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By: Jacob G..  After graduating from college, you need to go through seminary school.  The amount of years you spend at seminary school depends on the.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jacob G..  After graduating from college, you need to go through seminary school.  The amount of years you spend at seminary school depends on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jacob G.

2  After graduating from college, you need to go through seminary school.  The amount of years you spend at seminary school depends on the years you spent at college.  For example: If you earn a degree you go through 4 years of seminary school. If you don’t earn a degree you go through 8 years of seminary school (You can’t be married).  After school, you become a deacon, then you will become a priest.

3  It is ordination day. The public is to be invited to the Mass. A group of men are ready to become priests. It is time to start the celebration.

4  The priests gather in front of the Church ready to walk into the ceremony.

5  After the scripture readings, the candidates are called by name. The candidates respond “Present”.

6  The Bishop asks if the candidates have received proper training and have been approved.

7  The bishop says, “Relying on the help of the Lord God and our savior Jesus Christ, we choose these men, our brothers, for the order of Priesthood." The people respond "Thanks be to God“, and they are given a round of applause.

8  Each candidate promises the Bishop that he is willing to serve Christ and his Church as a good priest.

9  Promises to work with the Bishops and Pope.  Promises to preach the Gospel and teach the truths of the faith.  Promises to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Mass and Reconciliation.  Promises to beg God to be merciful to His people by praying for them ‘unceasingly’.  Promises to strive to conform his life to Christ’s way of living more and more each day.

10  Hand in hand with the Bishop, the ordained promises obedience to the Head of the Church and to his own religious superiors.

11  The Bishop kneels and invites all of those there to pray for the candidates. This time of prayer includes the Litany of the Saints.

12  The singing of the Litany of the Saints is a very important and memorable moment in the ordination ritual. The candidates position themselves, lying on the floor before the altar as the prayers of the Litany show God's saving mercy.

13  This part is when the ordinands are officially set apart for the prayer of priestly consecration.

14  Each priest present in turn lays their hands upon the ordinands’ heads.

15  The Bishop prays the prayer of ordination over the men whose have just received the laying on of hands.  The most important paragraph reads: “Almighty Father, grant, we pray, to these servants of yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew deep within them the Spirit of holiness. May they safeguard this office, next in rank to our own [bishop], which they receive from you, O God, and by their manner of life may they be examples of right conduct.”

16  Each newly ordained priest is vested with the Stole and Chasuble.

17  The Bishop anoints the palms of the priests with the Sacred Chrism and says, “The Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, guard and preserve you, that you may sanctify the Christian people and offer sacrifices to God.”

18  The gifts of bread and wine are brought up to the altar.  The priest receives the chalice and paten and is given a blessing.

19  The bishop and the newly ordained priests, continue with the mass, and celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This is technically their first Mass as a priest.

20  The ordained priests assist the bishop to distribute Holy Communion.

21  The priests usually offer a blessing to the Bishop, and to their friends and family that helped them reach this point.

22  Usually on the following day the new priest celebrates a Mass of Thanksgiving, sometimes called his “First Mass”.

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