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Mao Zedong Brandan Garcia & Juan Segura. Mao Zedong Mao Zedong was born in December 26 1893 in the small village if Shao Shan, Hunan. He died in September.

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Presentation on theme: "Mao Zedong Brandan Garcia & Juan Segura. Mao Zedong Mao Zedong was born in December 26 1893 in the small village if Shao Shan, Hunan. He died in September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mao Zedong Brandan Garcia & Juan Segura

2 Mao Zedong Mao Zedong was born in December 26 1893 in the small village if Shao Shan, Hunan. He died in September 9, 1976 in Beijing, China. He was buried in Mausoleum in Beijing, China. Mao Zedong was Chinese Communist revolutionary and the founding father of the people Republic of China which he governed as Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its established in 1949 until his death in 1976 On October 1, 1949 Mao proclaimed the foundation of the people Republic of China (PRC) a single party state controlled by the CPC. In the following years Mao solicited his control through land reforms and through a psychological, victory (Clarification needed). In the Korea War, and through campaigns against landlords people termed “counter revolutionaries” and others perceived enemies of the state. In 1957 he launched a campaign known as The Great Leap Forward. Mao Zedong also fought against Nationalist Party in the Chinese Civil War. His ideas and philosophies regarding communism and Marxism are often referred to as Maoism. Mao adopted a Chinese Nationalist and anti-imperialist outlook in early life, particularly influenced by the events of the Xin Hai Revolution of 1911 and May Fourth Movement of 1919. Mao is regarded as one of the most important individuals in modern world history. Supporters credit him with modernizing China and building it into a world power, promoting the status of women, improving education and health care.

3 The Great Leap Forwards The Great Leap Forward took place in 1958. It was Mao attempt to modernize China’s economy so that by 1998 China would have an economy that rivalled America. Mao had toured China and concluded that the chine people were capable of anything and the two primary tasks that he felt that he should target was Industry and agriculture. Mao believed that both had to grow to allow the others to grow Industry The Great Leap Forward also encouraged communes to set up "back-yard" production plants. The most famous were 600,000 backyard furnaces which produced steel for the communes. When all of these furnaces were working, they added a considerable amount of steel to China’s annual total – 11 million tons. The figures for steel, coal, chemicals, timber, cement etc. all showed huge rises though the figures started at in 1958 were low. Grain and cotton production also showed major increases in production. Mao had introduced the Great Leap Forward with the phrase "it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever." By the end of 1958, it seemed as if his claim was true. By 1959, it was obvious that the Great Leap Forward had been a failure and even Mao admitted this. He called on the Communist Party to take him to task over his failures but also asked his own party members to look at themselves and their performance. Some party members put the blame of the failure of the Great Leap Forward on Mao. He was popular with the people but he still had to resign from his position as Head of State (though he remained in the powerful Party Chairman position).

4 The Cultural Revolution In 1966, China’s Communist leader Mao Zedong revolution launched what became known as The Cultural Revolution in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government. Behaving that current communist leaders were taking the party, and China itself in the wrong direction, Mao called on the nations youth to purge the “Impure” elements of Chinese society and revive the revolutionary spirit that had led to victory in the Civil War 20 decades earlier in the formation of the peoples Republic of China The Cultural Revolution continued in various phases until Mao’s death in 1976 and its tormented and violet legacy would resonate in Chinese polities and society for decades to come. In 1969, Lin was officially designated Mao successor. He soon used the excuse of border clashes with soviet troops to institute martial law. Disturbed by Lina's premature power grab, Mao began to maneuver against him with the help of Zhou Elea China’s premier, splitting the ranks of power atop the Chinese government In September 1971, Lin died in an airplane crash Mongolia, apparently while attempting to the Soviet Union. About 1.5 million people were killed during The Cultural Revolution millions of others suffered imprisoned seizure of property, torture or general humiliation. The Cultural Revolution’s short term effects may have been felt mainly in China’s cities but its long term effects would impact the entire country for decades to come.

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