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Lesson 10 Good Production Practice #10 Provide proper swine care to improve swine well-being.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10 Good Production Practice #10 Provide proper swine care to improve swine well-being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10 Good Production Practice #10 Provide proper swine care to improve swine well-being.

2 2 Good Production Practice 10 Objectives This lesson will help you to: Explain the importance of recordkeeping Understand the role that observation and interaction have in providing proper swine care Explain the role of proper ventilation, space and facility maintenance Understand why intentional acts of neglect or abuse are unacceptable

3 3 Good Production Practice 10 Recordkeeping Veterinarian/Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR) Medication and treatment records Caretaker training program –Euthanasia –Swine handling –Husbandry

4 4 Good Production Practice 10 Recordkeeping PQA Plus Certification Daily Observation Record Euthanasia Plan

5 5 Good Production Practice 10 Emergency Backup Support Written emergency action plan –Covers various emergencies – fire, weather, power outage, etc. –Telephone numbers for owner, veterinarian, fire and police Emergency detection system –Used on many commercial operations –Alarms for power failure, drastic temperature changes –Facility location may allow for visual detection Emergency backup system –Manual or automatic interventions in the event of a mechanical ventilation failure

6 6 Good Production Practice 10 Daily Observation Routine observation –Helps ensure prompt reaction to any needs –Keep records of observations

7 7 Good Production Practice 10 Animal Evaluation Production Performance Average Daily Gain –Amount a pig gains per day Feed Efficiency –Pounds of weight gained per pound of feed consumed

8 8 Good Production Practice 10 Animal Evaluation Physical Evaluation Lameness –Cannot bear full weight on all four legs Skin Lesions, Abscesses and Wounds –Signs of injury to an animal Disease –Symptoms of disease

9 9 Good Production Practice 10 Animal Evaluation Body Condition Score 12345 Body Condition Score (BCS) –Useful to assess nutrition program

10 10 Good Production Practice 10 Animal Evaluation Swine Behavior –Pigs that have experienced unpleasant human interaction will show fear in the presence of humans

11 11 Good Production Practice 10 Body Space Body Space - A pig must be able to: –Easily lie down fully on its side without having to lay on another pig, and be able to easily stand back up –Lie down without the head having to rest on a raised feeder Additionally, a sow housed in a stall must be able to: –Lie down fully on its side without the head having to rest on a raised feeder and the rear quarters coming in contact with the back of the stall at the same time

12 12 Good Production Practice 10 Euthanasia Written euthanasia plan that considers: –Human safety –Pig well-being –Practicality and technical skills –Cost –Aesthetics –Limitations Timely euthanasia –Minimizes animal pain or distress –Functional equipment available

13 13 Good Production Practice 10 Facilities A well maintained facility will help prevent injury to your animal

14 14 Good Production Practice 10 Animal Movement Animal movement may be stressful to pigs if not done in a calm quiet manner –Eliminate visual distractions from path of movement –Move six pigs or less at a time –A sorting board is the most effective tool for movement

15 15 Good Production Practice 10 Transportation Transporting pigs can cause stress –If transporting when it is hot, provide:  Shade  Wet straw or shavings  Air flow  Water –If transporting when it is cold, provide:  Straw or other bedding  Water

16 16 Good Production Practice 10 Ventilation Temperature –Facility temperature should be appropriate for the age of the pigs –Pig behavior is a good indicator of the thermal environment Air Quality –Air quality can be controlled through ventilation

17 17 Good Production Practice 10 Willful Acts of Abuse Willful acts of abuse are unacceptable on any farm or operation. If you observe willful acts of abuse, you should immediately stop the situation. STOP

18 18 Good Production Practice 10 Take-Home Message Keep necessary records Evaluate your facilities and animals Identify potential hazards to your animals’ health and well-being

19 19 Good Production Practice 10 Summary Keep accurate records Observe your animals daily Evaluate your animals and facilities Avoid willful acts of abuse

20 20 Good Production Practice 10 Youth Pork Quality Assurance Plus

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