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Science – the study of the natural world Technology – the development of equipment needed to study the sciences. Science & Technology spur each other.

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Presentation on theme: "Science – the study of the natural world Technology – the development of equipment needed to study the sciences. Science & Technology spur each other."— Presentation transcript:


2 Science – the study of the natural world Technology – the development of equipment needed to study the sciences. Science & Technology spur each other forward

3 Biotechnology or biotech is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products, or "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use"

4 Should we do it? should we manipulate nature? Bio ethics

5 Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas: health care (medical) Gene therapy Immunology Medications Diagnostic Testing Cell & Tissue Cultures

6 Who decides??? Are there boundaries? who decides? How far is too far? Should we develop the technology & not use it? Is it different to manipulate plants and animals than to manipulate humans? Should personal decision be honored ? Bioethics

7 There are three basic kinds of biotechnology tools: working with cells, working with proteins, and working with genes. Working with cells Working with proteins Working with genes

8 Biotechnology  Helps meet human needs  Food, clothing and shelter  Plants and animals are used in manufacturing food, clothing and materials for shelter

9 Biotechnology  Used to make products more useful or desirable  Ex: conversion of milk into cheese or yogurt Also used in maintaining a good environment that promotes our well being. Using scientific processes to get new organisms or new products from organisms.

10 Highly-developed Crop Varieties Enhanced growth Higher yields Drought resistant Cope with less ideal soils/harsher conditions Improved taste, texture, appearance Insect resistant Biotechnology in Agriculture


12 Potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce rice to produce insulin & for vaccines (a future of homegrown, edible vaccines??? – global access, no syringes, no medical waste) Biotechnology in Agriculture

13 Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas: crop production and agriculture Selective breeding Hybridization Pest resistant

14 Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas: non food (industrial) uses of crops – biofuels #1 concern re biomass for fuel?

15 Agricultural View All of the applied science based operations in producing food, fiber, shelter, and related products. Milk production New horticultural and ornamental plants Wildlife, aquaculture, natural resources and environmental management

16 Biotechnology in Animals breeding programs by directing selection of superior animals Biotechnology in Agriculture

17 Animal Biotech  Improve animals or the products they produce  Animals may be used to produce products that promote human health  Increase productivity  Pigs engineered to produce human hemoglobin

18 plant-based, Earth friendly products Biotechnology in Agriculture Finding new uses for foods Oils seed for detergents (cuts down on petro use)

19 Biotechnology in Agriculture

20 plant-based Henna Art Biotechnology in Agriculture

21 Bioremediation and biodegradation engineer and adapt organisms, especially microorganisms, in an effort to find sustainable ways to clean up contaminated environments. Biotechnology in Agriculture

22 Organismic Biotech Help the organism live better or be more productive Goal – improve organisms and the conditions in which they grow Study and use natural genetic variations Cloning is an example of organismic biotech

23 Organismic Biotech Working with complete, intact organisms or their cells Organisms are not genetically changed with artificial means

24 Prenatal diagnostic screening Newborn screening Carrier screening Confirming disease diagnosis Forensic/identity testing; Genetic testing

25 Cloning Process of producing a new organism from cells or tissues of existing organism. 1997 cloned sheep – “Dolly” in Edinburgh Scotland

26 Cloning

27 Molecular Biotech Changing the genetic make-up of an organism Altering the structure and parts of cells Complex! Uses genetic engineering, molecular mapping and similar processes

28 Genetic testing involves the direct examination of the DNA molecule itself.DNA scans a patient's DNA sample for mutated sequences.

29 Genome Mapping Targeting the specific gene associated with the disease or disorder.  Changing the genetic information in a cell Specific trait of one organism may be isolated, cut, and moved into the cell of another organism

30 Gene therapy may be used for treating, or even curing, genetic and acquired diseases like cancer and AIDS by using normal genes to supplement or replace defective genes or to bolster a normal function such as immunity.


32 Biotechnology: Locate & isolate the gene Make changes to the gene Cure the disease

33 Medicine  Some new developments delve into the hereditary material of humans known as gene therapy

34 molecular diagnostic devices Diabetes Test Kit Looks for the molecule glucose in your blood – compares its level to ‘normal’

35 Medicine  Therapeutant - product used to maintain health or prevent disease  Biopharmaceuticals – drug or vaccine developed through biotechnology (Called designer drugs)  Biopharming – production of pharmaceuticals in cultured organisms  Combination of the agriculture and pharmaceutical industries

36 What combination of molecules will change the chemistry of illness?

37 Organ Regeneration Ethical Issues -- What do you think?

38 Pharmacogenomics is the study of how the genetic inheritance of an individual affects his/her body's response to drugs tailor-made medicines Exact drug dosages Better vaccines

39 Environment  Any biotechnological process that may promote a good environment  Organisms developed during the gulf war to “eat” oil  Organism used in gold mining to “eat” contaminants  Problems naturally solved by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi break down contaminant into a form less harmful or not harmful

40 Oil spillCleaned up by Oil eating microbes Environment

41 Septic sludge Sludge eating microbes Deer Island, Boston State of the art sewage treatment Environment

42 What combination of grains & fruits provide nutrition & good taste?

43 Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas: biodegradables

44 Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas: environmental uses. 40% less

45 Plant biotech  Improve plants and the products produced from them  Insect and disease resistance  Engineered to have desired characteristics  Corn plant produced with high levels of the amino acid Lysine

46 Food and Beverages  Use of technology in producing and processing  Some biotech principles have been employed for hundreds of years  Yeast in baking bread

47 Greater Production  Increases yields  bST use in cows to produce more milk  Higher crop yields from drought, disease & insect resistant crops

48 Food and Bev.  Genetically altered crops  rBGH milk

49 Efficiency  Must keep the cost of improving products as low as possible  Biotech results in greater efficiency  Inoculating legume seeds with bacteria that allow the plant to pull nitrogen out of the air and put it into the soil  Saves the producer the cost of applying N fertilizer

50 Efficiency  Results in trees that grow faster and produce wood that is more desirable

51 Health Promoting Foods  Food with unique traits  Some contain therapeutants  Some designed with nutrient enrichment  Consumers want foods to provide needed nutrients and in some cases, enhanced foods  Do not want side effects from those enhanced foods

52 Human Genome Project Nova podcast The Human Genome Teacher’s Domain Bioengineering Body Parts 6 minBioengineering Body Parts


54 Careers in Biotechnology What do bio-techies do? Collect measure & manage samples

55 Careers in Biotechnology What do bio-techies do? Measure samples Manipulate samples Observe Store samples

56 Careers in Biotechnology What do bio-techies do? data collection, storage & computation,

57 Careers in Biotechnology What do bio-techies do? Collaborate Interpret Problem Solve Test models

58 Careers in Biotechnology What do bio-techies do? Generate better solutions Communicate Affect policy

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