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 Webpage:   Days available after school for extra help: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

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9  Webpage:  E-mail:  Days available after school for extra help: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in room 3219, or by appointment

10 At the conclusion of this course, students will:  1. Effectively communicate results and conclusions from lab activities using a written laboratory format.  2. Relate content knowledge to real world experiences.  3. Work collaboratively with other students to perform various experimental investigations.  4. Learn how to approach a problem, plan a solution, and execute that solution.

11  Pen or Pencil  2” 3 ring binder  Dividers (not required but HIGHLY recommended!)  Extra Credit Supplies: (Expo Markers, Tissues, AAA Batteries etc.) Make sure your name is on them!!!

12 The grading scale is comprised of a points system. Listed here are the typical values for each kind of assignment that will make up your marking period grade.  Test/Quizzes 25%  Presentations/Products 20%  Classwork/Homework 40%  Unit Test 15% Please note: I reserve the right to add or modify assignments if it will improve the effectiveness of the class.


14  To treat you with respect and care as an individual  To provide you with an orderly classroom environment  To provide the necessary discipline  To be fair and consistent  To correct your work and get feedback to you as soon as possible  To offer extra help as needed  To teach you the required content and skills

15  To treat me with respect and care as an individual  To treat your classmates with respect and care as individuals  To attend class regularly  To be cooperative and not disruptive  To study and work hard  To learn the required content and skills


17 In this class, there are expectations as to how you are to behave. I have set rules that are to be followed in order to maximize the productivity of this classroom. I CANNOT and WILL NOT allow you to do anything that will interfere with the learning of anyone in our class. To ensure that this will be a safe environment conducive to learning, these rules will be followed:

18  1. Be on time.  2. Remain seated until the bell rings.  3. Follow all rules and regulations listed in Woodrow Handbook. This includes cell phone use, attendance, and computer regulations.  4. You must be in proper dress code with your ID badge on every day!

19  5. Everyone in the classroom will show respect to teachers and students. This includes NO talking, laughing, or negative comments when someone is participating in a class discussion, NO vulgar language, and ABSOLUTELY NO talking back.  6. Side conversations are a distraction to me and the class -- it will not be tolerated.  7. Act like the adult that you are, if you think something may not be appropriate then it probably is not!  8. NO FOOD! Beverages are OK but you must be careful to clean up!


21 If you CHOOSE to follow the rules you will earn these consequences.  Limited homework (because we will be able to do more in class)  Verbal praise  Positive phone call home  + And of Course GOLDBERG GOLD 

22 GOLDBERG GOLD  You will receive two pieces of Gold everyday you must leave them on your desk  If your are talking out of turn, misbehaving, or behaving in any way I deem as unacceptable for a positive classroom environment I will silently come pick them up  For exceptional behavior, good collaboration, and being generally awesome you will receive extra pieces of GOLDBERG GOLD  It is your responsibility to keep and store your GOLD

23  Four pieces for a pencil (It is yours to keep)  Five to use the bathroom during WORKTIME  10 pieces for extra credit on a quiz/homework  20 pieces for extra credit on a test

24 If you CHOOSE to break the rules you will earn these consequences. 1st offense – Verbal warning 2nd offense – Verbal warning and you will fill in the referral sheet. Phone Call Home. 3rd offense – Fill in your referral sheet and after school detention (If you do not show up your referral is sent directly to your Assistant Principal) 4th offense – Referral turned into your assistant principal

25 I am here to help you! If you need help, I encourage you to come to see me at anytime, especially after school. If you are unable to attend the designated day for extra help (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) I will do my best to accommodate you at other times. Please… by all means do not wait until the day before a test!

26 You may use the bathroom during class only if it is an emergency and you pay with the appropriate amount of GOLDBERG GOLD. Should you have a health problem that causes you to need to use the restroom often, please notify me. If you need to go to the nurse, you may do so at any time provided that you have a creditable excuse. Locker visitation is prohibited, so make sure you come to class with your needed materials! **Note: If you leave the classroom to use the bathroom DURING CLASS you must leave your cell phone on my desk!

27 All students will be provided with a calculator. Should you hamper with the calculator in any way you will use your calculator privileges and will not be able to use it on any assessment or classwork for the following 2 weeks. Extreme cases will result in loss of calculator privileges for the remainder of the year.

28 Homework will be checked each day and stamped. The stamp signifies that your homework is done, complete, and accurate. Homework must be done the night before, and presented when requested. I will briefly scan your homework for accuracy. If you receive a stamp, you will earn full credit for that homework assignment. Some days you will turn it into the bin, look on the front board for directions always!

29 As noted in the Woodrow Handbook, any form of cheating is a serious offense! Listed here are the consequences:  Level 1 offense – Any assignment, test, or quiz will receive a zero, conference with student, documentation is filed  Level 2 offense – Zero earned, teacher detention, phone call home, conference with student, documentation is filed  Level 3 offense – Zero earned, parent-teacher conference, administrative detention, office referral to AP, documentation is filled on student record, referral to departmental supervisor

30 Late work such as lab reports (NOT including everyday homework) will be accepted, however each day the assignment is late, points will be deducted. Depending on the assignment, up to five points will be deducted each day it is late. This includes weekends! Under no circumstances will e-mailed assignments be accepted.

31 Make up homework policy: Students who were absent when homework is assigned are required to ask for the homework and complete it within two days of the receipt of the homework. If you are absent for a longer period of time, please work out due date with Ms. Goldberg. **Please note: If you do not turn in your completed homework you are not eligible for credit on that homework assignment. Make sure you mark absent on the top of the paper and turn it into the Late Work folder**

32 If you are absent when a test is given, but were present when the test was announced, you will be expected to take the test the next day you are in school – EVEN IF YOU DID NOT OBTAIN A COPY OF THE TEST REVIEW.(eventhough they will all be online!) Please confer with me to find a time to take the test, you may also be asked to take it during class in extreme circumstances. Please note - the test review is a homework grade, you are expected to obtain a copy the day you return to school and hand it in the next day for credit.





37 Thank you, I look forward to a great year together!


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