning how to communicate with your coworkers By Eman.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning how to communicate with your coworkers By Eman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning how to communicate with your coworkers By Eman


3 Topic Communication What use is it? Why does it go wrong? What can be done to stop/prevent it? Effective techniques What can it do for ya?

4 Audience Internal customers Mgmt Execs External customers Range: 25-49 Upper middle class 90% surburbia

5 Objectives Learners will be able to use a minimum of 2 comm tech Learners will be able to identify situations Learners will be able to comm more readily Learners will have less miscommunications

6 Interactivity

7 Online quizzes Drag drop Timed multiple choice Survey/Form submission Streaming video Audio clips Downloadable content Tutorials Syllabi Notes Study guides

8 Technical challenges Streaming video Creating timers Creating quizzes

9 Any questions??

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