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+ From Parent Engagement to Parent Partnership A spectrum of supports to fulfill a range of outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "+ From Parent Engagement to Parent Partnership A spectrum of supports to fulfill a range of outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 + From Parent Engagement to Parent Partnership A spectrum of supports to fulfill a range of outcomes

2 + What are we talking about anyway? Parent Engagement/InvolvementParent PartnershipParent Support/Family SupportParent Leadership Many words, many activities

3 + Leading with results Children Succeed Parent and community resources support programs There is alignment between home and programs Parents are supported in parenting effectively Parents effectively advocate for their child’s needs’

4 + Parent Engagement/ Involvement Definition: Activities to promote parent participation in a program. Theory of change: Children will be more invested and engaged in programs when their parents are participating Parent participation is an important asset for programs Being part of the programmatic environment helps parents to learn new strategies and approaches to parenting Children Succeed Parent and community resources support programs There is alignment between home and programs Parents are supported in parenting effectively

5 + Parent Partnership Definition: A structured relationship where parents and programs share tasks and responsibilities related to child outcomes. Theory of change: Children spend the majority of their life at home. If we want to achieve good outcomes there must be alignment between what is done in programs and what is done in the home. By engaging parents in in-home activities we help them to test and develop new parenting strategies. By partnering with parents to tailor services for children we build off their unique knowledge of their child. Children Succeed Parent and community resources support programs There is alignment between home and programs Parents are supported in parenting effectively Parents can effectively advocate for their child’s needs

6 + Parent Support/Family Support Definition: Services or activities to help parents build effective parenting skills or access supports that will help them in their parenting role. Theory of change: Parenting is a key determinant of child outcomes All parents need support sometimes and some parents are struggling with core parenting issues. It is important for: Parent supports to be universally available To ensure that the parents that are struggling the most don’t fall through the cracks Children Succeed Parents are supported in parenting effectively Parents can effectively advocate for their child’s needs

7 + Parent Leadership Definition: A relationship where parents have decision-making power regarding services and supports for children Theory of change: Parents are extremely invested in outcomes for their children and have important input on effective programs and systems for children and families. By supporting parents as decision-makers and advocates we are both building their parenting capacity and building better child and family serving programs and systems. Children Succeed Parent and community resources support programs There is alignment between home and programs Parents are supported in parenting effectively Parents can effectively advocate for their child’s needs

8 + Moving from a programmatic to a systemic approach TouchTouch Reach Low High Intervention Services Family Support Services Child care, Health services Passive use

9 + A family support system what does it look like? Light touch family support in the settings families are in every day Intensive interventions for those families that need them Support to light touch settings from more intensive family support resources (FRC’s, Home Visiting) Navigation supports to help make connections

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