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CEP 909 - Let the fun begin! September 12, 2002. Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Our own private Turing Test 

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1 CEP 909 - Let the fun begin! September 12, 2002

2 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Our own private Turing Test  Work in groups of three  Log-in to Yahoo group, and go to chat room  Talk to Pat, Chris, and Sandy  Our test is to determine if the person on the other end is female, or a male pretending to be a female  At least one of Pat, Chris, or Sandy is a female  Keep it rated G (or at least PG)  Be clever

3 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology VOTE! Take a stand  Who’s a man, and who’s a woman?

4 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology The Turing Test Debate  PRO -  CON -  DISCUSS!

5 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology BREAKTIME!

6 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology It’s Recall Time!  Remember that story we read the first week?  Well, take out a pen a paper and write it down again  Judd, Cathy -- you too!

7 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Information Processing Approaches  Next week we’ll cover that in more depth

8 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology It’s Group Time - Woo hoo!  Group 1  Bo, Judd, Cathy, Janet  Group 2  Erik, Kathryn, Natalia  Group 3  Helen, Jill, Brian, Aman

9 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology The semester-long project  The process of conceptualizing, designing, and implementing a study of linear text vs. hypertext learning of conceptual material  The subject matter - the causes of the civil war (now, or shortly available off of the course web page)  Phase 1 - Due next week: Each group comes to class with a writeup of what differences they would expect to see between groups that study w/ the hypertext, and groups that study w/ the linear text.

10 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology More Project  Any idea is okay at this stage -- e.g. “Hypertext people will have more fun”  How, and when, your group works together (face to face, telephone, email, etc.) is up to your group.  Spend some time w/ your group now to start talking about the question before you, and how you will accomplish your group task for next week.

11 Matthew J. Koehler September 12, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Next Week  Readings  Ashcraft - Short Term Memory  Hoffsteader - Issues around the Turing Test  Individual Homework - Play experimental psychologist  Group Homework - Draft ideas about potential differences in learning w/ hypermedia vs. linear media

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