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Presentation on theme: "PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLOGI MIKRO TENTANG FENOMENA KOMUNIKASI Nisa Kurnia I – Sosiologi Komunikasi 2012"— Presentation transcript:


2 Micro approaches focused on person to person interaction. Overview

3  Micro Perspectives  Individu behavior as subject  action, agent, agency  Teori Pilihan Rasional  Teori Pertukaran Perilaku (Homans)  Teori Pertukaran Sosial (Peter Blau)  Teori Dramaturgi Erving Goffman  Teori Uses and Gratification

4 Rational Choice Theory focused on individual behavior that based on rational choice Teori Pilihan Rasional

5  Based on The Wealth of National by Adam Smith  Individual act based on their personal interest  Result in collectives profit  Individual act based on preferences  James S Coleman  actor choose their acts based on maximized the usage for satisfying their needs.  To intervene society = to intervene individual  Based on utilitarianism philosophy  very capitalistic

6 Teori Pilihan Rasional  Rational Act Theory, disadvantages:  Unbalanced information received  Rationality differences between individuals  Not all “action” can be explained  Rejects the existence of soul, instinct, emotional and irrational things  Paying too much attention on the relationship between “micro” and “macro”  Neglecting relationship between the macros  Neglecting dialectics relationship

7 Functionalism preposition explanation about individual behavior Teori Pertukaran Perilaku (Homans)

8  Skinnerian prepositions:  Success preposition  Repetition of the “success”  Stimuli preposition  Repeating advantage stimuli  Value preposition  Higher value tend to repeated  Deprivation-Satiation Preposition  Choosing another value  Bless-Aggression Preposition  Aggressive comes from unsatisfied self

9 Teori Pertukaran Perilaku (Homans)  Basic assumptions of Homan’s Theory:  Based on elementary economic transaction principle Extrinsic and intrinsic profit  Social structure as “exchange” arena  Social exchange manifest on the tangible and intangible  Individual roles on social system determination  Society starts from group of individuals  In group analysis, will find: Internal system External system

10 Based on collectivist structuralism thesis, focused on social property and structure Teori Pertukaran Sosial (Peter Blau)

11  Blau’s Basic Assumption:  Micro social reality can't be generalized  Structure built from individual powerful dynamic process Adapt Perennial and counter adjustment: Dilemma, differentiation, dynamics and dialectical process.  Micro structure built from interactions between individual  Micro group can’t be controlled by social oblige  Understanding how complex organization works  Why people do association? Intrinsic and extrinsic needs

12 Teori Pertukaran Sosial (Peter Blau)  Blau’s Basic Assumption:  Social structure built from individual behavior based on social exchange principles  Social process change from simple to complex  More complex group deliver power relation (neglect the social exchange principles)  Power  how individual coerce their will into another.  Power, will this legitimized or resisted?

13 Teori Pertukaran Sosial (Peter Blau)  Blau’s “The Emergence Principle”  group membership based on convention of values and norms as social transaction media.  4 Values functioned as social transaction media: Specific values as media of social cohession and solidarity Social stratification born from social achievement standard Values as collectives-legitimative function Opposition idea as reorganization and change medium.  So, social complexity with collectives value will survive if...

14 Teori Pertukaran Sosial (Peter Blau)  Power  Power born from individual contribution on collective values  social stratification  Authority rules society  Authorative dilemma; between getting power and legitimacy  Power legitimation determine by social values Is it general of specific?

15 Teori Pertukaran Sosial (Peter Blau)  4 Types of Mediator Values  Specific values function as social cohession and solidarity source  General values as standard for social stratification  Convention values as medium to reach goal  Opposition ideas is mediu to reorganize and change  3 requirement for legitimized social complexity:  Formal organized principles  Socialization to the next generation  Dominant grop must follow the values

16 Individu as actor, try to fullfil audience expectation. Teori Dramaturgi Erving Goffman

17  Actor acts to adapt audience expectation  Focused on “impression management”  Actor technic to built and preserve particular impression on the audience  Based on simbolic interaction by Mead  Individual = Mind + Self  Interaction will happen if actor can adapt to the audience expectation  Identity built from this process  Dramaturgical analogy

18 Teori Dramaturgi Erving Goffman  Social life area according to Goffman:  Front stage  being watched by audience  Back stage  actor built its impression  Front stage = Setting + Front personal  Front personal = Appereance+ Manner  Front personal, following collective representation  Audince also must know the rules of dramatical stage

19 Teori Dramaturgi Erving Goffman  Mystification technicques by actor  By building social space  Self as a result from dramatical influence built from dramatical interaction.

20 People choose media based on their needs and motives to reach gratification Teori Uses and Gratification

21  Talking about what people do with media  Audience actively finding and choosing media to fulfill their needs and wants  Basic motives individual comes from their expectations of gratification  Individual used media for many reason:  Entertainment  Giving information  Selling  Educationing  Self actualitation

22 Teori Uses and Gratification  Expectancy Value Theory  We expect therefor we choose the media  Exposing self to media exposure in order to get the effects of gratification  Media Dependency Theory:  As world in chaos  Fear appeal of the message  People depend culturally on media

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