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2014-2015 CoAlt: Science & Social Studies Administration Training 12 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015 CoAlt: Science & Social Studies Administration Training 12 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-2015 CoAlt: Science & Social Studies Administration Training 12 th Grade

2  Overview and Purpose  Preparing for Testing  Accommodations  Administration  After Testing Training 2

3 Eligibility What is CoAlt What is different Standardization Overview

4 The Colorado Alternate Assessment (CoAlt) is a standards-based assessment designed specifically for eligible students with significant cognitive disabilities. The primary purpose of the assessment program is to determine the level at which Colorado students with significant cognitive disabilities meet the Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEOs) of the Colorado Academic Standards in the content areas of science and social studies. 12 th Grade CoAlt Science/Social Studies Purpose 4

5  Eligibility is determined by the IEP team  1 st Determine Academic Standard  2 nd Determine Assessment Alternate Standards and Assessment Eligibility Criteria Worksheet Patrick McGinty 720-423-3361

6  Standards-based assessment  Measures students progress towards the Extended Evidence Outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards  Provides a picture of student performance  Indicates individual student progress towards the academic content areas of Science and Social Studies CoAlt: S & SS 6

7  What is different:  The student is presented with three answer options rather than four.  The student will work with the test item until they provide the correct answer or the maximum number of attempts is reached.  The scoring rubric incorporates the level of independence and answer, which will no longer be collected as two separate score points.. CoAlt: S & SS 7

8  CoAlt Test Examiners may not reword prompts, but must follow the script exactly as written.  A cue for the student to engage is included as the additional prompt, and will no longer need to be created by the CoAlt Test Examiner.  CoAlt Test Examiners may mark student scores on the score recording form or in the test book, but final student scores must be entered online via PearsonAccess. CoAlt: S & SS 8

9  CoAlt Assessment Test Book Layout  Item types  Selected Response – 26 Items  Supported Performance Tasks – 4 Items CoAlt: S & SS 9

10 This means…  all students will have the same test content, resources, directions, testing conditions, and rating procedures  one score obtained by one student in a part of Colorado will mean the same as the same score obtained by another student in another part of Colorado  There is flexibility in the assessment within the standardization through the use of CoAlt Accommodations Standardized 10

11 2014 Test Window 11 November 3 – November 21 Grade 12 Science and Social Studies CoAlt Testing Lists are available in School Folders

12 Preparing Students Before Testing Scheduling Environment Security / Chain of Custody Ethics Test Examiner Qualifications Score Monitor Materials Test Examiner Before Testing Preparing for the Assessment

13 Preparing students for the CoAlt 13 Extended Evidence Outcomes Academic Content Standards Curriculum Instruction and Practices Alternate Assessment

14  Administer available sample items from CDE website at  Help students approach testing in a relaxed positive way  Encourage student to put forth their best efforts  Ask the student if they have other needs prior to beginning testing Preparing students for the CoAlt 14

15  Read through Examiner’s Manual  Preparation of Accommodations/Task Manipulatives  Read through Items  Cut out task manipulatives  Individual administration (Only Test Examiner and Student in Testing Environment)  No time limits or restrictions on time  Allow time for breaks Scheduling

16  May be taken at any time  Must complete the item the student started  Return to the next item Breaks 16

17  Space for giving the assessment  Remove or cover reference materials  Adequate lighting  Adequate work space  Distraction free  CoAlt Science and Social Studies is a one-on-one Assessment between the Student and Test Examiner. No one else is allowed in the testing environment unless they have been trained annually  Space for storing accommodations  These are secure materials and must be returned to SAL once testing is complete each day Environment 17

18 The following items must be secured:  Item Protocols  Student Materials  Manipulatives/Option Cards  Accommodated student materials  Score recording form Security 18

19  The SAL is responsible for the distribution and collection of CoAlt: S & SS materials to and from test examiners immediately before testing and after testing on a daily basis.  Test materials must not be stored in classrooms.  CoAlt: S & SS accommodated materials must be returned to the SAL and secured with the other assessment materials.  Only materials for the student being assessed at the time should be distributed. Documented Chain of Custody 19

20  Due to the unique nature of the CoAlt Assessments, Test Examiners will need access to a student’s materials prior to the test administration in order to prepare any necessary accommodations and manipulatives\option cards for the Supported Performance Tasks. Documented Chain of Custody 20

21 It is a breach of professional ethics for school personnel to provide verbal or nonverbal clues or answers, teach items on the test, share writing prompts, coach, hint or in any way influence a student’s performance during the test administration. Ethics 21

22  Test examiner must be a certified educator  Test examiner should be the person who knows the student best  Test examiners must be trained annually  Para professionals may be present but may not administer the assessment and must be trained Anyone in the assessment environment must be trained annually Test Examiner 22

23  Examiner’s Manual  One shrink wrapped packet per student  CoAlt test book  Secure return envelope  Task Manipulatives/Option Cards  Secure Return Form  Score Recording Form  Student Response Form  Test Security Form Materials 23

24  Examiner’s Manual – Page 9 a. Please turn to Page 9 in the Examiner’s Manual for the Sample Test Layout. b. Sample items are available at Items.asp. CoAlt Test Examiners are encouraged to administer the sample item(s) available to students to prepare them for testing. Items.asp SAMPLE TEST LAYOUT 24

25  Write the student’s full name on the cover of the test book  Write the student’s full name, teacher’s name, school name and district name with a black marker on the secure return envelope  Cut apart the option cards for each performance task  Paper clip the cut-apart option cards to the corresponding student response page, then store them in the secure return envelope Test Examiner or SAL Before Testing 25

26  Read through the items and consider the specific needs of the student  Review the EEOs (Extended Evidence Outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards) being assessed  Identify and secure any accommodations keeping the accommodations with the test materials at all times and given to Site Assessment Leader before and after testing each day Test Examiner Before Testing 26

27 Accommodations

28  What does the student need to access the assessment?  What is being measured? Accommodations

29  The student facing pages of test items may need to be adapted.  Size  Color  Contrast levels  Dimension  Assistive technology  Tactile Accommodations 29

30  The student facing pages of test items may need to be adapted.  Size  Color  Contrast levels  Dimension  Assistive technology  Tactile Accommodations 30

31  The student facing pages of test items may need to be adapted.  Size  Color  Contrast levels  Dimension  Assistive technology  Tactile Accommodations 31

32  The student facing pages of test items may need to be adapted.  Size  Color  Contrast levels  Dimension  Assistive technology  Tactile Accommodations 32

33  The student facing pages of test items may need to be adapted.  Size  Color  Contrast levels  Dimension  Assistive technology  Tactile Accommodations 33

34  The student facing pages of test items may need to be adapted.  Size  Color  Contrast levels  Dimension  Assistive technology  Tactile Accommodations 34

35 Accommodations  The picture symbols/ icons provided in the CoAlt assessment should be used, except in the following circumstances:  The student needs to use objects rather than pictures  The student needs pictures of real objects rather than drawings  The student has a personal lexicon with a specific representation for the concept or words in the student answer choices – in this case, all answer choices must be from the student’s personal lexicon

36 Accommodations used during instruction should be the accommodations used during assessment as long as they do not invalidate what is being measured. Remember 36

37 Administration Selected Response 37

38 Selected Response








46 Alternate Prompt

47 Selected Response









56 Notice no repeating of the prompt.

57 57 Activity 1 Find a partner and determine who will be the teacher and who will be the student. Administer Selected Response Released Item

58 Administration Supported Performance Task 58

59 Supported Performance Tasks

60 Positive ConsequencesNegative Consequences Supported Performance Tasks


62 Positive ConsequencesNegative Consequences Supported Performance Tasks


64 Positive ConsequencesNegative Consequences Supported Performance Tasks


66 Positive ConsequencesNegative Consequences Supported Performance Tasks

67 Activity 2 Find a partner and determine who will be the teacher and who will be the student. Administer Supported Performance Task Released Item PearsonAccess Test Administration Video available at: Colorado%2FcoPALPLayout_v2&cid=1205794393634&pagename=co PALPWrapper&resourcecategory=Training

68 Entering Scores Test Examiner Returning Materials Site Assessment Leader Returning Materials Score Reports After testing

69  Enter scores into PearsonAccess  Districts set up user accounts  Karen Lutz – create teacher permissions in PearsonAccess  Pearson emails original username/password  Teachers choose password Scoring

70 1. Log in to PearsonAccess with User ID 2. Click on the Online Score Entry tab 3. Verify Test 4. Click on Enter Scores Scoring

71 5. Verify Current Organization is School Scoring

72 6. Click on name of the student in the box on the side 7. Select test Scoring

73 8. Enter form number 9. Enter accommodations for the student  IEP  Used Scoring

74 10. Enter student answers  Each item needs to have a response Scoring

75 11. Answer Validity Questions  How familiar are you with this student?  Very familiar, somewhat familiar, familiar, somewhat unfamiliar, unfamiliar  How many hours per week does this student spend in instruction on this content area?  = 5 hours, Do not know  Approximately how much of instructional time for this content area is in the general education classroom?  25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, none  This student’s primary receptive communication is:  oral language (spoken or sign), reading, picture communication (including symbol systems), tactile (tactile graphics or braille), other, do not know Scoring

76 11. Answer Validity Questions  This student primary expressive communication is:  oral language (spoken or sign), writing, picture communication (including symbol systems), tactile (tactile graphics or braille), other, do not know  I feel that the student’s responses accurately reflect their understanding of the material.  Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree, do not know  How much time did this student take on the assessment?  [# minutes] (Test Examiner must keep track of start and stop time during test administration in order to accurately answer question) Scoring

77 11. Click Save  Not Started  In Progress  Completed Scoring

78  Test Examiner returns all testing materials to the Site Assessment Leader  Test Examiner returns the following to the Site Assessment Leader in the unsealed secure return envelope.  Task manipulatives  Score recording forms  Security form (One Security Form per Student’s Materials) Test Examiner Returning Materials 78

79  Check materials to ensure all materials for the school have been returned  Security forms  CoAlt secure materials envelope  Ensure all scores are entered into PearsonAccess  All sessions are in Completed status  All enrolled students are accounted for  Group materials:  Secure return envelopes  Used test books  Unused test books  Accommodated materials  Sign the Certification Form  Return materials to DAC SAL Returning Materials 79

80 The same time as CMAS: Science and Social Studies score reports. Summer 2015 Score Reports 80

81 CoAlt Contacts Karen Lutz Assessment, Research and Evaluation 720-423-3020 Patrick McGinty Special Education Department 720-423-3361

82 CoAlt Training Congratulations! You have completed CoAlt Science and Social Studies Training. You will receive the Certificate of Completion, pay for 2 hours and your CoAlt Test Materials during the week of October 27th.

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