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A recent study conducted by Rachel Huxley of the University of Minnesota, published in The Lancet Medical Journal, revealed that even though women tend.

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Presentation on theme: "A recent study conducted by Rachel Huxley of the University of Minnesota, published in The Lancet Medical Journal, revealed that even though women tend."— Presentation transcript:

1 A recent study conducted by Rachel Huxley of the University of Minnesota, published in The Lancet Medical Journal, revealed that even though women tend to smoke fewer cigarettes than their male counterparts, they are at a 25% greater risk of smoking related health conditions. Biologically, women are more vulnerable to the hazards of active and passive smoking. Let's look at the reasons behind this phenomenon

2 Pregnant women and smoking Smoking a cigarette is like smoking a cocktail of drugs and poisons, which are extremely harmful for the unborn baby. It reduces the oxygen in the body, and increases the risk of miscarriages. Smoking like a chimney can also reduce pregnant women's chances of getting pregnant again. It can increase the risk of birth defects in babies or the babies are three times more likely to be still born or die within the first week if born to smokers.

3 Infertility and Smoking Medical experts suggest that smoking can have an adverse impact on fertility in women. When compared to non-smokers, smoking women are 30% more likely to take time in conceiving a child. As a matter of fact, active smoking by either of the partners in the relationship is more harmful for the unborn baby, when compared to passive smoking.

4 A study conducted by Stephanie Land of the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health on 13,388 women revealed that smoking women are at a higher risk of breast cancer when compared to their non-smoking counterparts. The study found that women who smoked for at least 35 years had a 59% higher risk of breast cancer, whereas those who smoked for less than 15 years had no increased risk for breast cancer. donation.php

5 Heart Diseases and Smoking According to a study from the University of Minnesota and Johns Hopkins University because of gender-based biologic differences between men and women, women who smoke are 25% more likely to develop potentially fatal diseases such as heart disease. The study suggests that, "Women may extract more carcinogens, or cancer-causing substances, and toxins from each cigarette compared to men." But the good news here is that women who plan to quit smoking can slash their risk of coronary heart disease by half within the first year.

6 Other Health Risks for Women Apart from risks of infertility and breast cancer, smoking can also lead to lung cancer in women. One of the major causes of respiratory problems, smoking can lead to plaque build up or clots in the blood vessels of the legs (peripheral artery disease). Smoking women are also at a greater risk of osteoporosis. It is also linked with going through menopause at an early age when compared to non-smokers.

7 Yes, even light smoking is harmful for women as it poses a host of health problems. It is believed that as few as 1 to 4 cigarettes a day can increase your risk of suffering from a heart attack or in some unfortunate cases, dying from heart disease.

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