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Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System: The TWEPP14 experience BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco 2 Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco PhD.

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2 Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System: The TWEPP14 experience BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco ( 2 Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco PhD. Student STUDENT MEETING 29/09/2014

3 1.Introduction 1.1 General Info Held in Aix-en-Provence 22-26 September Main topics: Electronics for HEP Readout ASICS Pixel detectors Optical links Beam instrumentation …. 173 Abstracts presented 93 Posters 43 Parallel presentations BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco ( 3

4 1.Introduction 1.2 The Family picture BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco ( 4 Me! A Very young researcher

5 2. The talks 2.1 Highlights of the 46 presented HEP Electronics in France (C.P. Colledani) HEP Electronics in France IN2P3 presentation and Readout ASICS introduction. Colaborations and Structure From Deep Sea to Deep Space with the ANTARES and KM3NeT Undersea Neutrino telescopes (V. Bertin) From Deep Sea to Deep Space with the ANTARES and KM3NeT Undersea Neutrino telescopes ITER, DEMO: On the road to Sustainable Fusion Energy (J.M. Ane) ITER, DEMO: On the road to Sustainable Fusion Energy Very nice presentation about Fusion Energy, history, general concepts and ITER project status. TDCPix: Tracking fot the NA62 GigaTracker (M.Noy) TDCPix: Tracking fot the NA62 GigaTracker Hybrid Pixel detector readout ASIC for the NA62 GigaTracker detector. 1800 pixels 300x300um Transmission with no need of trigger trough continuous data stream with 4x 3.2 Gb/s Serializers The CMS Central Hadron Calorimeter DAQ System Upgrade (A. Whitbeck) The CMS Central Hadron Calorimeter DAQ System Upgrade Plans, status and schedule. QIE10 board presented, front-end overview. Atlas Tile Calorimeter Electronics and Future Upgrades (G.Usai) Atlas Tile Calorimeter Electronics and Future Upgrades Nice overview of the upgrade plans with their 3 different FE options FATALIC / QIE10 / 3in1 First Irradiation Test of the RCU2 (C.Zhao) First Irradiation Test of the RCU2 They are using SmartFussion2 for their board with Serializers, board tested under radiation SEL, SEU,PLL, TID  Functional up to 10’s Krad but reprogramming failed after 2.5Krad PLL stability is a concern, lock loss, SEL shown corrected on next bach of devices (also for Igloo2) Design and performance of dedicated Very Front End for SiPM: From Spiroc to Triroc (L. Raux) Design and performance of dedicated Very Front End for SiPM: From Spiroc to Triroc Omega In2P3 presentation showing their readout asics, some of them where considerer for our system Low noise 4-Channel Front End asic with on-chip DLL for the Upgrade of the LHCb calorimeter (E. Picatoste) Low noise 4-Channel Front End asic with on-chip DLL for the Upgrade of the LHCb calorimeter ICECAL V3 presentation and performance testings: Input impedance ~50 +- 5 ohms // Linearity >> 1% FEAST2: a Production Grade 10W Radiation Tolerant DC/DC Converter (F. Faccio) FEAST2: a Production Grade 10W Radiation Tolerant DC/DC Converter DC/DC Mocule availability and analysis, great speaker! Versatile Transceiver and Transmitter Production for Phase I Upgrades of LHC Experiments (J.Troska) Versatile Transceiver and Transmitter Production for Phase I Upgrades of LHC Experiments BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco ( 5

6 3.The coffee breaks: 3.1And the unofficial research meetings around a beer E. Picatoste & D.Gascon (UB, working on ICECAL) ICECAL V3 under study  Possible availability for us (includes 4 channels, mux & ADC Driver) Developing now test board Andrew Whitbeck (FERMILAB, working with QIE10/11) Confirmation of QIE10p6 & QIE11 release for SIPM (main difference QIE10/11  Pulse polarity) Stephen Groadhouse (U. Virginia, working with T.Grassi on ngCCM) Detailed talk about the ngCCM board routing and pourpose (this is the motherboard of Igloo2 Mezzanine) Jose Carlos Rasteiro Da Silva (CERN, working on the routing of Igloo2 Mezzanine) Discussion about Mezzanine status and routing advices, the board is about to be fabricated Will be on the organization comitee for TWEPP15 on Lisbon. Manoel Barros Martin (CERN, working on GBT-FPGA  soon on BI) He’ll work with the VFC board firmware on Arria X (GBT code similar to Cyclone V) Advices for GBT implementation on Igloo2 for compilation stability Sophie Baron (CERN, working on GBT-FPGA / GBTx …) Suggestions about getting GBTx samples and confirmation of GBTx SAT board development We’ll be on touch for GBTx board development for Igloo2 Substitution. Pedro Miguel Vicente Leitao (CERN, working on GBTx & ePLL) Nice talk about the GBTx E-Links and direct connectivity with FE ASICs BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco ( 6

7 4.Poster Sessions 4.1 Some highlights from the 93 presented The eCDR-PLL IC, a Radiation Tolerant ASIC for Clock and Data Recovery and Deterministic Phase Clock Synthesis (P. Vicente Leitao) The eCDR-PLL IC, a Radiation Tolerant ASIC for Clock and Data Recovery and Deterministic Phase Clock Synthesis CDR for TTC decoders and jitter cleaner in radiation environment (E.g. Igloo2 FPGAs) Clock synthesis for BE & FE applications. High Reliability DC/DC Converter module for Electronic Boards Equipped with FPGAs (W. Vigano) High Reliability DC/DC Converter module for Electronic Boards Equipped with FPGAs DC Converter for VCF board The CMS Hadron Calorimeter Detector Control System Upgrade (O. Sahin) The CMS Hadron Calorimeter Detector Control System Upgrade Replacement VME  uTCA and the use of GLIB board for GBT link (Communication with ngCCM and QIE boards) A New Generation of Charge Integrating ADC (QIE) for the CMS HCAL Upgrade (J. Hirschauer / A. Whitbeck) A New Generation of Charge Integrating ADC (QIE) for the CMS HCAL Upgrade Official presentation of QIE1, and summary of QIE10 performance A software package for the full GBT chipset LifeCycle (S. Feger) A software package for the full GBT chipset LifeCycle Easy configuration of 300 GBTx registers, powerful software for GBT link status visualization. The GBT-SCA, a Radiation Tolerant ASIC for Detector Control and Monitoring Applications in HEP Experiments (A. Caratelli) The GBT-SCA, a Radiation Tolerant ASIC for Detector Control and Monitoring Applications in HEP Experiments Presentation of GBT-SCA for slow control, status and availability (Q1 2015?) CLIC-ACM: Generic Modular Rad-Hard Data Acquisition System Based on CERN GBT Versatile Link (S. Magnoli) CLIC-ACM: Generic Modular Rad-Hard Data Acquisition System Based on CERN GBT Versatile Link System similar to ours, being the GBTx the core of the system. DDL, the ALICE Data Transmission Protocol and its Evolution from 2 to 6 Gb/s (F.Costa) DDL, the ALICE Data Transmission Protocol and its Evolution from 2 to 6 Gb/s Test Bench Development for the Radiation Hard GBTX ASIC (P.Vicente Leitao) Test Bench Development for the Radiation Hard GBTX ASIC GBTx ASIC tested with X-rays up to TID 100MRad and still functional < 10% total jitter increase. SEU data presented as well (no Config Errors observed below 12.9 MeV/mg/cm2). Burst of wrong frames Secondary Particle Acquisition System for the CERN Beam Wire Scanners upgrade (J.L.Sirvent) Secondary Particle Acquisition System for the CERN Beam Wire Scanners upgrade You know well what I do (I hope..) The CMS HCAL FEE Control Module (S. Goadhouse) The CMS HCAL FEE Control Module ngCCM module, architecture, functionality and conectivity with Igloop2 UMd mezzanine board The GBT-FPGA Core: Features and Challenges (M.Barros) The GBT-FPGA Core: Features and Challenges BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco ( 7

8 5. Proceedings Submission 5.1 And my following planes BE-BI-BL Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco ( 8 Next steps: 1. Write 2 nd CERN’s Progress Report 2. Check Igloo2 UMd Mezzanine final schematics & routing. 3. Prepare Slides for BI-Day 26-Oct. 4. Small modifications on QIE10 Board before submission on PCB-Pool 5. Check ICECAL V3 availability and plans for board.


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