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Efficacy of biological and synthetic methods of controlling nematodes in tissue cultured banana Zippora Muthoni Mwathi, Msc. Crop Protection A56/65664/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Efficacy of biological and synthetic methods of controlling nematodes in tissue cultured banana Zippora Muthoni Mwathi, Msc. Crop Protection A56/65664/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficacy of biological and synthetic methods of controlling nematodes in tissue cultured banana Zippora Muthoni Mwathi, Msc. Crop Protection A56/65664/2013

2 Introduction cnt’d Plant-parasitic nematodes are very destructive e.g. Root lesion nematodes( Pratylenchus spp.) They cause lesions on roots which can eventually lead to toppling of banana plants. Damage on roots interferes with anchorage,water and nutrient uptake

3 Introduction cnt’d Toppling disease mychorhiza fungi Lesion on roots Damaged corm

4 Control of nematodes in banana Biological controls of plant-parasitic nematodes target different stages of nematode development Fungi nematophagus traps only mobile nematode stages. Mycorrhiza fungi compete with plant-parasitic nematodes for nutrients like phosphorus.

5 Control management cnt’d Pseudomonas spp. kill juveniles and adults by producing lethal hydrogen cyanide. Problem statement R oot lesion nematodes destroy anchor roots and makes plants susceptible to toppling, especially when fruiting or during strong winds Use of biological controls for plant-parasitic nematodes is quite limited at present.

6 Justification Use of biological control will reduce the use of conventional chemicals which are unfriendly to human beings and the environment An effective control of root lesion nematode will reduce the potential losses caused to bananas hence increase profits. Biocontrol agents can be produced enmass and sold at affordable prices to resource- challenged farmers

7 Hypotheses Organic substrates in combination with synthetic compounds can enhance buildup of biological control agents for nematodes namely mycorrhiza, nematophagus fungi and Pseudomonas bacteria and silicon.

8 General objective To identify the best combination of biological control and synthetic compounds for root lesion nematode control in tissue culture bananas. Specific objectives To identify substrates that stimulate multiplication of bio-control agents like nematophagus fungi, mycorrhiza fungi and Pseudomonas bacteria. To determine the efficacy of mycorrhiza fungi, Pseudomonas and nematophagus fungi in suppressing nematodes in banana

9 Specific Objectives To determine the potential of synthetic elements (silicon)in enhancing resistance to nematodes in banana. To determine the efficacy of combined treatments incorporating mycorrhiza, silicon, appropriate substrates and bio-control agents against nematodes in banana

10 Methods and materials Substrates will be inoculated with bio-control agents i.e. nematophagus fungi, mycorrhiza fungi and pseudomonas bacteria. The substrate that boosts the highest level of sporulation will be adopted to enhance bio- control agents multiplication. Different banana plantlets will be inoculated with equal number of spores(10)of the different biocontrol agents. The level of nematode load will be determined.

11 Methods and materials cnt’d Different rates of silicon will be used to treat the T.C bananas and the nematode load determined thereafter. The banana plantlets will be treated with the combination of Synthetic material-Silicon and the bio-control agents. The nematode load in the plantlets will be determined after the treatments. Banana plantlets will be planted in nematodes infested soil and the nematode load determined after 1 month through microscopy.

12 Data analysis will be done. Expected outcome Thesis Establish a method of management of root lesion nematodes using bio control agentsby imparting resistance to bananas.

13 Work plan TimeItem July 2013Proposal and presentationJuly 2013 August 2013Sourcing of substratesSterilization of substrates September 2013 Sourcing for biological control agentsInoculation of substrates with biological control agents Nematodes extraction and multiplication November 2013 Sourcing for tissue cultured bananasDetermination of nematode load in T.C banana plantlets January 2014Bananas inoculation with biological control agents January 2014Determination of nematode load in T.C banana plantlets

14 Work plan cont’d ItemTime Determination of nematode loadFebruary 2014 Treatment with siliconFeb 2014 Determination of nematode loadMarch 2014 Combined treatment of b.c agents and siliconMarch2014 Determination of nematode loadMay 2014 Planting of plantlets in nematode infested soilMay 2014

15 Budget ItemQuantityCost/itemTotal TC bananas3005015000 Mycorrhiza5000 Pseudomonas5000 SubstratesAssorted10000 Trichoderma5000 Petridishes303000 Polybags300500 Silicon3000 Miscellaneous10,000 Total56,000


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