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Published byGrace Harrell Modified over 9 years ago
Light Oaks Junior School Year 3 Computing Curriculum The computing curriculum across all year groups will be made up of six units; - Algorithms and Programs - Data Retrieving and Organising - Communicating - Using the internet - Databases - Presentation A seventh element Digital Literacy (E-Safety) is integrated across the curriculum, focusing on teaching children how to become discerning and safe users of digital technologies. Year 3 has a shorter Presentation unit due to the need for an introductory focus on basic keyboard skills and Digital Literacy. Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes are given for each unit in each year group, along with some lesson, resource and program suggestions. Algorithms and Programs Glossary : Sequence – the step-by-step nature of computer programs, mirroring the sequence of steps the algorithm would list. Input – data provided to a computer system, such as via a keyboard, mouse, microphone, camera or physical sensors Output - the information produced by a computer system for its user, typically on a screen, through speakers or on a printer, but possibly though the control of motors in physical systems. Algorithm - an unambiguous procedure or precise step-by-step guide to solve a problem or achieve a particular objective.
© Focus Education 20142 National Curriculum Requirements of Computing at Key Stage 2 Pupils should be taught to: design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world-wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content, that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information. Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact
Algorithms and Programs Units
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Computing: Year 3 Algorithms and ProgramsData Retrieving and OrganisingCommunicating Can they write an algorithm in a flow chart? Can they understand and use repetition within algorithms? Can they use a range of inputs and selection within an algorithm? Can they identify inputs on a range of devices? Can they plan, program and debug a game in Scratch, using inputs, repetition and selection? Can they review images on a camera and delete unwanted images? Have they experienced downloading images from a camera into files on the computer? Can they use photo editing software to crop photos and add effects? Can they manipulate sound when using simple recording story boarding? Can they use the email address book? Can they open and send an attachment? Using the InternetDatabasesPresentation Can they find relevant information by browsing a menu. Can they search for an image, then copy and paste it into a document? Can they use ‘Save picture as‘ to save an image to the computer? Can they copy and paste text into a document? Do they begin to use note making skills to decide what text to copy? Can they input data into a prepared database? Can they sort and search a database to answer simple questions? Can they use a branching database? Can they create a presentation that moves from slide to slide and is aimed at a specific audience? Can they combine text, images and sounds and show awareness of audience? Do they know how to manipulate text, underline text, centre text, change font and size and save text to a folder? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they search by keyword using a child friendly search engine? Can they bookmark a page into your favourites? Can they contribute to a class blog? Can they use repeat command in logo to create a pattern?
5 E-safety in Years 3 and 4 Knowledge & understandingSkills Do they understand the need for rules to keep them safe when exchanging learning and ideas online? Can they recognise that information on the internet may not be accurate or reliable and may be used for bias, manipulation or persuasion? Do they understand that the internet contains fact, fiction and opinion and begin to distinguish between them? Can they use strategies to verify information, e.g. cross- checking? Dot hey understand the need for caution when using an internet search for images and what to do if they find an unsuitable image? Do they understand that copyright exists on most digital images, video and recorded music? Do they understand the need to keep personal information and passwords private? Do they understand that if they make personal information available online it may be seen and used by others? Do they know how to respond if asked for personal information or feel unsafe about content of a message? Can they recognise that cyber bullying is unacceptable and will be sanctioned in line with the school’s policy? Do they know how to report an incident of cyber bullying? Do they know the difference between online communication tools used in school and those used at home? Do they understand the need to develop an alias for some public online use? Do they understand that the outcome of internet searches at home may be different than at school? Do they follow the school’s safer internet rules? Do they recognise the difference between the work of others which has been copied (plagiarism) and re- structuring and re-presenting materials in ways which are unique and new? Can they begin to identify when emails should not be opened and when an attachment may not be safe? Can they explain how to use email safely? Can they use different search engines? © Focus Education 2014 Schools will need to review and amend their approaches to e-safety in order to take on board and address changes to technology.
LessonObjectivesLesson ideaExternals & Software UsedAssessment 1 I can understand the function of specific keys Look at screen grab of keyboard. Children discuss function of keys in pairs and come up with list. Collect information as class. On worksheet children colour code the keys, using a key. Then write the function of each. T to use keyboard info sheet as display and refer back to it regularly. Children then to practise typing passwords. Discuss DL concern of keeping passwords private – why is this important? Copy of paper worksheet showing keyboard and key functions. NB image of keyboard to show children. Children will be able to use the enter, function, caps lock, number lock and space bar keys accurately. 2 I know how to place the fingers on the keyboard and how to improve our typing skills. Recap function of keys particularly shift and caps lock. Discuss hand placement on the keyboard and how this can improve our typing speed. Children to work through 2type in their own time and have some practise of correct placement. Explain that if children finish activities early they can always return to this program to help them to keep improving their typing speed. 2typeChildren will be able to position their hands on the keyboard. Children will be aware of how to improve their typing speed. 3 I can use technology responsibly I know why it is important to keep my passwords private and use an online alias for user names. Discuss being safe with technology– what devices do children think that this applies to? What devices do children have access to at home? Is their access overseen by someone? Make sure that children are clear that e-safety relates to all technological devices such as phones etc and not just online on the computer. What does the term responsibly mean? Why do children think it is important to use these responsibly? Discuss the children’s school passwords – why is it sensible to keep these private? Read Digi Duck story and discuss. Introduce the Thinkuknow website and children complete activities for 5-7yr olds. k/ Can be completed on netbooks/ipads to vary digital device usage. Children will be able to explain the definition of technology. Children will be able to define responsible use of the internet. Children will be able to identify some potential dangers of irresponsible usage. E.g. You can’t see who you are communicating with on some digital devices. 4 Identify a range of ways to report concerns about contact Begin with a general discussion about real world safety. What do children do when/if they encounter a situation that they are not comfortable with at home/or at school? Where do they go for help/ assistance. Compare this with the digital world. Give children scenarios e.g. receiving texts from someone you didn’t know. Would they go for help? Who would they go to? Show children ceop sign and report it buttons. Discuss what it means and report it buttons on sites. Allow children to explore Can be completed on netbooks/ipads to vary digital device usage. Children will be able to identify the ceop logo and explain where they might go for help, if uncomfortable when using a digital device. Year 3: INTRODUCTORY UNIT, PRESENTATION & DIGITAL LITERACY (E-Safety)
LessonObjectivesLesson ideaExternals & Software UsedAssessment 5 & 6 (possib ly 7) I can use technology responsibly I can identify a range of ways to report concerns about contact Present information I can create a presentation that moves from slide to slide and is aimed at a specific audience. I can combine text, images and sounds and show awareness of audience I know how to manipulate text, underline text, centre text, change font and size and save text to a folder. Children to collate what they have learnt in the previous two lessons about digital safety to design a presentation encouraging others to be safe. T to give children a folder with a prior selected bank of images from which to choose. Take opportunity of showing children basic functions in Powerpoint in order to create their presentation. Software Medium for creating a presentation e.g. Powerpoint Children will be able to identify potential dangers of irresponsible usage of digital devices. Children will be able to suggest ways to stay safe on digital devices and routes to help, if required. Year 3: INTRODUCTORY UNIT, PRESENTATION & DIGITAL LITERACY (E-Safety)
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 1 I can explain what is a database. Preparation: draw up a data collection sheet to include [e.g. habitat, animal, number found, characteristics such as colour, number of legs]. Print copies for each child. Give children paper data collection sheets to use outside to record which animals /insects/plants are to be found in the school grounds [Homework – repeat data collection task as a ‘back yard safari’] Talking point: Show the paper data collection sheets and try to physically search the data and use it to answer questions. Is there a better way of doing this? Open an example of pre- prepared database and explain to children that we could input the information into the database which would make it easier to search. 2investigate Children will be able to define what a database is. 2 I can input data into a prepared database. Children use the information that they collected last lesson to input into a database, which already has fields in place. Because children are only learning basics at this stage, you could use excel and ask children to input information. Once finished children come up with some example questions that can be answered using their database. 2investigate Children will be able to input data into a spreadsheet. 3 I can sort and search a database to answer simple questions. Using the children’s suggestions and Teacher input, write a list of questions before the lesson. Demonstrate how to sort the data within each field. Children then use their database and filters to find answers to the questions. 2investigateChildren will be able to sort and search in a database. Year 3: DATABASES
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 4 I can use a branching database. How can information be presented so that it is easy to use it to answer questions? Link to Rocks or other current topic. What characteristics of rocks would be helpful to identify them? Draw up a list of yes/no questions e.g. is it rigid, is it transparent? Write each on a mini- whiteboard and put in a PE hoop. Use this branching database to sort and identify a collection of materials. Photograph this [digital camera]! Talking point: if the questions were different would we still be able to identify the materials? Would the database still work if the questions had answers other than yes/no? Digi camsChildren will be able to create a branching database to sort information (offline). 5 I can use a digital branching database. Using 2Question and the photograph taken of last time’s physical branching data base, create a digital branching database to sort and identify materials by their characteristics. Talking point: Introduce BBC science Clip simulated investigations. Note that these represent real situations. How do simulations like these help us? 2QuestionChildren will be able to create a digital branching database to sort information. 6 I understand that the internet is a huge database. I can recognise that information on the internet may not be accurate or reliable and may be used for bias, manipulation or persuasion. I understand that the internet contains fact, fiction and opinion and begin to distinguish between them. I can use strategies to verify information, e.g. cross- checking I can bookmark a page into my favourites. Discuss the internet as being a huge database. How can information be found on such a massive database? Go to a previously bookmarked site e.g. BBC schools and use the internal search facility to research characteristics of rocks. Introduce refining use of keywords to get to the required information. Use mouse to highlight information then ctrl-C and ctrl-v to paste it into other documents e.g. a science investigation write-up. DL Talking point: Searching at home is likely to involve Google – recommend that they only use this with an adult present Anyone can put anything on the internet, so facts need to be checked Permission must be given before downloading files from the internet (virus and copyright issues) Pictures, videos etc on the internet are owned by other people. Using them without permission is similar to theft. Pop-ups and adverts MUST be removed by clicking the ‘X’ in the top corner, NOT by clicking buttons within the popup. InternetChildren will be able to explain the importance of being discerning about digital information sources. Children will be aware of copyright and what it means. Year 3: DATABASES
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 1 I can find relevant information by browsing a menu. I can copy and paste text into a document. I can begin to use note making skills to decide what text to copy. Children’s task over the next two lessons is to create a poster, information report or presentation based on their current topic. (e.g. link to advertisement for tourists to visit Salford, fact file on a particular animal or the Ancient Egyptians/Stone Age) Revisit skills taught previously such as text manipulation as well as being discerning about content. DL – Discuss with children about who contributes to websites and which ones can be trusted. How can we double check the information we find? You must give children a list of safe websites or a word doc with links to use so that they are not blindly searching using google. Word or Powerpoint, possibly 2Publish but word shortcuts for copying and pasting may not work. Children will be able to find information, use note taking skills and copy and paste text into a document. 2 I can find relevant information by browsing a menu. I can copy and paste text into a document. I can begin to use note making skills to decide what text to copy. As above – lesson continued.Children will be able to find information, use note taking skills and copy and paste text into a document. 3 I can search for an image, then copy and paste it into a document. Preparation: store a variety of images in a variety of forms (e.g. in a Word document, as a jpeg) in the class area of the network. The images should be linked to a current topic. Talking point: what is a graphic? How is it different to an image? Using Dazzle, 2Paint, ActivInspire or similar at the Interactive Whiteboard, show how to: Copy graphics from a range of sources and paste them into 2Publish, Word, Publisher, ActivInspire or similar, by using drag & drop, right click copy & paste, or CTRL-C and CTRL V Resize graphics in the desktop publishing package (2Publish, 2Publish Extra, Publisher, ActivInspire) by dragging the ‘handles’ Children will be able to search for an image and then copy and paste it into a document. Year 3: USING THE INTERNET
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 4 I can search for an image, then copy and paste it into a document. I can use ‘Save picture as‘ to save an image to the computer. I can use different search engines. Children create a poster linked to PSHE and Art. Poster is to be a visual representation of them – collage of things they enjoy and their hobbies. TRY TO FIND A SAFE SEARCH ENGINE FOR PICTURES ON INTERNET OR SEARCH PICTURES FOLDER FOR PRELABELLED PICTURES. There are some good resources and planning ideas for this in Unit 1: We are sharing in ‘Switched on Computing’ Rising Stars (see computer cupboard for book). Children will be able to search for images, copy, paste and save them. Year 3: USING THE INTERNET
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 1 I can send an email. I can use an email address book. I can send an attachment. I can begin to identify when emails should not be opened and when an attachment may not be safe. I can explain how to use email safely. Introduce children to email, using software like 2email or using email service on school network/virtual learning platform if available. You will have to pre-enter address book for 2email. DL Talking point - Discuss with children who sends emails at home. What is email good for? What are the dangers around email? What would children do if they received an email where they didn’t recognise the subject line/sender? 2emailChildren will be able to send email, search addresses and use an attachment. 2 I can contribute to a class blog. On VLE or alternative available children to contribute to a feed (e.g. answering a problem set by the teacher) VLE or alternative Children will be able to contribute to a blog. Year 3: COMMUNICATING
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 1 I can review images on a camera and delete unwanted images. I can download images from a camera and save them to a file on the computer. Children take photographs linked to their current topic to use in the design of a movie next lesson. Children should be shown how to retrieve the images from the digital camera. Use opportunity to discuss DL component ‘using technology responsibly’ – what should we do with photographs online? What are the risks? etc - Show children how to edit photographs, edit photographs by correcting red eye, cropping and using effects. Children to save images. Digital cameras Windows Live Photo Gallery Children will be able to use technology purposefully to create digital content. Children will be able to delete and download images from a camera. 2 I can use photo editing software to crop photos and add effects. Explain to the children that they will be making a movie linked to a current topic e.g. Ancient Egyptians etc. NOTE: this activity could be used to assess learning in the subject from which the content is drawn Show children how to storyboard an animation and plan which content they will need Children to use digi cams to create as many video clips/pictures as they need for their animation (MovieMaker will be required if video clips are to be embedded in the animation) DL Talking points: It is ok to be discerning and delete images that we could improve. Google images should not be used Discuss the school rules regarding taking photos of other children At IWB recap how to download video/photo from camera to the network. Children to download their images from cameras to network, with support if necessary Flip cameras /digi cams Movie Maker Children will be able to storyboard an animation to help them to organise ideas. Children will be able to use technology to capture still and moving images. Children will be able to download images from a digital device. 3 & 4 I can manipulate sound when using simple recording story boarding. Show children how to import their pictures or video into Windows Movie Maker. Demonstrate how to add transitions and/or sound effects, credits and Title to their movie, as well as how to edit unwanted content. Movie MakerChildren will be able to manipulate sound and add transition effects to a movie. Year 3: DATA RETRIEVING AND ORGANISING
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 5 I can review my work.After exporting finished movies to windows, children showcase their work. 2 stars and a wish. Whole class review what worked? What would we do differently? Children will be able to review their work and make suggestions for improvements. Year 3: DATA RETRIEVING AND ORGANISING
LessonObjectiveLesson ideaExternals & Software Used Assessment 1-7 I can write an algorithm in a flow chart. I can understand and use repetition within algorithms. I can use a range of inputs and selection within an algorithm. I can identify inputs on a range of devices. I can plan, program and debug a game in Scratch, using inputs, repetition and selection. Individual lessons and plans with screen grabs for each of the 7 week algorithms and programs component can be found in the Primary Computing file under Year 3. ScratchChildren will be able to write an algorithm in a flow chart. Children will be able to understand and use repetition within algorithms. Children will be able to identify inputs on a range of devices. Children will be able to plan, program and debug a game in Scratch, using inputs repetition and selection. Year 3: ALGORITHMS AND PROGRAMS
Digital Literacy Resources Digi Duck (PDF in Year 3 Resource File) Summer’s Choice (Year 6 Resource File) Resources Resources (Year 5 or 6 quiz on being a good digital citizen)
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