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L. Nabulsi. ◦ Quiz over HURRICANES today!  The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically,

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Presentation on theme: "L. Nabulsi. ◦ Quiz over HURRICANES today!  The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically,"— Presentation transcript:

1 L. Nabulsi

2 ◦ Quiz over HURRICANES today!

3  The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

4  The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

5  #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies.   #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving. 

6  Standards Covered:  7E1a.1: Identify and understand idioms and comparison (such as analogies, metaphors, and similes) in prose and poetry.  Standard: 7E1b: Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text  Students read and understand a variety of grade-level-appropriate nonfiction such as biographies, autobiographies, books in many different subject areas, magazines, newspapers, reference and technical materials, and online information.  7E2a.2: Develop and use thesis and introductory statements to organize writing.  7E2a.5: Use strategies of note-taking, outlining, and summarizing to impose structure on composition drafts  7E2a.10: Edit and proofread one’s own writing, as well as that of others, using an  editing checklist or set of rules, with specific examples of corrections of  frequent errors.  7E2b.4: Write summaries of reading materials that: Include the main ideas and most significant details. Utilize the student’s own words, except for quotations.


8  Correct this sentence:  In ancient eqyptian stories the foenix is said to be red and gold and largerer than a eagle/ Edit –it – See 68-69  TEST today over the hurricane  Vocabulary – See next slide  Grammar : The simple sentence  Vocabulary – Week Seven words  Idiom – “all along – from the beginning –  I was not surprised at all when my friends had a party for me. I knew all along they wanted to have a party for my birthday.  Analogy – CAUSE is to EFFECT  : Sun : Daylight::Study : _______  Have vocabulary1-7 and place it in your vocabulary notebook.  In-CLASS: Begin pamphlet about a country


10  Take roll  Test over Hurricanes  Announce that all vocabulary words for first quarter are due 10/24/2014. No exceptions; no work will be accepted after 10/24/2014.  Do Edit It 68  Do vocabulary 7 – See next slide

11 Language ArtsMathSocial StudiesScience 2. Lead paragraph2.scatter plots2. longitude2. fetal stress 3. One-column headline 3.scientific notation3. grid system3.fetus

12 Language ArtsMathSocial StudiesScience – – at the beginning of an article- tells by whom the article was written 1.Quartile – The value of the boundary at the 25th, 50th, or 75th percentiles of a frequency distribution divided into four parts, each containing a quarter of the population 1.Latitutde – lines that run east to west on the globe but that are measured north and south of the equator; equator is 0 latitudeLatitutde 1.Fertilization – the act of polarization in a flower; 2. Lead paragraph – first paragraph in an article- tells who, what, when, were, how and why in one or two sentences if possible. Lead paragraph 2.scatter plots 2.scatter plots - a graphical daigram with points plotted to show a relationship between two variables 2. Longitude – lines that run north and south on the globe but are measured east and west of the Prime Meridian 2. fetal stress - Exposure of the developing fetus to excessive levels of stress hormones in the womb can cause mood disorders in later life and now, for the first time, researchers have found a mechanism that may underpin this process, 3. One-column headline – a title of an article one-column in widthOne-column http://www.amathsdictiona ml http://www.amathsdictiona ml the way of writing very large or small number using a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by the power of 10. 3. grid system - A map grid is a set of lines running horizontal and vertical forming small square on a map. These square form points of contact that give a location for a specific area. grid system 3.Fetus - unborn living being


14  Take roll.  Do Edit It #69  Do idiom and analogy.  Take index cards and begin taking notes on news articles about a African country. Find ◦ 1 international story ◦ 2 national stories (the country in which you were born) ◦ 1 local (state, province, prefecture)  Take notes by putting ideas in your own words.  Look for who, what, when, where, how and why. See later slides for details.

15  No school – CSI day


17  1. Open SMART Notebook  2. Go to VIEW/Gallery  3. Click on Lesson Activity Toolkit  4. Look down and click on INTERACTIVE AND MULTIMEDIA  5croll through selections and pick a game on which you can put at least six items, one for each of your words.  At the game, click on EDIT and place your information on the template  SAVE AS Q1W7voc7esl8last into your ESL folder and then in GALLERY  Open and place in Assignment Drop Box

18  1. What are the four sections of the newspaper?  2. What are the three types of news stories?  3. What are the four types of articles that appear in the “opinion” section?  4. Give three examples of what might appear in the feature section of the newspaper.  5. Why is the sports section a little newspaper unto itself?  6. What are classified ads?  7. Where is a full page ad usually found and why?  8. What is on the nameplate?  9. What is the masthead?  10. What does the word “editor” mean?

19  1. Research your country on the Internet  2. Take notes on index cards  3. Document the sources  4. Put the websites in your FAVORITES  5. Sources: ◦ ◦ Search – your country’s name plus news ◦ Select one national (only about that country) ◦ Select one international (your country and another) ◦ One local - a specific location in your country – the capital city would be best.

20 The Census The Census - Part 1 We need to look at the census for your country,

21  Have an article to read  Have several highlighters  Have several index cards  Have something to secure your index cards.  FIRST: Make a bibliography cardbibliography card  Color code the bibliography card (highlight, sticker, or different color index card)  SECOND: Read your article quickly looking for WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHY and highlight as you go  THIRD: Go back and take important notes on index cards IN YOUR OWN WORDS using a specific procedure.using a specific procedure.  NOTE: Find 1 international news article, 2 national news articles, 1 local news article. Base the national and local articles on the country and state (prefecture, province) in which your were born.

22  Subject of note Source  “direct words from article in “” if more than three words.” Must be documented  Paragraph – in own words but still needs documenting  Paragraph number

23  Last, First of author or article. “Title of Article.” Title of Webpage. Copyright date. WEB. Date retrieved. (If no author, start with “Title of Article.”  Put url for own reference. Put in your favorites on the toolbar.

24  October 6– Edit it 68  October8– Edit it 69

25  Most peoples think of the blues as music, some people think of the blues as poems about the singer’s lifes  Most people think of the Blues as music; some people think of the Blues as poems about the singer’s life.

26  “air dirty laundry in public”  My upstairs neighbors fight a lot and air their dirty laundry in public.  MEANING: to talk about your private disagreements or embarrassing matters in public, usually while quarreling.  ORIGIN: Picture this: instead of hanging your clean washed clothes on a clothesline, you hang dirty clothes for all to see. How embarassing. Imagine”dirty laundry” represents personal secrets and that “to air” means to discuss out loud.  VARIATION- “Air dirty linen in public”

27  CAUSE is to EFFECT  Prosperity: Happiness : : exercise: ___ Answer: fitness 

28  Diagramming PowerPoint - Slides 1-5

29 L. Nabulsi


31  Verb is the part of speech that functions as the predicate. The predicate tells the action or state of the sentence.  Simple predicate = simple verb  Verb phrase = helping verbs and main verb  Complete predicate = verb phrase and all of its modifiers which can be the direct object, predicate noun, predicate adjective, adverbs, and prepositional phrases that function as adverbs.

32  Run – part of speech is verb  Tom was running fast. – The predicate verb is was running  Running - Simple verb  Was running – Verb phrase  Running – Predicate Verb  Was running fast - Complete predicate  HOWEVER

33  Tom has been running daily for three miles.  What is the main verb? Running  What is the verb phrase? Has been running  What is the simple predicate? Has been running  Single word adverb modifiers? Daily  Adverbial prepositional phrase modifier? For three miles  What is the complete predicate? Has been running daily for three miles (simple predicate and its adverbial modifiers)

34  Read “The Census” and take notes on index cards. Hand in for checking – sorry substitute.  Have one bibliography card  Have at least five note cards (subject, source, paragraph, 1 direct quote, 1 paraphrase, 1 general information, 2 of any kind.

35  Download and save in H-Drive/ESL folder W7 PowerPoint  Conduct research on day you were born.  Put all articles from Internet in your FAVORITES and copy/paste url on slide. Note the title of the article, website and date downloaded, look for copyright date on article.

36  Study for tests on the newspaper  Complete finding news articles this week; write your own


38  is, am, are, was, were, be, being, and been; the sense verbs look, taste, smell, feel, and sound; and verbs like become, seem, appear, grow, continue, stay, and turn, elect, name, select  Linking verbs are used in SVN and SVA sentences. It sets up an equation.

39  A predicate nominative or predicate noun completes a linking verb and renames the subject. It is a complement or completer because it completes the verb.  Predicate nominatives complete only linking verbs. The linking verbs include the following: the helping verbs is, am, are, was, were, be, being, and been; the sense verbs look, taste, smell, feel, and sound; and verbs like become, seem, appear, grow, continue, stay, and turn.  The verb in a sentence having a predicate nominative can always be replaced by the word equals. Examples: Mr. Johanson is a teacher. Mr. Johanson equals a teacher. Mr. Johanson is a father. Mr. Johanson equals a father. Mr. Johanson is my neighbor. Mr. Johanson equals my neighbor.  Instructions: Find the verb, subject and predicate nominatives in these sentences.  1. Ann is a new mother.  2. The black dog in the yard was a large Doberman.  3. The tall boy has been our best basketball player.  4. My uncle became a rich computer expert.  5. Mr. Bush may be our next President. 

40  1. Ann = subject, is = verb, mother = predicate nominative  2. dog = subject, was = verb, Doberman = predicate nominative  3. boy = subject, has been = verb, player = predicate nominative  4. uncle = subject, became = verb, expert = predicate nominative  5. Mr. Bush = subject, may be = verb, president = predicate nominative 

41  Instructions: List the subject, verb and predicate nominatives/direct object in the following sentences. Remember- linking verb = predicate nominative; action verb = direct object and not all sentences have either.  1. My favorite pets were a squirrel and a rabbit.  2. Taro gave David a high-five.  3. Naomi bought the whole class ice cream.  4. Our chief crops are corn, wheat, and hay.  5. Mr. Jones is an accountant and a big game hunter.  6. Jamal smiled at the new student.  7. Cheyenne rode the horse, whose name is Sugar, in the tournament.  8.The owners of the race car include Bill, Pete, and Sam.  9. My favorite holidays are Christmas and Easter.  10. Vanessa, Naomi, and Cheyenne all got A’s on their Reading Logs.

42  SENTENCE PATTERNS  S – V Subject - Verb  S – V – DO Subject – (action) Verb – Direct Object  S – V –I – DO Subject – (action) Verb – Indirect Obj – Direct Obj.  S – V – N Subject – (linking) Verb – Predicate noun (Nominative)  S – V -A Subject – (linking) Verb – Predicate Adjective  S –V–DO-C Subject – (action) Verb – DO – Complement-Modifier  Patrick sleeps in class. S – V (prepositional phrase)  Arthur talks constantly. S- V (adverb)  S AV DO S AV DO  Patrick plays soccer. Arthur goes camping.  S LV N LV A  Arthur is a scout and is awesome.  Patrick is a soccer player and is awesome.  Patrick kicked the soccer ball high.

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