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The Project: Organization Structure:_______________ “INSTITUTIONAL” Concessionaire EMAS NHAI Contractor GAMUDA-WCT Design & Supervision Consultant LASA.

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Presentation on theme: "The Project: Organization Structure:_______________ “INSTITUTIONAL” Concessionaire EMAS NHAI Contractor GAMUDA-WCT Design & Supervision Consultant LASA."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Project:

3 Organization Structure:_______________ “INSTITUTIONAL” Concessionaire EMAS NHAI Contractor GAMUDA-WCT Design & Supervision Consultant LASA Independent Engineer UNIHORN

4 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION:-______ NHAI:- The National Highway Authority of India, a statutory body constituted under the provisions of the National Highway Authority of India, Act, 1988 and having it’s principle office at Plot No. G-5 & G-6, Sector 10, Dwaraka, New Delhi 110 045, hereinafter referred to as NHAI. ● Concessionaire: Emas Expressway Pvt. Ltd.:- M/s. Emas Expressway Private Limited, a company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office Arihant Building, 2 nd Floor, 53A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 016, West Bengal, India. hereinafter referred to as the “Concessionaire”

5 EPC Contractor : GAMUDA-WCT :- Gamuda-WCT Private Limited, a company incorporated in Republic of Mauritius under Companies Act, 1984. Registered office :- Arihant Building, 2 nd Floor, 53A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 016, West Bengal, India Independent Engineer : Unihorn India Pvt. Ltd. Project Office :- C/o, Bankim Timber Works (Amar Swapna), Opposite of Jaguar Shop, Near Purvasha Bus Terminal, Alisha, G. T. Road, Post - Joteram, Burdwan - 713 101, West Bengal

6 SALIENT MILESTONES:_______________ Project Implementation Period : Starting Date: 27.10.2002 Completion Date: 20.06.2005 Operation & Maintenance Period: Starting Date: 20.06.2005

7 SALIENT FEATURES:_________________ Toll Plaza: 2 Major Bridges: 2 Minor Bridge: 19 Cattle Crossing : 2 Fly Over: 5 ROB : 1 Overpass : 1 Underpass : 12 Culverts : 106 Interchanges : 6 Signalized Junction : 6

8 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR THE PROPOSED HIGHWAY:____________________ The 15 years operation and maintenance of the project consists of: Periodic maintenance Routine maintenance Periodic maintenance have been provided during 5th year, 10th year and 15th year from commercial operation date. Routine maintenance works are standard and is generally expected to follow the operational and performance criteria as specified in relevant IRC/MORTH standards and specification.

9 PROJECT ASSETS AND FACILITIES:____ Mosagram Maintenance Yard (Km. 591+800) Wayside Amenity (Km. 621+026) Truck-Lay-Bye (Km. 595+686 and 640+141) Singur ROB (Km. 632+732) Palsit Toll Plaza (Km. 586+056) Dankuni Toll Plaza (Km. 646+376)


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