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Fort Bend Flood Management Association Annual Symposium Oct. 3, 2014.

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1 Fort Bend Flood Management Association Annual Symposium Oct. 3, 2014

2 Three 10’s to Think About Karin Jacoby

3 Presentation Outline  Ten Things to Watch  Federal Rules, Regulation and Legislation  Ten Year Turn  From Safe Levees to Levee Safety  Ten Ways to Make a Difference  Things you can do

4 Fighting the Flood of Federal Rules, Regulation, and Legislation  What is it ?  Who’s doing it ?  Why care ?

5 1. ESA Rulemaking  Stated intent is to provide clarity for listing of species and also for designation of critical habitat, much of which is found to occur at or near rivers and streams, so also near levees Fish & Wildlife / NMFS

6 2. Waters of the U.S. Rulemaking  Expands CWA coverage 404 - dredge & fill 402 - stormwater NPDES 303 - quality stds & TMDLs EPA USACE

7 3. National Flood Insurance Program  BW12 called for changes to NFIP to increase rates to reflect true flood risk  Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 delays Congress / FEMA

8 4. Principles & Requirements  Rules for Fed agencies to assess WRD investment and activities  WRDA ’07 says shall reflect ntl priorities  Avoid unwise use of floodplains and flood-prone areas, and minimize adverse impacts & vulnerabilities if must be used  Protect and restore natural functions  USACE starts - CEQ takes, applies to more agencies USACE, CEQ, other Agencies

9 5. Interagency Guidelines  Provides direction to agencies for applicability and implementation of P&R  Elevate ecosystem and social concerns over net NED benefits  Broad discretion to Fed decision-makers  Framework to stall / stop WRM infrastructure CEQ, other Agencies

10 6. Sec. 408 Permitting  Corps released new Engineering Circular (EC)  2 years to become an Engnrg Regulation (ER) USACE

11 7. President’s Climate Action Plan  Cut U.S. carbon pollution  Prepare U.S. for climate change impacts  Lead efforts to Combat Global Climate Change and Prepare for its Impacts White House & CEQ

12 8. Federal Flood Risk Management Standard  Review EO 11988  Incorporate FFRMS Determine Application  Fed inv / action (permits)  Horiz FP - coast / rivers  Vert Stds – best / current science CEQ

13 9. WRRDA / Implementation Guidance  USACE Listening sessions  LEVEE SAFETY  Vegetation Mgt Policy  Levee Safety Initiative  Ntl Comm on Levee Safety  Levee Safety Guidelines  Hazard Potential Classification USACE

14 10. Levee Rehabilitation and Inspection Program (RIP) PL 84-99 Rulemaking  March 2014 Interim policy for levees issued  Fall 2014 expect NOI for rulemaking  Spring 2015 new proposed rule for levees and channels anticipated  Move away from inspection checklists for eligibility  Toward risk-informed efforts  Emergency Preparedness  Risk Communication USACE

15 Presentation Outline  Ten Things to Watch  Federal Rules, Regulation and Legislation  Ten Year Turn  From Safe Levees to Levee Safety  Ten Ways to Make a Difference  Things you can do

16 “Levee Safety” Evolution 2005 – Levee performance concerns post Katrina 2006 – Corps levee safety approach emerges 2007 – WRDA ‘07 Title IX - national levee safety pgm 2008 – Periodic inspection procedures 2009 – NCLS report to Congress 2010 – LSAC ratings initiated 2011 – SWIF policy updated for use w/ PL 84-99 2012 – Levee vegetation draft policy 2013 – PL 84-99 eligibility determinations suspended 2014 – WRRDA ‘14 Title III w/ a levee safety initiative

17 2005  Devastation  Levee failure in New Orleans  IPET post Katrina  Storm  Protection system  Performance  Consequences  Risks

18 2006  Model - Ntl Dam Safety Program  Inspections  Hazard potential classification  Fed. dam safety guidelines  DSAC ratings  State dam safety programs

19 2007  Congress acts WRDA 2007  Authorize levee projects  Title IX – Levee Safety  Levee Defined  Committee on Levee Safety  Database of inventory and inspection

20 2008  Inspection Procedures for Corps Levee Safety Program  “more rigorous inspection program for levee systems”  O&M  Structural stability  Levee features  Communication

21 2009  Report from NCLS  Create state levee safety programs  Align federal programs/processes  Provide for non-federal leadership

22 2010  LSAC ratings initiated  Risk Communication  Terminology confusing  Local sponsors  Developers  Insurers

23 2011  System-wide Improvement Framework  Policy Update  Allows continued PL 84-99 eligibility, if working to cure Rigorous Inspections Unacceptable Ratings No Fed help w/ levee rehab Enhance Safety and Reduce Risk X

24 2012  Levee vegetation draft policy  Controversial  Conflicts w/ ESA critical habitat  Stymied O&M efforts

25 2013  PL 84-99 eligibility determinations suspended  Interim policy developed, issued 3-21-14

26 2014  Congress acts WRRDA 2014  Authorize levee projects  Levee Safety Subtitle 3 years to report on recommendations for a National Dam & Levee Safety Program

27 WRRDA 2014 Subtitle B-Levee Safety  3011. SWIF  3013. Vegetation Mgt  3016. Levee Safety (amends WRDA ‘07)  Levee / Levee System defined  NCLS  Inventory (LSAC)  Levee Safety Initiative

28 Evolution goes on, and on, and… “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” ― Charles DarwinCharles Darwin

29 Presentation Outline  Ten Things to Watch  Federal Rules, Regulation and Legislation  Ten Year Turn  From Safe Levees to Levee Safety  Ten Ways to Make a Difference  Things you can do

30 1. Learn the issues  Levees  Rehab & Inspection  Leveed areas  Hazard Potential Classification  Flood Insurance  Other

31 2. Share your stories  Successes  NFIP Reform  Local investment  Built, O & M  Challenges  Permitting  Maintenance activities

32 3. Get the word out  Broaden perspectives

33 4. Coordinate w/ NCLS  Ntl Committee on Levee Safety (NCLS) new role in WRRDA  Still 16 members  Staggered terms  2 Fed. (FEMA / Corps)  Non-fed chair  Non-fed committees  Annual report on levee safety initiative  Coordinate w/ FIFMTF

34 5. Provide Administration, CEQ and USACE input / feedback  WRRDA Implemenation Guidance  Engineering Circulars  Climate Action Plan  Fed. Flood Risk Mgt Std  Principles & Requirements  Interagency Guidelines

35 6. Pay Attention  Look for rules and regulations that could impact you  Determine process being used to develop  Demand your say  APA Rulemaking

36 7. Comment on proposed rules  WOTUS – Oct. 20, 2014  ESA – Oct. 9, 2014

37 8. Provide input on rules being developed  PL 84-99: Levee RIP – Fall 2014  Eligibility criteria to support FRM o EP planning o Risk communication  Prioritize maintenance activities based on risk  Align FR terminology and activities

38 9. Prepare for battle  NFIP Reform  Outreach  Educate  Get it on the radar of those who will stand behind you (before they stand w/ someone else)

39 10. Engage  Be informed  Be involved  Make things happen  “You have more power than you realize.” John Anderson

40 That’s All

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