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How to Start a Community Garden Janet B. Carson Extension Horticulture Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Start a Community Garden Janet B. Carson Extension Horticulture Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Start a Community Garden Janet B. Carson Extension Horticulture Specialist

2 Organize a meeting of interested people Identify possible sites Funding sources Water availability Partnerships What type of gardens – Raised beds, – Seasonal or year-round

3 Who will be involved? Anyone in the community who wants to garden? Neighborhood based Senior Citizen Center School

4 Gibbs/ Dunbar School Garden

5 Determine budgets Who pays for water? Plot rental? Security Seeds, plants, fertilizer

6 Contracts? Put in writing what is expected. Who will maintain if they don’t? Individual or group plots?

7 One person cannot do it alone Create networks of support. Build coalitions. Work with local food banks.

8 Advertise Get the word out. Hold open houses Invite the press.

9 Start small, and build on success

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