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Classroom Management and Discipline

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1 Classroom Management and Discipline
Debbie Meadows EDEL 429 CSUB

2 Thoughts Goal of discipline is internal control
Positive leads to self-discipline Negative leads to unwanted results Effective teacher manages Ineffective teacher punishes

3 Behavior Management (Diane Gossen, 1993)
Punisher Enforces control, criticism, threats, hurt, sarcasm, isolation Guilter Sighing, moralizing, silencing, disappointment Buddy Compliments, encouragement, overextending—causes dependence on teacher

4 Behavior Management (Diane Gossen, 1993)
Monitor Rewards to offset negative, teacher imposes consequences, behave only when monitored Manager Children learn self-control, teacher guides toward expectations

5 Types of Misbehaviors Moral Personal Legal Safety Educational
Lying, cheating Personal Physical or emotional hurt toward another Legal Breaking rules or laws Safety Risk of physical injury Educational Affects the learning environment

6 Causes of Misbehavior Frustration Conflict Rules

7 Behavioral Model Determine the behavior to change Introduce reinforcer
Monitor behavior Behavior modification--Skinner

8 Psychodynamic Model Soothe child, encourage exploration of feelings
Privately discuss incident determine causes and issues Guide student to acceptance of responsibility Student and teacher develop solution Guide through reflection--Ginott

9 Environmental Model Analyze the environment (time, space)
Quality of human interaction within environment Adapt the environment Home, School, Neighborhood

10 Constructive Model Remind of procedures and expectations
Discuss concerns and problems Guided toward responsibility for their actions Piaget—construction of knowledge base is individual

11 IOSIE Method Identify the problem Determine the Objectives you want
Propose a Solution Implement the solution Evaluate the results

12 SMART Objectives S—Specific M—Measurable A—Attainable
R—Results oriented T—Time frame

13 Implementation and Evaluation
Who will implement the objective? Can one gain cooperation and support of everyone involved? How long before results? What happens if the objective doesn’t work? EVALUATE the Results

14 Emotional Problems External Internal Discipline problem Lack empathy
Temper tantrums Truant Poor academics Conflicts with authority Bullying Impulsive Aggressive Internal Isolation Overly dependent Moody Helpless Apathetic Bullying victim Self-abusive Crier

15 Emotional Support Make learning relevant
Foster positive peer relationships Teach behavior-management skills Supportive environment Help students cope with stress Instill Hope Bring in the psychologist

16 Successful Teachers Approachable Patient Truthful Warm Loving
Available, listener, personal interest Patient Empathize with struggle to learn and grow up Truthful consistent Warm Supportive, trust Loving Student feels loved, loves the teacher

17 Research Says… Best Teachers Sense of humor Interesting lessons
Know subject Clear explanations Helpful Worst Teachers Dull, boring lessons Little to no explanation Class pets (student kind) Poor attitude Expect more than possible

18 Techniques Scanning the Room Circulating around the Room
Practice looking around Critical for small group work Positive reinforcement for those on task Students appreciate recognition Students know you’re watching Circulating around the Room Same as above—just walking instead of standing

19 Consistent Praise Make it Personal Make it Genuine
Make it Specific and Descriptive “Johnny, thank you for lining up for recess.” “Way to go, Johnny!” Specific to more than one student “Sarah is in line; I see Johnny is in line too.”

20 Proximity Control Students are motivated—non verbally to get back on task Students who are on task receive praise Teacher’s whisper voice Keeps teacher moving about the room

21 The Teacher LOOK Long, direct, calm stare
Practice this in the mirror When behavior stops, teacher stops staring Combined with Proximity control for maximum affect 

22 Student Names Learn student names as soon as possible
Easier to redirect Johnny than “boy in the red shirt” During instruction mention student’s name during lesson or directions “ As we do the next problem, Johnny, be sure to line up your decimals.”

23 Moving-In Advanced Technique
Continuous disruptions from student Teacher gets close to student, makes eye contact and quietly lets student know the consequences of their actions “Johnny, you have already lost your recess because of talking. You will work quietly on this assignment. If you don’t, we will call mom at work.”

24 Refocusing Argument NEVER ARGUE with a STUDENT
“Chris, sit down and do your math.” “I don’t want to do my math. You’re not fair.” “I understand Chris, but you will sit down and finish your work.” “You’re picking on me!” “I understand Chris, but you will sit down and finish your work.” repeat as needed “Okay, but you’re still picking on me.”

25 Management by Walking Around
Once through the room—no stopping-quick Praise on-task behavior, walk around again Unpredictable path Check for mistakes, off-task, concerns Check—same questions? Pull a mini-group for reteaching or reteach the whole class Record anecdotal notes/progress

26 Instructional Practices
Focus on Learning Focused Instruction—student engagement Effective Questioning Techniques Feedback and reinforcement Review/reteach as needed

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