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The Trentino library network Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino past and future Laura Zanette Provincia Autonoma di Trento 29th ADLUG ANNUAL MEETING Centro.

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Presentation on theme: "The Trentino library network Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino past and future Laura Zanette Provincia Autonoma di Trento 29th ADLUG ANNUAL MEETING Centro."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trentino library network Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino past and future Laura Zanette Provincia Autonoma di Trento 29th ADLUG ANNUAL MEETING Centro Congressi Panorama 22-24 settembre 2010

2 Trentino data Surface 6.206 kmq (2,06% of Italy) –573 km² under 500 m on see level; 1.289 km² between 500 m and 1000 m; 4.371 km² upper 1000 m People (31.12.2003)507.030 inhabs. Municipalities 223 (2273 inhabs in average) –Only Trento reaches 100.000 inhabs. –Only 2 towns upper 20.000 inhabs.

3 Trentino: history of autonomy 1027-1803: bishop prince government placed directly by the Emperor 1803: After Napoleon victory, Austria secularizes the country and assigned it to itself 1810-1815: Trentino assigned to Italian Kingdom of Napoleon 1815-1919: back to Austria 1919: Saint Germain treaty: Trentino and South Tirol assigned to Italy

4 Trentino: history of villages autonomy During the prince-bishop rule, the villages (communities) often have autonomy in ruling their own country –Look the country! A few castle in Trentino! –> secular habit, practice in ruling and managing a country

5 Trentino key-words Autonomy Cooperation

6 Trentino libraries in '60 Biblioteca comunale di Trento (born in 1725, open in 1856) Biblioteca civica di Rovereto (1764) Library of the University (Sociology) created by Trentino institution of culture (ITC) Biblioteca civica di Ala Biblioteca dei Padri Cappuccini

7 Trentino libraries history… in 1968 The Provincia decided to establish the library service in the whole province of Trento In 20 years 80 new public libraries had been set up

8 Trentino libraries now: Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino 86 public libraries (municipality) –35 reading and loan points –Located in 102 Municipality –Managed (founded by) 116 Municipality 42 special libraries (private and public) –Academic (University) –Religious –Research

9 Trentino libraries now: Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino: Holding Public libraries – 2.555.000 vol. (4,92 books any inhab.) Specialized libraries –1.874.000 vol.

10 The Trentino Library: idea of Network 1971 Provincial autonomy law about cultural heritage and libraries 1977 New law for libraries Established the idea of a network of library as Cooperation among free libraries supported by the provincial institution

11 Trentino libraries network 1981: Law of Catalogo Bibliografico Trentino (CBT) –The cooperative network supported by technology > acquisition of DOBIS/LIBIS A unique database for bibliographic data A unique database for users data Since 1981 almost all libraries (any public library) has joined CBT 2002> Amicus

12 CBT: Amicus and... friends Amicus –Cataloguing, Searching, Circulation, Acquisition –Reports and Statistics (IT) –Web integrated application holding or Copies status Overdue procedures LibriQuest for ILL RFID management system New comunincation system with print out/e-mail/sms automatically generated for –overdue, holds, ILL advice

13 Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino: the actors Public libraries –freely decide to join CBT –don't create new bibliographic record –add copies –circulation –ILL

14 Sistema Bibliotecario trentino: the actors Specialized libraries –... –create new bib record Duty of both > cataloguing the holding Both cooperate in –keeping hight quality of bib item DB –sharing the users data (unique library card) –circulating books via ILL –analysis of new functions in working groups –testing new functions

15 Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino: the actors Province of Trento Dipartimento Innovazione –funds and rules the infrastructural network (WAN) > is creating ADSL lines via WiNet were the public network don't arrive (in small and lost muncipalities) –rules the informatic system (SIEP) and the system Administrator (Informatica trentina)

16 Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino: the Province Province of Trento - Assessorato alla Cultura - Servizio Attività Culturali - Ufficio per il Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino –In past gave PC and other terminals > now the libraries have got their one –Funds the managing of the libraries LAN > now more and more libraries can do it by theirselves

17 Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino: the USBT –manages the bibliographic data –manages the user account to access the databases (rules to have the user account) –maintenance of DB –quality control in DB –writes the functions guides, mainly on the cataloguing –teachs the new cataloguers –trains the operators in Amicus

18 Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino: the USBT asks for new functions analysis and testing of new functions direclty funds cataloguing cooperatives to catalogue new acquisition of public library valuable heritage of special library

19 Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino: the actors Informatica trentina s.p.a. –is the system administrator –directly manages the DB of Amicus –keep the relationships with the vendors –analysis and test of new functions –suggested sw and other integrations –develops new integrated sw

20 CBT: what future? Tomorrow morning... Amicus –testing Cataloguing on web –support for the development of a new Circulation module –integration of the users data for the WiFi access

21 CBT: what a future?... tomorrow morning Going out to the world –Being in national and international catalogue...... Italian catalogue (exhibition of DB via Yaz Proxy) Manage the system with web Operate at home? OPAC Enrich the info (abstract, cover image, prizes, etc.) Social tools?

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