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Presentation to the Basic Education Portfolio Committee 26 August 2014
Legislation and Policy Context
Legislation and Policy Environment
SACE Act no.31 of 2000 as amended by the BELA Act no.65 of 2011 National Policy Framework on Teacher Education and Development (NPFTED) in South Africa, April 2007 Departments of Basic Education and Higher Education and Training’s Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa, 2011 – 2025 National Development Plan: Vision 2030 released in August 2012. The Plan acknowledges SACE as key role player in continuing professional development of teachers and the promotion of professional standards
What is the CPTD Management System?
The CPTD Management System is a system of recognising all useful professional development by: Approving quality and credible professional development providers Endorsing relevant and good professional development quality activities and programme Allocating professional development (PD) points to such activities Crediting each teacher’s CPTD account / record with the PD points they have earned
The Basic Structure of the CPTD System
Target Audience : School-based teachers Educators engage in three kinds of SACE Endorsed Professional Development (PD) activities / programmes: Teacher initiated activities (Personal) School initiated activities (School) Externally initiated (offered largely by the SACE approved providers) Educators have to earn their Professional Development Points from each of the three types of Professional Development Activities Record and reflect on their participation in professional development through the Professional Development Portfolio (Guidelines and Templates)
The Basic Structure of the CPTD System
Educators will report their participation in Professional Development twice a year manually on a form prescribed by SACE or electronically on the CPTD self-service portal twice a year – May to June and October to November Each educator will be expected to achieve 150 PD points on their PD points Account in every three year cycle.  SACE will issue a Certificate of Achievement to each educator who achieves the 150 PD points within the three years as follows: Bronze Certificate of Achievement to each educator who achieves 150 PD points within the three years. A Silver Certificate of Achievement to each educator who achieves 150+ to 300 PD points within the three years. A Gold Certificate of Achievement to each educator who achieves 300+ PD points within the three years
Role of the DBE DBE has a responsibility to ensure that there are systems in place to: Identify teacher needs Have quality teacher development programmes available to respond to such needs Time is set aside for teachers to participate in such programmes Have funding available to ensure effective professional teacher development programmes Have processes in place to coordinate, monitor and report on programmes Funding provided to SACE to manage the CPTD Management Information System Teachers funded for training through the Skills Development levy Funding also provided to teacher unions through the Teacher Union Collaboration.
Educator participation in developmental programmes from 2009/10 to 2012/13
WSP budget estimates for 2013/14 as provided in the provincial MTEF
Province *Number of staff in schools (Educators, administrative and support) ** MTEF for Compensation of employees * 2013/2014 Allocation of 1% of personnel budget for skills development Division of 1% of Skills Development Budget Administration fee payable to ETDP SETA (10%) Available Budget for Skills Development (90%) Eastern Cape 80815 R 18,742,825,000 R 187,428,250 R 18,742,825 R 168,685,425 Free State 30021 R 7,410,014,000 R 74,100,140 R 7,410,014 R 66,690,126 Gauteng 99702 R 16,927,398,000 R 169,273,980 R 16,927,398 R 152,346,582 KwaZulu-Natal 114599 R 25,304,466,000 R 253,044,660 R 25,304,466 R 227,740,194 Limpopo 69829 R 17,233,095,000 R 172,330,950 R 17,233,095 R 155,097,855 Mpumalanga 43350 R 10,708,549,000 R 107,085,490 R 10,708,549 R 96,376,941 North West 11725 R 7,563,554,000 R 75,635,540 R 7,563,554 R 68,071,986 Northern Cape 30470 R 2,963,424,000 R 29,634,240 R 2,963,424 R 26,670,816 Western Cape 47454 R 9,956,488,000 R 99,564,880 R 9,956,488 R 89,608,392 TOTAL 527965 R 116,809,813,000 R 1,168,098,130 R 116,809,813 R 1,051,288,317
Limitations Systems for teachers needs identification not strong enough Participation levels of teachers in development programmes are insufficient There are still issues around quality and relevance of programmes Departments still not submitting enough programmes to SACE for endorsement Departments still exposing teachers to programmes that are not SACE endorsed and providers that are not SACE accredited Planning and reporting on programmes need to improve Spending on the skills levy needs to improve in some provinces
Introduction and Background
SACE is currently phasing-in the implementation of the CPTD Management System in all the provinces in line with the approved implementation plan by HEDCOM and SACE Council in 2012. The implementation process focuses on: Orientating and Signing up educators to participate in the CPTD management system and earn 150 points in 3 year cycles. Approval of Service Providers and Endorsement of all PD programmes that are presented to teachers Ongoing Advocacy and Communication of the policy Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation CPTD Implementation Cohorts: First cohort: Principals and Deputy principals from 2014 onwards Second cohort: Heads of Departments (HODs) – from 2015 onwards Third Cohorts: PL 1 Teachers – from 2016 onwards
Current Implementation Process
The CPTD Management system is being phased-in as follows: 2013/14 Principals and Deputy Principals – CPTD Orientation and Sign-up in preparation for the 1st three year CPTD cycle starting from January 2014 onwards 2014/15 Principals / Deputy Principals – 1st three year cycle starts ( ) HODs - CPTD Orientation and Sign-up in preparation for the 1st three year CPTD cycle starting January 2015 2015/16 HODs -1st three year cycle starts (2015 – 2017) PL1 Teachers - CPTD Orientation and Sign-up in preparation for the 1st three year CPTD cycle starting January 2016
Every cohort must go through the CPTD orientation and sign-up process, a year before they commence with their first three year cycle. Focus of the Orientation and Sign-Up Sessions: Unpacking the Teacher Education and Development Legislation and Policies within the broader context of the CPTD Management System Overview of the CPTD Management System The Relationship between the CPTD Management System and DBE’s IQMS (including the independent schools systems) Professional Development Portfolio – planning, recording, reflecting and reporting participation in the three year CPTD cycle Administering the Principals and Deputies needs identification questionnaire Manual or electronic sign-up for the CPTD system through the CPTD Self-Service Portal
The purpose of signing-up for the CPTD Management System is to: Create a clean and updated database of educators and schools with relevant information / fields / variables for teacher education and development planning and decision making purposes (link ups with SA SAMS, EMIS, SACE Registration) Create individual CPTD Accounts / Records of educators/schools for participation in the CPTD System and professional development uptake Provide educators with login details (username and password) through an sms so that they can access the CPTD self-service portal to: Update their personal details on a regular basis; Upload and track their own participation in professional development activities / programmes and points earned Access database of the SACE Approved Providers and SACE Endorsed PD activities / programmes Work on the online professional development portfolio Log and track a query /report and track a problem reported to SACE
Sign-ups done: manually (filling-in the forms) electronically through the CPTD Self-Service Portal accessed through the: SACE Website ( Mobisite ( CPTD Self-Service Walk-in Centre Cellphone App (being developed)
Some Observations and Reflections Orientation and Sign-Up Sessions For Principals and Deputy Principals Trend of principals/deputies sending representatives (PL1 teachers/HODs) to the orientation and sign-up sessions (knowledge gap, variance on the number of sign-ups) ICT Related Issues Purpose of Username and Password - the majority of principals and deputies sign-up and forget to log-in for purposes of updating their records and familiarising themselves with the CPTD self-service portal Challenges around Computer Language Very low levels of Computer Literacy (Need) 85% signed-up manually Provinces investing in ICT in teaching and learning and managing the schools (WC, GP, NC) Aging Management and Leadership in Schools: the majority of our principals and deputy principals are aging. Because of this, some of them did not value participation in the CPTD system because they argued that they are nearing retirement age. This is likely to impact on the level of professional development uptake by this cohort. Impacting on the sign-up variance as well.
Some Observations and Reflections ….
Information and Knowledge Gap: A trend of information gap was picked up on policies, legislation, new educational initiatives, CAPS related matters, and the role that they are suppose to play in developing and support teachers. This trend, starts to explain why some of the School Management Teams lack authority and are unable to manage their schools. It also explains, to a certain extent, some of the misconduct cases that are referred to SACE daily instead of SMTs resolving them at school level Culture of continuing professional development Linkages between PD and Monetary Rewards Knowledge of the CPTD System by Principals and Deputy Principals: 4 out of 10 principals and deputy principals heard of the CPTD system before. This confirmed the information gap existing amongst some of the principals and deputy principals and that the previous CPTD advocacy and communication efforts focused largely on the PL1 educators and less on principals and deputy principals. It is good that the CPTD system implementation process started with principals and deputy principals. this calls for an improved CPTD advocacy and communication strategy and plan for all the cohorts and teaching profession as whole.
Some Observations and Reflections …
Mis-information and Confusion around the CPTD System and IQMS: Most of the participants in the orientation and sign-up sessions were confusing the CPTD Management System with IQMS. Others thought the CPTD Management System was replacing IQMS. Because of this confusion, SACE worked with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) in developing a pamphlet that explains the relationship between the CPTD Management System and IQMS. The pamphlet is being distributed to Schools through the Provincial Education Departments and stakeholders
Emerging Statistics from the Sign-Ups
Total Target Variance GP 3989 4679 690 85.25% -14.75% NW 1756 2447 691 71.76% -28.24% LP 3028 4971 1943 60.91% -39.09% EC 4539 6340 1801 71.59% -28.41% WC 2378 2828 450 84.09% -15.91% MP 2236 2756 520 81.13% -18.87% KZN 7307 8056 749 90.70% -9.30% FS 1654 1852 198 89.31% -10.69% NC 532 835 303 63.71% -36.29% 27419 34764 7345
Province Congo Cameroo n Uganda India Nigeria Tunisia USA Zambia Zimbabw e Blank Total GP 1 6 43 2 53 NW 3 LP 10 EC WC MP 4 KZN 7 FS NC 64 81
Current HOD Sign-Ups Province Total Target Variance GP 2754 8610 5856
GP 2754 8610 5856 31.99% -68.01% NW 1187 2937 1750 40.42% -59.58% LP 2173 5863 3690 37.06% -62.94% EC 194 5690 5496 3.41% -96.59% WC 1301 5000 3699 26.02% -73.98% MP 2412 4039 1627 59.72% -40.28% KZN 9112 10950 1838 83.21% -16.79% FS 604 2720 2116 22.21% -77.79% NC 151 979 828 15.42% -84.58% 19888 46788 26900
Principals and Deputy Principals started participating in a three year CPTD cycle (January 2014 – December 2016) Participate in three types of PD activities (teacher, school, externally initiated) and earn 150 points over a three year cycle Recording Participation - Professional Development Portfolio Template (Online and Offline Versions) Reporting participation in PD Activities and Points earned to SACE twice a year (May/June and October November) 1st Reporting Period – emphasis on type 1 and type 2. PD activities not informed by the needs, financial implications for type 3, Limited uptake on Instructional Leadership programmes / activities Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation - PD provisioning , PD uptake, and participation in the CPTD system (School visits, Portfolio, CPTD-IS, Stakeholder gatherings). External evaluation/Impact study at the end of the three year cycle
PROCESS Needs Identification Process (IQMS/ANA and NSC Diagnostic Reports/Self Reflection/Misconduct Cases) Develop Professional Growth Plan / SIP / DIP / PIP / NIP ADDRESSING THE IDENTIFIED NEEDS PGP: Type 1 Activities with Predetermined PD Points (Points schedule in the CPTD Educators’ Guide) SIP: Type 2 Activities with Predetermined PD Points Points Schedule in the CPTD Educators’ Guide) DIP/PIP/NIP: Type 3 Activities with PD Points (SACE Catalogues/database of endorsed PD activities
January – December 2014 Typical PD Activities Type 1
Type 1 PD Activity Pre-determined PD Points 8 Educational Meetings (per annum) 4 x Principals Meetings by the District 2 x Union Principals / Deputies Meetings / Forum 1 x SAPA Breakfast Session 2 x Local Schools Principals / Deputies Network or Committee Meetings 10 Points (all together) Conferences / Symposium Union/PEDs Leadership Conference/Seminar SAPA/EMASA/AMESA National Conference Workshop Session on School as a Learning Organisation 10 Points (2 days and more) 10 Points (2 days) 5 points (2 – 5 hours) Reading Educational Material (from 4 sources in a year) Union educational publications /Pythogarus / Magazine / Books The Teacher Newspaper / Periodicals / Journals SUB-TOTAL FOR Type 1 (YEAR 1 of the Three Year Cycle) 5 Points 40
January – December 2014 Typical PD Activities Type 2
Type 2 PD Activity Pre-Determined PD Points Staff Development (4 per annum) Conducting / Facilitating learning area related workshop for staff at a school Attending and participating in 2 school-based ANA/NSC PD activities / programmes Being developed and supported on a particular teaching and learning area or management and leadership by the circuit manager/IDSO or the District 21 Points (all together) School Projects Implementing action research school project 20 Points School Meetings (10 per annum) 2 x SGB Meetings 4 x SMT Meetings 3 x Professional Association Meetings 5 x Professional Learning Committee Meetings 10 Points SUB-TOTAL 51 Points
January – December 2014 Typical PD Activities Type 3
Type 3 PD Activity PD Points (Endorsement Process) Completed ADE (Leadership and Management) OR SAOU Principal as a Curriculum Manager OR Matthew Goniwe – Managing Resources / HRD / HRM / Curriculum Management Support 40 Points 10 Points 5 points each (25 all in all) SUB-TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Type 1, 2, 3 for year 1 of the 1st three year cycle. 131 / 101/ 126
Principals and Deputy Principals Needs Analysis
Administering needs identification questionnaire to principals and deputy principals during the CPTD orientation and sign-up sessions to inform: development of professional development programmes by the providers professional development provisioning by employers questionnaires administered nationally Analysis – national, provincial, district levels Report / Seminar (Key needs identification and analysis bodies – DBE, ETDP SETA, SACE) Preliminary Findings
Principals and Deputy Principals Needs Analysis
KZN Financial Management Providing Leadership, Monitoring, Support Policy Development and Implementation Managing quality of teaching and Learning Managing information and Keeping Records Computer Literacy FS Providing leadership, mentoring, support Policy development and implementation; Managing quality of teaching and learning Managing IQMS and SPMDS MP Providing Leadership, mentoring, support Policy development and implementation Managing Information and keeping records
Principals and Deputy Principals Needs Analysis
WC Providing Leadership, Mentoring , Support; Financial Management; Policy Development and Implementation; Managing Quality of teaching and learning; School Discipline; Training in Changes in Legislation EC Providing Leadership, Mentoring, Support Financial Management Computer Literacy Policy development and implementation; Managing IQMS and SPMDS LP Providing Leadership, Mentoring, Support; Financial management; Managing quality of teaching and learning Managing information and keeping records Knowledge of subjects taught by you
Principals and Deputy Principals Needs Analysis
Financial management; Providing Leadership; Policy development and implementation; Computer Literacy GP Providing Leadership etc; Managing IQMS and SPMDS; Policy Development and Implementation NW Providing leadership etc; Computer Literacy.
Have you Engaged in PD Activities/Programmes in Previous 12 months?
Rate your Experience in PD Activity/ies Undertaken
Provider Approval Provider must be SACE approved to offer SACE endorsed PD activities Provider forums – NW, EC, FS, GP, LP, KZN. MP and WC to follow by end 20l4 Received 205 provider approval application and 178 have been approved by SACE and they are from the following sectors: Private providers HEIs Teacher Unions (4) Schools (Independent) PED’s (FS, KZN, Gauteng and WC underway) NGO’s
Provider and Endorsement
Application Internal Screening Evaluation (54 evaluator and additional 7 from the Special education needs sector) Endorsement (9 Endorsement Committee Members) Final Ratification (Professional Endorsement Committee – Delegated Authority) Feedback to Providers with Endorsement Certificate / Provider Support for Re-Submission where necessary
PD Activity / Programme Endorsement
To date 550 PD programmes / activities have been endorsed. Endorsed activities/programmes cover a wide range of topics and areas, amongst which are the following: ICT Leadership and Management Communications Mathematics Physical science Special education needs School Discipline Policy development and implementation Analysis – utilisation/uptake of the endorsed PD programmes/activities Catalogues Collaboration – Quality Councils, HPCSA
Refocusing the CPTD Mandate to Prioritise Key Strategic Areas
CEM Lekgotla took a decision on refocusing the mandate of the SACE’s CPTD programme to prioritise key strategic areas such as Mathematics, Science, Technology and Languages, CAPS, SBAs and ICT, among others. In responding to the CEM Lekgotla, the DBE and SACE had some discussion on the implementation process as follows:
Refocusing the CPTD Mandate to Prioritise Key Strategic Areas
Phase 1 Endorsement of PD Activities in the Identified Priority Areas (October 2014 – March 2015) Phase 2 Advocacy and communication of the endorsed PD programmes catalogues (addressing the needs in the priority areas) to the HODs (January – June 2015) Phase 3 Participation in the SACE Endorsed PD Programmes by the HODs and PL1 Teachers (Priority Areas: From April 2015 onwards)
Advocacy and Communication
Advocacy material (Posters, pamphlets/ brochures, CPTD Handbook distributed to all the schools with the support of PRDs and district offices) CPTD Self-Service Portal DVD distributed to all schools Two months radio campaign – adverts, slots and interview (10 SABC radio stations) Provider Forums SACE Website CPTD Newsletter (1st edition in September 2014 Advertorial in teacher union publications CPTD Presentation Slots in various teacher unions / SAPA / PEDs educational gatherings such as meetings, workshops, conferences CPTD launch Print Media Provincial Visits (SGs and stakeholders) Bilaterials (Teacher Unions, SAPA, HESA EDF, HPCSA, Quality Councils, DBE)
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