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Microcomputer & Interfacing Lecture 3
The 8086 Instruction sets BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Introduction to an instruction
Objective Introduction Introduction to an instruction Instruction set of 8086 Addressing mode BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Introduction Programs in microprocessors are stored in successive memory locations for fetching followed by decoding and execution in general. There are in general three levels of programming languages. Machine Language Assembly Language High Level Language BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Introduction Machine Language
These are the binary codes for the instructions you want the microcomputer to execute It is hard or impossible for a programmer to write code in machine language, because it requires memorizing all the instructions in binary form and soon the programming will Become difficult. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Introduction Assembly Language
Uses two, three, or four letter mnemonics to represent each instruction type The letters in an assembly language mnemonic are usually initials or a short form of the English word(s) for the operation performed by the instruction e.g., SUB for subtract , XOR for Exclusive OR ,ROR for rotate Wright , etc Assembly language program has to be translated to machine language so that it can be loaded into memory and run – This is done by the assembler BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Introduction High-Level Languages
These languages use program statements which are even more English-like than those of assembly language e.g. BASIC, C, C++, Java, ... Each high-level statement may represent many machine code instructions An interpreter (compiler) program is used to translate higher-level language statements to machine codes, which can be loaded into memory and executed. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Instructions An instruction will have two major parts
An opcode and an address/operand to store the result after execution or to operate on respectively. Opcode : is the operation code which is decoded by the processor to activate the necessary circuitry for the execution of an instruction. Opcode Address (Operands) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Instructions The 8086 microprocessor have variable length instructions ranging from 8 bit to 48 bits. Note: The first six bit of the opcode will tell you which operations to perform for E.g. Addition , subtraction, division , move,…. The D bit will tell you the direction of data flow i.e. if D=1 data will flow to REG from R/M. similarly if D=0 data will flow to R/M from REG that is shown in the second byte of instruction . The W bit will tell you the data is a word or a byte i.e. if W=1 the data is a word similarly if W=0 the data is a byte. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Note: most instructions involving data manipulations are performed between a register-register, register-memory. The second byte of the instruction will tell you which choice is chosen for the instruction at hand. The mode field will tell you the various way of calculating an address for memory locations when the register-memory choice is taken which we are going to talk about in the next slides. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Instructions For Example lets take the following 16 bit instruction 8BEC. 8BEC= The first six bits will tell us the opcode 100010= MOV The next two bits tell us D=1=> Data will move to REG from R/M W=1=> Data is 16 bit in size on the next byte MOD=11 => data is transferred b/n two registers or R/M is register REG=101 The first register involved is BP R/M=100 The second register involved is SP Hence the assembly equivalence of this machine code will be MOV BP,SP Note: Imagine yourself writing codes in such binary format how many days would it take you to write a simple code? BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Instructions Data transfer instructions Arithmetic instructions
Now that we got a grip of what an instruction look like in 8086 we can generalize the instruction sets (opcode) in to six general group. Data transfer instructions Arithmetic instructions Bit manipulation instructions String manipulation instructions Control transfer instructions Processor control instructions BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Instruction Sets Data transfer instructions Arithmetic instructions
Now that we got a grip of what an instruction look like in 8086 we can generalize the instruction sets (opcode) in to six general group. Data transfer instructions Arithmetic instructions Bit manipulation instructions String manipulation instructions Control transfer instructions Processor control instructions BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Data transfer instructions
Used to transfer data from source operand to destination operand Memory to register e.g. MOV AX, [0005h] (AX←[0005h]) Register to memory e.g. PUSH AL Immediate to memory/register e.g. MOV AH, 09h I/O device to register e.g. IN AX, 4 Register to I/O device e.g. OUT AL, 2 All the store, move, load, exchange, input and output instructions belong to this category MOV , PUSH, POP , XCHG, XLAT, IN, OUT, LEA, PUSHF, POPF,LAHF,…. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Arithmetic Instructions
Perform arithmetic operations Addition e.g. ADD, ADC, INC, AAA, Subtraction e.g. SUB, SBB, DEC, CMP Multiplication e.g. MUL, IMUL Division e.g. DIV, IDIV e.g. ADD AL, 5 (AL←AL+5) MUL BL (AX ←AL*BL) MUL BX (DX:AX ←AX*BX) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Bit Manipulation Instruction
Logical instructions NOT, AND, OR, XOR Shift instructions SHL, SHR, SAL, SAR Rotate instructions ROL, ROR, RCL, RCR e.g. MOV AL, 1Ch (AL←1Ch ( b)) ROR AL, 1 (rotate AL one bit to the right) (AL = b) Byte/Word CF RCL Byte/Word CF RCR BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
String Manipulation Instructions
A string is a series of bytes or a series of words in sequential memory locations. It often consists of ASCII character codes e.g. LODSB – Load byte at DS: [SI] into AL. Update SI STOSW – Store word in AX into ES:[DI]. Update DI CMPSB – Compare bytes: ES:[DI] from DS:[SI] BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Control Transfer Instructions
These instructions are used to tell the processor to start fetching instructions from some new address, rather than continuing in sequence Unconditional transfer instructions e.g. CALL, RET, JMP Conditional transfer instructions e.g. JE, JG, JGE, JL, JLE, JZ Iteration control instructions e.g. LOOP, LOOPE, JCXZ Interrupt instructions e.g. INT, IRET e.g. SUB AX, 32 JZ label … label: MOV BX, 10 AX=AX-32; If(AX==0) { BX=10; } BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Processor Control Instructions
Set/clear flags, control the operation of the processor Flag instructions e.g. STC – set carry flag External hardware synchronization instructions e.g. WAIT - Do nothing until signal on the TEST pin is low No operation instructions e.g. NOP BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Addressing Modes Addressing mode: Describe the types of operands and the way they are accessed for executing an instruction The operand part of an instructions are accessed from a memory location or a register in various mode of addressing. The 8086 microprocessor have the following addressing modes. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Relative Based Indexed
Addressing Modes Immediate Direct Register Register Indirect Indexed Register Relative Based Indexed Relative Based Indexed BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Immediate Addressing Immediate data is a part of instruction, and appears in the form of successive byte(s) e.g. MOV AX, 0005H (AX←0005H) Here, 0005H is the immediate data. The immediate data may be 8-bit or 16-bit in size. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Direct Addressing In the direct addressing mode, a 16-bit memory address (offset) is directly specified in the instruction e.g. MOV AX, [5000H ] (AX←[DS:5000H]) Here, data resides in a memory location in the data segment, whose effective address may be computed using 5000H as the offset address and content of DS as segment address. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Register Addressing In register addressing mode, the data is stored in a register and it is referred using the particular register All the registers, except IP, may be used in this mode e.g. MOV AX, BX (AX←BX) Here, data is transferred from register BX to register AX BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Register Indirect Addressing
Sometimes, the address of the memory location, which contains data or operand, is determined in an indirect way, using the offset registers The offset address of data is in either BX, SI or DI registers. The default segment is either DS or ES. e.g. MOV AX, [BX ] (AX←[DS:BX]) Here, data is present in a memory location in DS whose offset address is in BX. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
e.g. MOV AX, [SI ] (AX←[DS:SI])
Indexed Addressing Offset of the operand is stored in one of the index registers (SI and DI). DS and ES are the default segments for SI and DI respectively This mode is a special case of register indirect addressing mode e.g. MOV AX, [SI ] (AX←[DS:SI]) Here, data is present in a memory location in DS whose offset address is in SI. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Base Indexed Addressing
The effective address of data is formed by adding content of a base register (BX or BP) to the content of an index register (SI or DI) e.g. MOV AX, [BX ][SI] (AX←[DS:BX+SI]) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Relative Base Indexed Addressing
The effective address is formed by adding an 8 or 16-bit displacement with the sum of contents of any one of the base registers (BX or BP) and any one of the index registers (SI or DI), in a default segment e.g. MOV AX, 50H[BX ][SI] (AX←[DS:BX+SI+50]) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Summary of addressing modes
Note : This addressing modes are used for data. There is also an addressing mode for program (Instructions) i.e. when an instruction of type Jump, call, branch are used. You can refer this modes on chapter 3 of Barry B. starting at page 91. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Next Lecture Programming the 8086 Emu8086 BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
Additional Reference Dr Manoj’s handout, chapter 2
The Intel Microprocessors, Barry B. BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
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