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Society of Petroleum Engineers 1 Information Resource Complex & Education to Industry link the success model Shahla Khudiyeva Elshan Rzayev Jabbar Bayramov.

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Presentation on theme: "Society of Petroleum Engineers 1 Information Resource Complex & Education to Industry link the success model Shahla Khudiyeva Elshan Rzayev Jabbar Bayramov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Society of Petroleum Engineers 1 Information Resource Complex & Education to Industry link the success model Shahla Khudiyeva Elshan Rzayev Jabbar Bayramov

2 2 Society of Petroleum EngineersInformation Resource Complex & Outline Introduction Concept Experience Conclusions

3 3 Society of Petroleum EngineersInformation Resource Complex & Higher educational institutions quality educated workforce Industry Academy of Sciences quality young scientists Introduction

4 4 Society of Petroleum EngineersInformation Resource Complex & quality graduates fundamental and World class researches International publications by MSc and PhD students Genius people Who is our Mirzajanzade today? Key Quality Indicators Introduction

5 Society of Petroleum Engineers 5 Information Resource Complex & Industry Education - interactive lectures - lab research - transparent system - real data projects - credit system - up-to-date literature - softwares - recruitment system - trainings - development program - challenging jobs - active mentorship - overseas experience - attractive salary - career opportunities WIN-WIN Summer internships Scholarships Professional societies Seminars and technology days The Concept

6 6 Society of Petroleum EngineersInformation Resource Complex & MIT - World Class Example Over 700 companies sponsor research and joint studies $ 681 million spent in 2012 for research Research results drove the progress in the industry and world-changing advancements! MIT world changing discoveries Achieving the first chemical synthesis of penicillin and vitamin A Developing a new form of wireless power transmission Discovering evidence of water ice and organic material on Mercury Experience

7 7 Society of Petroleum EngineersInformation Resource Complex & Young Talents Program 2007-2013 Logic/Ability tests Very basic English Face-to-face interview 1 st and 2 nd year Multiple disciplines STAGE 1 - selection Weekly lectures Library Presentation skills Fundamental subjects Regular exams STAGE 2 - studies Defining the interest area Research plan Paper reading - access Real Data projects Internships & Conferences STAGE 3 - research Writing the paper Applying for the conferences Presenting at the conference Publishing results Apply for the World Market STAGE 4 - graduation Experience

8 Society of Petroleum Engineers 8 Information Resource Complex & University of Houston Stanford University Texas A&M University Colorado School of Mines University of Texas at Austin University of Wyoming University of Tulsa University of Alaska Fairbanks Imperial College University of Leeds Institute of French Petroleum Delft University Middle East Technical University Curtin University of Technology Norwegian University of Science and Technology Over 47 students were admitted with full funding to 13 top Universities in the World Hundreds of students were affected by the Program and settled with the highly paid job both inside and outside of Azerbaijan The companies that the Young Talents work for around the Globe include: Exxon, City Bank, BP, Shell, Chevron, HESS, OXY, AERA, Statoil, Total, SOCAR, Halliburton, Weatherford, Schlumberger, and Apache First internationally recognized scientific paper was published by the Bachelor Science student form Young Talents Program Experience – Results

9 9 Society of Petroleum EngineersInformation Resource Complex & a In the education-industry system, one element stimulates another. The link between them makes the stimulation efficient. The link works well in the top Universities in the World The LINK Industry has to make efforts to support the higher education through fundng high quality research labs and research studies Industry A consistent program was set up to mimic the “mini” Education-to-Industry Link. The program turned out to be successful proved by the admissions and funding into the top class Universities and research publications Young Talents Program Experiment b c d In order for the link to work, facilitators both from the industry and educational system must be assigned to progress the mutual collaboration Facilitators Control and a very close monitoring from the governmental institutions and specifically the ministry of education must be performed to assure the quality of the LINK Governmental control Talented and highly educated workforce is leaking into the Western countries Risk e f Conclusions

10 10 Society of Petroleum EngineersInformation Resource Complex & Altbach, P, Liz Reisberg and Laura E. Rumbley (2009), Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution, A Report Prepared for the UNESCO 2009 World Conference on Higher Education, Paris, UNESCO. OECD. “Quality and Recognition in Higher Education – the Cross-Border Challenge,” OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, 2004 Price B. (1991). School Industry Links The Consequences of Mining Other Peoples Business. Melbourne ACER. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (2009), International Student Mobility Report: Status Report 2009, June 2009, London, OBHE. UNESCO (2006), Global Education Digest 2006, Paris, OECD. UNESCO (2006b), UNESCO-APQN Toolkit: Regulating the Quality of Cross-Border Education, Bangkok, UNESCO, available at UNESCO (2007), Global Education Digest 2007, Paris, OECD. UNESCO (2009a), Global Education Digest 2009, Paris, OECD. MIT FACTS, MIT and Industry, available at Yang, R (2009), "International Organizations and Asian Higher Education: The case of China", in Basset, R.M and Alma Maldonado-Maldonado (2009), International Organizations and Higher Education Policy: Thinking globally, acting locally ?, New York and London, Routledge. References

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