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KMS Write your Research Report in a Structure August 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "KMS Write your Research Report in a Structure August 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 KMS Write your Research Report in a Structure August 2014

2 A Report: A report is a statement of the results of an investigation or of any matter on which definite information is required. (Oxford English Dictionary) Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 2

3 Knowledge Management TACIT KNOWLEDGE VS EXPLICIT KNOWLEDGE Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 3

4 Benefits of written reports 1.Consolidated form 2.Effective form of internal communication and shared knowledge 3.Facilitates decision making and planning 4.Discloses unknown information 5.Enables periodic reviews 6.Invites contribution from others 7.Live documents 8.Don’t have to remember and forget Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 4

5 No one can understand it! Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 5

6 Comprehensible Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 6 Structure your Report

7 Methodology Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 7 1.Develop a method 2.Explain clearly

8 A Usual Report Structure Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 8

9 Stages: The following stages are involved in writing a report: clarifying your terms of reference planning your work collecting your information organizing and structuring your information writing the first draft checking and re-drafting. Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 9

10 5 Steps to Report Writing 1.Define the problem 2.Gather the necessary information 3.Analyze the information 4.Organize the information 5.Write the report Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 10

11 Anatomy of a Report 1.Cover Page 2.Letter of Transmittal/ Executive Summary 3.Table of Contents 4.List of Illustrations 5.Report Body 6.Appendixes 7.Citations Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 11

12 Cover Page Describes what the report is all about Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 12


14 Letter of Transmittal: Executive Summary 1.Background 2.Summarize conclusions and recommendations 3.Minor problems. Thank those who helped. 4.Additional research necessary 5.Thank the reader. Offer to answer questions. Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 14

15 Table of Contents 1.An outline of the report 2.Bone structure 3.Leads the reader Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 15


17 Illustrations 1.Tables 2.Graphs 3.Charts 4.Diagrams Label Number Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 17

18 Report Body Introduction: Purpose and Scope; Limitations, Assumptions, and Methods Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 18

19 Background/History of the Problem/ Correlations / Analysis Presents and interprets data Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 19

20 Conclusions and Recommendations Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 20

21 Appendixes Interview transcripts, questionnaires, question tallies, printouts, and previous reports Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 21

22 Citations References or Works Cited Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 22

23 Plan your report 1.Consider the report as a whole 2.Break down the task of writing the report into various parts 3.Keep in mind the time available to finish the report 4.How can time be divided up into various phases 5.Set yourself the deadlines Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 23

24 Draw up an outline of the report Divide your works in components Note: Some of the most time consuming parts of the process are collecting and arranging your information and checking &revising your report. Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 24

25 Collecting Information 1.What is the information you need? 2.Where do you find it? 3.How much do you need? 4.How shall you collect it? 5.In what order you will arrange it? Make lists Make an action plan Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 25

26 Organizing Information 1.Write the main theme in the Centre of a paper 2.Write down all ideas and key words related to your topic starting from the Centre and branching out along lines of connecting ideas 3.Each idea can be circled or linked by lines as appropriate Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 26

27 Organizing Information Cont’d 1.When you have finished, highlight any related ideas and then sort topics 2.Some ideas will form main headings and others will be sub-headings 3.You will then be able to see a pattern emerging and be able to arrange and re- arrange Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 27

28 Mind Map 7/2/2015

29 Questions and Common Errors Questions You, We, I – personal pronouns Standards for reports How long? Common Errors It ’ s a common error! Its consequences are great! Singular & Plural errors. Neutrality (he/she, John) Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 29

30 Document Design 1.Use no more than 5 fonts. 2.Use no more than 5 colors. 3.Use normal paper. 4.Use white space. 5.Use templates. 6.Use parallelism. 7.Avoid double emphasis. Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 30

31 Remember The art of good writing is in re-writing Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 31

32 Subjects of Reports Various Information Needs Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 32

33 Information Needs Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 33 Exporters from Pakistan Provision of information on Target Markets Logistical and Travel Information Export Procedures Trade Fair suitability Connectivity information Others (unlimited)

34 Information Needs Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 34 International Importer Information on Procedures in Pakistan B2B Support Logistical information Visa and travel information

35 Information Needs Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 35 Country basic facts Cultural differences Business Ethics in target markets Travel requirements Logistics and shipping Financial institutions (banking)

36 Information Needs Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 36 Applicable import tariffs in importing country Applicable tariff concessions (FTA, GSP, etc) Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary requirements Labeling requirements Packaging requirements Health and safety related requirements Environment related requirements Standards Liability issues

37 Information Needs Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 37 Trade statistics Trade fairs Business norms Distribution networks Buyer preferences Cost of doing business Competitor analysis Dispute resolution system Others

38 Information Needs Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 38 Export related laws and procedures of Pakistan What incentives government offers for export? How can these incentives/ benefits can be gained? Others

39 Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 39

40 Exercise 2 Take a blank page of paper Create a mind map for your report Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | August 2014 40

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