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Putting Individuals First! Caroline Bairstow Leanne Cretney

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Presentation on theme: "Putting Individuals First! Caroline Bairstow Leanne Cretney"— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting Individuals First! Caroline Bairstow Leanne Cretney

2 Our Vision is of an inclusive society where diversity is celebrated. For us this means every person supported is treated with dignity, respect and has real choices and opportunities in life. Our Mission putting individuals first… Working closely with Parents, guardians and other professionals to enhance peoples lives and experiences. Also developing personalities and skills to equip people for daily living. Vision & Mission

3 We base our services on the preferred lifestyle of each individual

4 Loneliness and Cruelty  Enhanced social networks for people with learning disabilities – friendships and relationships, self-esteem and confidence, person-centred interests  Stronger prevention and support from mainstream services – staff training, encouraging reporting, multi-agency working  Creating civic mindedness and safer public spaces – working with schools, restorative approaches, safer shopping areas and public transport Lemos & Crane 2012

5 Our Approach to Personalised Services EmpowermentEnvironment Support planning Staffing

6 Environment Safety and security Positive risk taking Individualised Understanding and knowledge Skills Building New achievements Choice Control

7 My Life in Focus Self Directed support Information Friends and family Promoting independence Human Rights Choice/ inclusion Wrap 1:1 sessions Hate crime credit card Community access Maintaining relationships Community Mapping

8 Staffing Training Joint working Identify and Act Confidence building Dave Training Support plan training Circle theatre group Local Authority / police Information factsheet Assessment checklist 24/7 two tier on-call

9 Think! I can……. BE ME!..... Positive Outcome Service User Charter! Spend …… time as I like Have my say….. Be more adventurous…… Keep fit and well…… Have my own friends.....

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