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Agenda Handbook Performance assessment Reward structures Team Termination Course eval Celebration.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Handbook Performance assessment Reward structures Team Termination Course eval Celebration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Handbook Performance assessment Reward structures Team Termination Course eval Celebration

2 Team and Member Performance Team member behavior that contributes to or detracts from team functioning (e.g., preparation, timeliness, relevance, participation, etc.) Team interactions & processes that contribute to or detract from productivity (e.g., communication, decision making, planning, etc.) Team outcomes (e.g., criteria for achievement: quality, size, content, etc.)

3 Key measurement ideas Identify a few key areas to measure (e.g., team member behavior, team processes, & outcomes) Identify specific, objective, demonstrable behaviors to rate Set ranges for expected levels of performance Schedule times for rating performance Provide constructive feedback before final ratings

4 The US team management dilemma: How to balance individual and team reward systems

5 Team Performance Areas Team Process Measures Team Outcome measures Reward Structures Individual Team Individual Performance

6 Individual merit-based pay — compensation based upon individual performance Skill-based pay — compensation based upon individual skills required Knowledge-based pay — compensation for learning and knowledge rather than skills Team merit-based pay — compensation based upon team-level performance Gainsharing and/or profit sharing — supplemental compensation based upon organizational-level performance Special rewards and bonuses — compensation directly related to special achievements Extrinsic financial rewards

7 Satisfaction in work well done Receiving more-challenging work as a result of previous successes Opportunity to learn new things connected with new work assignments Asked to take on difficult challenges Increasing variety of work Increased freedom & flexibility Opportunity to master new technologies Intrinsic & Social motivators Public recognition & awards Shared leadership Plaques, certificates, honorific titles

8 Issues surrounding individual & team rewards The Hay Group examined compensation in 230 team-based companies. They found 80% pleased with team but only 40% satisfied with team compensation (due to poor communication about compensation & poor implementation timing. There are contradictory results regarding rewarding individual performance and team performance, implying they are counter productive Different cultures value individual and team performance rewards differently Different people are motivated by different rewards (e.g., intrinsic vs. extrinsic) Ranking members or team against each other tends to produce more competition than cooperation US organizations continue to primarily reward individual rather than team performance in spite of evidence that team rewards show better outcomes Inability to sanction free riders tends to lower performance of other members


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