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Presents Willpower and the White Bear Phenomenon  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Brain References.

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Presentation on theme: "Presents Willpower and the White Bear Phenomenon  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Brain References."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presents Willpower and the White Bear Phenomenon  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Brain References

2 Age of the Brain  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc This is a wonderful era for brain-function research The study of brain function as a science was made possible by the invention of brain-imaging equipment What is being learned can enable you to live your life more successfully—by design

3 Brain function offers just interesting facts unless the information is applied practically to everyday living Equally interesting is that Scripture is filled with admonition that aligns with brain function information Willpower and the White Bear Phenomenon—is no exception Information Needs To be Applied  Arlene R. Taylor PhD

4 For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do —Romans 7:15 To will and to act according to God’s good purpose —Philippians 2:13 Whatever is true, right, noble, just, pure, lovely, admirable, of good report, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think about these things  Philippians 4:8 Spiritual Applications  Arlene R. Taylor PhD

5 White Bear Phenomenon  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc When you say “don’t think about the white bear” a representation of a white bear goes into your brain’s working memory Your brain makes no judgment about what is in working memory It says: If it’s in working memory it must be important to you so I’ll think about that

6 Positive Instructions  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Always tell your brain what you want to have happen — create the picture in a one-step process Stop telling it what you do not want to have happen or you will create a picture in working memory of the very behavior you want to avoid I don’t want to drink sodas anymore

7 Don’ts are Confusing  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Don’ts rarely tell you clearly what to do When you hear “Don’t think about the white bear,” what are you to think about? Don’t smoke Don’t gain weight Don’t talk to me like that Don’t act like an idiot Don’t drink sodas Don’t wear that

8 Step One  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Stop talking about the behavior you want changed and delete “don’t” from your vocabulary Say what you are doing Don’t think about the white bear say instead Think about the red monkey

9 Program Your Brain  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Use short, positive, present-tense words and phrases I am, I do, I can, I choose...) Speak as if the new behavior is already in place and happening right now – this is critically important for altering behavior If you speak in future tense (I’m going to) the brain doesn’t get serious and moving

10 More Examples  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc I don’t want to be fat I weigh 90 kilos (male) I weigh 60 kilos (female) I can’t speak in public I speak in public, I do a good job, and I enjoy doing it

11 Positive instructions increase your changes of obtaining cooperation Don’t run into the street Stop at the curb Don’t forget your homework Remember to take your homework Don’t get married before you graduate Graduate before you get married Examples, Cont’d  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc

12 Step Two  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc When the picture is clear in working memory, use willpower to put the picture into action Working memory and willpower appear to reside very close to each other in the prefrontal cortex (3 rd brain layer) Many try to use willpower in a way it was never designed to be used

13 Willpower  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Willpower is a function of the prefrontal cortex behind your forehead (may be exclusively a human part of the brain) Need to practice willpower in childhood and adolescence and develop willpower skills (even though your brain is still developing and maturing and will be “done” in the mid to the late 20s)

14 Purpose of Willpower  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Willpower is designed to give you energetic perseverance to attain a goal:  Develop a NEW behavior “Brush your teeth”  Develop a REPLACEMENT behavior “I speak kindly to my children”

15 Willpower Caveat  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Willpower rarely works well (if at all) to deprive yourself of something you already do for gratification (e.g., ending a bad habit) Willing yourself NOT to do something puts a picture of the thing you don’t want to do in working memory and the brain thinks about it constantly, which usually increases the behavior

16 Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Always tell your brain what you are doing as if the new behavior is already in place and happening now “I choose to drink water and apple juice” Then you activate willpower and remove everything from your environment except water and apple juice and choose to buy apple juice only

17 The Combination is Powerful  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc In combination with putting helpful pictures in your brain’s working memory, willpower can help you to:  Take a walk instead of watching TV  Drink water instead of sodas  Finish your homework before you play  Speak kindly to others

18 Thought Patterns  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Your habitual attitudes form neural circuits in the brain If you choose to maintain a specific attitude, the brain can literally rewire itself to facilitate that attitude  Doc Childre and Howard Martin The HeartMath Solution

19 Be Careful about “Once”  Arlene R. Taylor PhD When you do something once, the brain has already saved the picture (laid down some rudimentary brain software) in case you ever want to do that something again When you do something in the short term that is unhealthy or undesirable for the long term— you may be chained to a habit before you even realize it

20 What Do You Need To Do?  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Exercise brain and body? Drink more water? Finish your education? Speak kindly to others? Get enough sleep? Live a more balanced life that includes play? Figure out how to say it positively to place the desired picture in working memory Access willpower for the energy and perseverance to attain your goal

21 For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do —Romans 7:15 To will and to act according to God’s good purpose —Philippians 2:13 Whatever is true, right, noble, just, pure, lovely, admirable, of good report, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think about these things  Philippians 4:8 Apostle Paul’s Recommendations  Arlene R. Taylor PhD

22 Think On These Things  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc Human beings usually end up doing what they spend time thinking about and picturing themselves doing... What you think about (picture in your brain) is likely what you will end up getting... What do you think about?

23 It’s Your Brain  Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc You have been leased a brain to use on this planet and have been given a body with which to carry it around More than half the factors that determine how long it lasts and how well it functions while it lasts are within your partial if not complete control—it’s largely your choice

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