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Protista and Fungi 1 Continued…… Heba Al-Tamimi. EukaryaProtistaEuglenozoaAlveolataAmoebozoaStramenopila Phylum Bacillariophyta (diatoms) Phylum Phaeophyta.

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Presentation on theme: "Protista and Fungi 1 Continued…… Heba Al-Tamimi. EukaryaProtistaEuglenozoaAlveolataAmoebozoaStramenopila Phylum Bacillariophyta (diatoms) Phylum Phaeophyta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protista and Fungi 1 Continued…… Heba Al-Tamimi

2 EukaryaProtistaEuglenozoaAlveolataAmoebozoaStramenopila Phylum Bacillariophyta (diatoms) Phylum Phaeophyta (brown alage) Chlorophyta (Green algae) VolvoxSpirogyraFungiPlantAnimal 2

3  Have hairy flagellum  We will study 2 phyla  Phylum Bacillariophyta (diatoms)  Phylum Phaeophyta (brown algae) 3

4 4 diatomaceous earth

5 Phylum Phaeophyta (brown algae)  Plant-like organism called seaweeds and kelps  Have chl a & c and large amount of pigment (fucoxanthin) 5

6  e.x : Fucus MaleantheridiaFemaleoogonia

7  As a higher plant, it has chl a &b and other pigments  We will study 2 examples :  Volvox  Spirogyra 7

8  Complex green algae consist of cells aggregated in colonies  Asexual: forming daughter colonies(gonidia)  Sexual: forming oogonia and antheridia. 8 Daughter colony

9  Spirogyra are filamentous algae having spiral chloroplasts  Sexual: conjugation  asexual :fragmentation 9 conjugation

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11  Fungi are NOT plants  Lack true roots, stems or leaves  Nonphotosynthetic  Most are multicellular, except unicellular yeast  Absorptive heterotrophs (digest food first & then absorb it into their bodies) 11

12  Cell walls are made of chitin (complex polysaccharide)  Grow as microscopic tubes or filaments called hyphae 12

13  The bodies of multicellular fungi are composed of many hyphae tangled together into a thick mass called a mycelium. 13

14  Fungi may be classified based on hyphae segmentation  Aseptate or coenocytic (without septa)  Septate (with septa) 14 NO CROSS WALLS CROSS WALLS

15  Most fungi reproduce both asexually and sexually.  We must know two terms:  Plasmogamy  Karyogamy 15

16  hyphae 2 mating types (+ and -) FUSE( plasmogamy )  hyphae from 2 mating types (+ and -) FUSE( plasmogamy )  Hours, days, or(in some fungi )even centuries may pass between plasmogamy and the next stage in the sexual cycle,karyogamy. 16 + -

17  Fragmentation  Fragmentation – part of the mycelium becomes separated & begins a life of its own  Budding  Budding – a small cell forms from mother cell  Used by yeasts  Asexual spores – production of spores by a single mycelium 17

18  Types of Fruiting Bodies:  Basidia  Sporangia  Ascus 18 Basidia Sporangia

19 Classification & Phylogeny zygosporangia asci basidia 19

20 20 EukaryoteProtistaFungiZygomycotaRhizopusAscomycota Morchella Peziza Penicillium Basidiomycota Mushroom Puccina graminis PlantAnimal

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22 zygospore zygosporangium  Characterized by production of thick – walled spore called zygospore which develops within zygosporangium

23  Sexual conjugation hyphae fuse  Sexual spores are produced by conjugation when (+) hyphae and (-) hyphae fuse ZYGOSPORES  Sexual spores are called ZYGOSPORES

24 24 Zygosporangium (sexual) Sporangium (Asexual)

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26 Sac fungi  Called Sac fungi  Have 2 form :  Unicellular as yeast (Saccharomyces) produced asexually by budding  Multicellular as Penicillium

27 27 PezzizaMorchella  Ascus ascospores  Ascus - sac that contains ascospores in sexual reproduction

28 budding  Yeasts reproduce asexually by budding (buds break off to make more yeast cells)  By means of spores(conidia) produced by conidiophores CONIDIA Saccharomyces Penicillium

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30  Called Club fungi  Basidiocarp cap Basidia  Basidiocarp (fruiting body) is a flattened cap with gills having Basidia  Basidiospores  Basidiospores are found on basidia

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