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Lithium Flouride Thorium Reactors

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1 Lithium Flouride Thorium Reactors
Matt Lappin

2 Overview Lithium Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) – nuclear reactor with a thorium fuel Discussion of global energy needs Explanation of nuclear reactor science and how conventional nuclear reactors work How the LFTR works and the improvements it has on conventional nuclear reactors

3 Does the world face an energy crisis?
The answer is probably yes

4 Energy Crisis Fossil fuel dependence
We will run out Potentially driving force in climate change Pollution affects humans and wildlife Need to limit our fossil fuel dependence

5 Alternative Energy There are many other sources of power available to us Wind, water, solar, and nuclear to name a few Difficult to harness effectively Water power is only harvested in dams, these bring environmental problems and are only available in certain areas Wind power is geographically limited and takes up valuable land Solar power has not become efficient enough to use on a large scale What about nuclear power?

6 Nuclear power is power generated from the energy released when the nucleus of an atom becomes so large that the atom must split into two smaller atoms

7 Atoms The basic building blocks that make up everyday things
Made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons Protons and neutrons are tightly packed at the center of the atom in the nucleus Electrons “orbit” the nucleus The nucleus and neutrons are important for nuclear power Classify atoms by their number of protons and number of neutrons

8 Atoms The number of protons in an atom determine which element an atom is Each element can have different types of atoms, all with the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons Classify atoms by element and weight An atom of carbon-12 has 6 protons (carbon) and 6 neutrons (12-6=6) Carbon-14 has 6 protons but 8 electrons

9 Splitting Atoms The more protons and neutrons there are in an atom, the more unstable it is. The nucleus gets “crowded” This leads to a property known as radioactivity Radioactive elements emit particles and/or radiation in order to reduce the number of protons and neutrons This is called radioactive decay Alpha decay – a plutonium-240 atom ejects an alpha particle (2 protons and 2 neutrons) from its nucleus to become uranium-236

10 Splitting Atoms Some radioactive elements can be forced to take on additional neutrons When this happens, the nucleus becomes so crowded that it splits, creating two atoms, some neutrons, and a large amount of energy This is called fission Main reaction used to generate nuclear power

11 Chain Reaction Each of the new neutrons can hit another over-crowded nucleus and cause the release of three more neutrons This is how the atomic bomb was able to release so much energy when it detonated. In a nuclear power plant this would be really bad Other materials are used to catch some of these neutrons

12 Nuclear Power Plants At a power plant, the fission reaction of uranium-235 proceeds in a controlled fashion The energy released by the reactions is converted from heat energy to electrical energy with a water-steam-turbine system

13 Drawbacks Nuclear waste – products of fission are often more radioactive, this is harmful to humans Meltdowns – reaction rate and temperature must be heavily controlled or radioactive material can escape Nuclear proliferation – enriched uranium (ready to be used in a reactor) is also used to make bombs, and can get into the wrong hands Mined uranium(-238) must be enriched before it can be used as fuel, adds cost Note: More lives per unit of energy produced have been lost to fossil fuel and hydropower pollution and accidents

14 Avoiding Nuclear Disaster
Mitigation of these drawbacks is necessary for nuclear power to become a successful source of power A potential solution was discovered at Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennesee in the 1960s Called the “Molten Salt Reactor Experiment” Precursor to the Lithium Fluouride Thorium Reactor (LFTR)

15 LFTRs, How Do They Work? LFTRs use the same type of reaction, fission, as a conventional nuclear reactor does Breeder reactor – a reactor with a little bit of fuel ready to fission, and mostly fuel that cannot undergo fission In a breeder the initially fissionable fuel reacts to produce a neutron that converts some of the non-fissionable fuel into fissionable fuel Newly converted fuel can now undergo fission to release energy and convert more material into fissionable fuel Even with this extra step the reaction is self-sustaining and once started will proceed naturally

16 LFTR Breeder Reaction

17 LFTR Breeder Design

18 Fuel LFTRs use a small amount of uranium-233 as an “ignition” fuel
Naturally mined thorium-232 serves as the rest of the fuel. Thorium-232 can be converted into uranium-233 in the reactor Why this fuel is better: Thorium-232 comes straight out of the Earth (no enrichment) Thorium-232 is 3 times as abundant on Earth than uranium is The fission products of uranium-233 are less radioactive than that of uranium-235 (83% shorter half life) Proliferation risk is reduced – most of the fuel used in the LFTR is not weapons grade nuclear material

19 Reactor State Why this state is preferable:
LFTRs keep their fuel in a molten state – this is the lithium fluoride part Lithium fluoride is a salt with a high melting temperature (845 degrees C) The thorium and small amount of uranium are dissolved in the molten salts, which serve to absorb the heat from the nuclear reaction to stay molten Why this state is preferable: No meltdown – the salt is highly capable of absorbing the excess heat from the reaction without a dramatic change in behavior Lower pressure – if a leak were to occur the LFTR is a relatively low pressure reactor and an explosion would not happen As the salt gets hotter the thorium reactions automatically slow down, releasing less heat and allowing the salt to cool down a bit In the event of runaway overheating, a plug at the bottom of the reactor melts and freezes the reaction an underground chamber to be handled when safe

20 Reactor State The important design goal – passive safety
Many aspects of this reactor are designed in such away that little human intervention is required in the event of an emergency This minimizes risk and puts as few people as possible at health risk Computer simulation play a large role in the design efforts That technology was not available for the design of any of the failed reactors that history has seen

21 Energy Conversion The LFTR is a much more energy efficient reactor than the conventional nuclear reactor The molten salts that are used to transfer the heat energy out of the reactor have a much high heat transfer efficiency than water The specific heat exchange method used in a LFTR can use carbon dioxide to drive the turbine instead of water and steam These two factors result in a 30% increase in efficiency over conventional fission reactors

22 Cost Efficiency These three factors not only result in a safer and more energy efficient reactor, but a cheaper one as well The fuel is more abundant and requires less pre-processing More efficient fuel means a reduction in fuel costs Less safeguards are required due to inherent safety in the system LFTR requires less special machinery than conventional fission reactor

23 So why aren’t LFTRs everywhere?
Technology hasn’t been seriously explored since shortly after its discovery (until very recently) Public opinion of nuclear energy is skewed negatively by a lack of information France, with a greater percentage of nuclear power than the US and a cleaner nuclear track record, has a worse opinion of nuclear energy than the US Developing a business model for LFTRs is difficult – conventional reactor vendors sell fuel at a profit. LFTR fuel is so abundant and requires little pre-processing anyone could mine it and sell it This means the reactor vendor’s business model cannot rely on just selling fuel

24 LFTRs could be on the way!
Groups all around the world are pursuing this technology FUJI MSR being developed to produce energy at a cost of about 3 cents/kWh Former NASA scientist and Chief Nuclear Engineer at Teledyne Brown Engineering is attempting to win a military contract to develop a LFTR that could power a military mbase Similar efforts being made in Australia and China Bill Gates spoke out in favor of these types of reactors in 2012 in a WSJ interview

25 New Energy is Necessary
Fossil fuels will only last so long! LFTR technology, or something even safer that could be discovered as a result of building and studying LFTRs, needs to be developed before fossil fuels are gone

26 Thank You

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