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Institutional Repositories: What, Why and Who Susan Gibbons Assistant Dean, River Campus Libraries University of Rochester

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional Repositories: What, Why and Who Susan Gibbons Assistant Dean, River Campus Libraries University of Rochester"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Repositories: What, Why and Who Susan Gibbons Assistant Dean, River Campus Libraries University of Rochester

2 What’s an IR “ a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members.” - Clifford Lynch, ARL Bimonthly Report 226

3 Unique “set of services” Post-prints Pre-prints ETDs Data sets Working papers Technical reports Conference proceedings & presentations “Supplementary materials” E-journals Monographs Learning objects Portfolios Multimedia objects

4 Background Provost Charles Phelps DSpace early adopter 2003-04 IMLS Leadership Grant Work practice study Differing IR perspectives

5 Why?: Librarian perspective Not all valuable scholarly communication is formally published Born-digital documents are far more at risk than paper Action is needed!

6 From OCLC’s 2003 Environmental Scan

7 Why?: Librarian perspective Plays to our strengths Organizing Indexing Preserving Proactive response to future of librarianship

8 Why?: Institutional perspective Showcase institution (UDel)UDel Stewardship of intellectual property Efficiencies (URochester)URochester


10 Why?: Faculty perspective Institution not as important as colleagues IR vs. Personal Digital Library Is my work used and cited?



13 Why?: Faculty perspective Feedback Easier than hosting personal website Solves some of my problems Backups Format migration Access

14 Who? Australia- 95%Belgium- 53% Denmark- 50%Finland- 5% France- 27%Germany- 100% Italy- 22%Norway- 100% Sweden- 64%The Netherlands- 100% UK- 22%US- 50% of doctoral Percentage of Universities with IRs by Country Data from Westrienen & Lynch (2005) “Academic Institutional Repositories,” D-Lib Magazine, 11:9.

15 Who? National efforts/mandates Sometimes tied to open access movement In US Often library initiative Peer pressure growing Consortial repositories

16 In US (Lippincott & Lynch, Sept 2005 D-Lib Magazine) … essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital world. … positioned decisively as general-purpose infrastructure within the context of changing scholarly practice …not being deployed simply in response to concerns about the existing scholarly publishing system

17 Questions?

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